Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2546 2550 [Catch Uzo]

The little blue hat robber thought of something and frowned: "Did the driver of that black car want to save more people?... He was just trying too hard!"

As he said that, he looked out the window and wanted to take out his gun and shoot out the tires of the car.

But he didn't know if it was a coincidence or something. He made many gestures, but he couldn't find an angle to aim at.

"Tsk!" Little Blue Riding Hood became a little impatient. He thought for a moment, turned around, and pointed his gun at the bus driver. "I remember there was a single-lane fork in front of me - turn to that road, then speed up and turn the back Get rid of that guy!"

Even if they couldn't get rid of them, they could still make the audacious driver of the black car unable to walk alongside them and could only follow behind. In this way, the opponent's dodge space becomes smaller, making it easier for them to shoot.

"A single-lane fork in the road?" The bus driver was more familiar with this section of the route than the robbers, and knew that the fork in the road was right in front of him. He hurriedly turned the steering wheel, followed the robber's request, and narrowly turned in.

The black car with good driving skills was driving crookedly for some reason. It couldn't react for a moment and could only turn away from the bus.

The two robbers came to the window and stared at the car behind with vigilance, waiting for it to turn back like candy. However, unexpectedly, the black car did not turn around, but drove away without slowing down.

"...?" Little Red Riding Hood glanced at Little Blue Riding Hood and asked the think tank of the gang, "Why are they leaving?"

Little Blue Riding Hood thought for a moment and felt he understood: "It's just a struggle between conscience and the desire to survive - now it seems that the desire to survive really has the upper hand."

Little Red Riding Hood felt relieved after hearing this: "Humph, I guess they know each other."

The two briefly understood the idea of ​​​​the strange vehicle, quickly recovered their thoughts, and focused on business.

"Hey, you." Little Blue Riding Hood pointed the gun at the bus driver again, "We will take a detour from the front and take Central Avenue."

The bus driver glanced at the familiar muzzle and gradually turned from panic to numbness: "Okay."

When the bus rushed to the predetermined location according to the kidnapper's plan.

Behind the building in the distance

Kazami Yuya was holding a telescope, looking at the two separated cars from a distance, and reported to his superiors with a shocked face.

"Yes, the person who suddenly jumped off the bus just now was indeed the member codenamed 'Ireland'."

Kazami Yuya looked at the changing situation in front of him and had to speak at the speed of a commentator. He revealed to Amuro who was coming:

"When the bus was driving just now, a Lexus suddenly came up next to it and ran parallel to it. Immediately afterwards, Ireland climbed out of the window of the bus and got into the car.

"The two of them cooperated tacitly. That Lexus should have come specifically to pick up his accomplices or subordinates... That was what we originally speculated, but now, the situation seems a little strange."

Kazami Yuya also hesitated: "Ireland seemed to have had a dispute with the driver, which caused the vehicle to be very unstable. The bus took the opportunity to get away from them and drove towards Shirakawa Road. But Ireland and the others actually gave up like that and went all the way to the distance. gone."

All kinds of weird details made Feng Jian Yuya always feel that something was wrong. After thinking about it, he sent the image captured by his colleague with professional equipment to Toru Amuro: "This video captured a bit of the outline of the driver. I always felt that this person looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him before. ”

On the other side of the phone, Toru Amuro looked down at his mailbox.

He played the video, paused exactly on a certain scene, and zoomed in to take a closer look.

After a moment, he said in surprise: "Isn't this vodka?"

In other words, Vodka drove his car to the bus with the bomb and picked up Ireland?

...The alliance between those two people is actually so stable? How dare Vodka stand up to Uzo's threat and run to the center of the stage to fish Ireland out of it? brave. Is this still vodka? Isn’t it really possessed by something else?

Amuro Toru's head was full of questions, and she always felt that something was not quite right.

Suddenly, he felt something as he looked at the car in the video whose speed remained unchanged no matter how it twisted.

"I just checked all the cases that happened in Mikka Town today." Toru Amuro pressed the phone and returned to the news interface. "At the same time that the bus was hijacked, an abandoned water tower in Takaoka Town exploded."

"I checked some internal information and confirmed that the explosion was related to another incident - a fugitive installed a bomb on a vehicle in a car rental lot. He wanted to take revenge on the person who caught him in jail, but a mysterious passenger rented the car by mistake. Got that car.

"After the detonation device is activated, once the vehicle speed falls below 30 kilometers per hour, the bomb will be triggered immediately... Oh, what a coincidence."

When he first saw this news, Toru Amuro was secretly worried about the citizen who accidentally rented a bomb vehicle, but now...

He replayed the video and looked at the strangely moving car, gradually coming to a conclusion.

——It’s unmistakable, that mysterious “unlucky citizen” is definitely Vodka himself.

"Ireland must have sensed the danger in the bus, so he wanted to abandon the bus and flee, but he probably didn't expect that the Vodka bus he fled to was also packed with deadly bombs."

Thinking about Ireland's graceful leap just now, and thinking about his expression after learning the truth, Toru Amuro almost laughed out loud.

However, he was still smiling, but suddenly his eyebrows furrowed slightly and his smile disappeared.

"Even if you use your toes to guess who caused this situation, Uzo is not a puppeteer - he is not controlling soulless toys, but living people.

"Not only living people, but also two living people who are extremely hostile to him and have been sufficiently vigilant against him... How did he do it?"

After a little thought, Amuro Toru immediately found many things worth pondering.

"From Vodka's reaction, he should have known that there was a bomb on his bus. With his personality, he would definitely try his best to survive, so why did his means of survival... approach another bus with a bomb?"

"In addition, although Akai Shuichi was on that bus, would a guy as arrogant as Ireland really be afraid of Akai Shuichi to the extent that he wanted to jump out of the bus immediately to avoid it? - Unless there was some greater danger on the bus for him, he had no confidence to deal with it, so he had to choose to withdraw."

With all the abnormalities in front of him, an answer gradually became clear in Amuro Toru's mind.

"... Uzo. "Amuro Toru said with certainty, "Uzo must be on that bus!"

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