Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2540 2544 [Gin was scolded]

Although he was very desperate, Vodka's desire to survive was also very tenacious.

...And this was not the first time that I fell into Uzo's trap. I felt like I was used to it as I stepped on it. After Vodka was filled with grief and anger, he took a deep breath and quickly thought about the next way out.

——First of all, you must not park your car. According to the police, the bomb would explode immediately.

Secondly, as a last resort, you can try jumping out of the car, but this method also has its drawbacks - with so many police chasing him, as long as he dares to jump, he will immediately fall into the hands of the police and his identity will be locked. In that case, his sneaky car rental behavior... was too suspicious.

In short, it's best to think of a way to get rid of the group of screaming police cars behind you.

Thinking like this, Vodka clenched his fists, filled with confidence in his driving skills - when it comes to drag racing, he is a professional!

Officer Chiba was sitting in the passenger seat of the police car, holding the horn and shouting to the front. Suddenly, the victim car in front stepped on the accelerator and jumped out.

The flying dust raised made Officer Chiba stunned. He couldn't help but mutter to Miwako Sato who was driving: "He...did he think it would explode if he drove slowly? In fact, it doesn't have to be that fast. According to the bomber's instructions As long as the speed is no less than 30 kilometers per hour.”

Miwako Sato rubbed the steering wheel and stared at the speeding car in front of her: "..." I don't know why, but suddenly I felt like I was chasing a fugitive... Having said that, I always felt that this car rental victim was sneaky. He couldn't really be a fugitive.

Thinking about this, she took a deep breath and said to her colleagues in the car: "He won't be able to hear the shouts if he is so far away - sit tight, we will catch up."

Officer Chiba remembered Officer Sato's terrifying speed, his fat face turned pale, and he tightened his seat belt: "Wait, actually we don't need to..."


The motor roared, Miwako Sato stepped on the accelerator and quickly caught up.

A street corner not far away.

Gin finished picking up the lunch he had ordered at the store and was about to return to the car with it. As soon as he left the store, he suddenly felt something. He frowned and looked towards the end of the road.

Almost at the same time, a car turned around.

Gin: "..." This familiar drifting around corners... is the driver driving Vodka?

Shouldn't this guy be seeing a doctor? Why did he suddenly go to such a ghost place and start driving?

He walked to the street suspiciously and stopped behind a tree, intending to act according to the situation. And just as the Lexus passed by, Gin saw the driver's face clearly through the car window.

Gin: "..."

Although he has changed into a look that is not black at all, that iconic indeed vodka.

Before he could express his doubts, the car left without stopping and left like the wind.

The next moment, the noisy noise suddenly became louder. Gin turned his head alertly and saw a police car drifting around the corner at a speed no slower than a Lexus at the intersection where Vodka had just come, and then pursued it like a whirlwind.

A high-speed hurricane swept across the street. While Gin watched the vehicle drive away in silence, he had to raise his hand to hold down his hat that was almost blown away by the wind.

When the air calmed down, he was silent for a moment and silently took out his mobile phone.

"Chianti, Cohen, come out and stand by. I'll send the coordinates to your mobile phones."

"The sniper target this time?"

Gin's calm voice contained murderous intent: "Tentatively, it's vodka."

"Besides..." Gin looked at the other straggler police cars that were slowly passing by, and slowly ground his teeth, "Uzo had better give me a reasonable explanation."

After hanging up the phone, Gin stared at the phone and dialed another number.

In the car, the two gangsters were anxiously waiting for the police's response. Suddenly, a string of bells rang in the silent vehicle.

The gangster wearing a red ski hat turned back irritably: "Whose cell phone!"

"Well..." His accomplice in the blue hat poked him and whispered, "Their mobile phones should be in our hands now."

"...Oh." Little Red Riding Hood glanced at the pocket where the mobile phone was placed, and found that the ringtone was indeed coming from inside, so she frowned and looked away, not wanting to pay attention to it.

However, it was hard to endure until the ringing ended. Not long after, the annoying sound sounded again.

"Whose broken cell phone can ring like that!" Little Red Riding Hood couldn't bear it anymore. He walked over and rummaged through his pockets, quickly grabbed one of the cell phones and pressed the power off button hard.

However, after pressing for a while, the screen did not turn off and the ringing tone continued.

"Fuck!" Little Red Riding Hood was angry and simply pressed the answer button. He picked up the phone and cursed at the annoying dialer on the other side, "Ring, ring, ring, what the hell! - Listen, this is The car and the people in it were all hijacked by me! I’m doing business, so I’ll call you and kill you!”

After saying that, he hung up the phone angrily and pressed the power off button again in disbelief.

This time, the phone was successfully turned off.

"It's a broken phone, but it doesn't have a bad connection." Little Red Riding Hood snorted coldly and threw the phone back into her pocket. Then he continued to look at his watch, waiting for the police to release their boss.

The gangster felt better after venting his emotions.

However, things like mood always seem to be conserved - on the other side of the phone, Gin, who had been scolded for no apparent reason, looked down at his phone, looked at it for a long time, and slowly lit a cigarette.

He took a deep breath, recalled Vodka's usual appearance, and searched the news page.

A minute later, Chianti and Cohen's mobile phones vibrated and received new news.

"Another target?" Chianti carried the bag with the sniper rifle, opened his mobile phone, and read the email he had just received, "Bus robbers... What the hell! We are organizational cadres, not justice police. What does the bus robbery have to do with me!"

Cohen thought for a moment and gave up thinking: "Anyway, let's go first. Gin must have his reasons for doing things."


When the two snipers went to meet as required.

On the other side, Kazami Yuya looked at the information displayed on the laptop screen and enlarged one of the photos.

After a simple processing, he was silent for a while and carefully dialed his boss's phone.

"Kazami?" The other side took a while to answer. Kazami Yuya was not surprised by this delay-according to his impression, according to the schedule, his boss Furuya Rei should be working at a banquet as Amuro Toru at this time.

Banquet venue

Toru Amuro hid in the corner of the corridor, glanced at the target he was tracking recently, and said in a low voice to the other end of the phone: "Didn't I tell you before, don't contact me casually if it's not important."

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