Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2550 2554 [Bourbon's Capture Operation] Request for monthly pass

Chapter 2550 2554 [Bourbon’s arrest] Please vote for me (`)

Seeing that nothing happened to the bus, Toru Amuro was also relieved. He held the telescope and continued to observe the situation below.

Not long after the bus entered the tunnel, Vodka and Ireland's Lexus also got in.

Toru Amuro was about to follow him to take a look, but at this moment, on the section of road below that was supposed to be blocked, a black Porsche 356a suddenly jumped out of the forest path, jumped into the main road, and then plunged into tunnel.

"?" Toru Amuro looked at the iconic black car that flashed by, and then thought of more than one black shadow in the car. His face changed slightly, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

Was he just... relieved?

"I'm coming!"

In the tunnel, next to the rescue vehicle, there is a festive atmosphere like the New Year.

Looking at the approaching Lexus from a distance, the policemen disguised as a rescue team adjusted their expressions and put on the dignified and nervous look they should have during a rescue.

Then they divided their work in an orderly manner, standing next to the newly moved road signs, waving small guidance flags in their hands, and guiding the car containing vodka and Ireland into the truck.

Black Lexus.

Vodka squinted at the truck in front of him, vaguely seeing the rollers and protective net inside.

...It is indeed a feasible rescue plan.

But for some reason, maybe things went too smoothly, he always felt a little uneasy.


Looking at the dazzling warning light on the oil dial, Vodka fell silent: maybe he was uneasy because the car was about to run out of oil - even if the rescue in front of him was Uzo's next trap, step into it and struggle. It's better than being blown up on the spot by a bomb in the car.

Thinking this, he gritted his teeth, pointed at the truck, and drove towards the pedal.

Just as their car was about to enter the truck, there was a gust of wind.

——In the lane next to it, a black car flashed by. The driver in the car frowned and turned his head, glancing this way in confusion.

Vodka was stunned.

"...What did I see?" He was shocked, "Big Brother and Big Brother's car?!"

If I read it correctly, there seemed to be two familiar snipers in the back of the vehicle... How could the eldest brother suddenly bring Chianti and Cohen to a place like this? !

"..." Thinking of the squeaking police car chasing behind his car just now, Vodka felt something and started sweating for the first time today.

Although the driver suddenly became distracted, the Lexus still rushed into the truck under the influence of inertia.

The dual setting of rollers and protective nets has a good effect. After a period of shaking, the wheels rotate on the rollers, while the vehicle body remains relatively stationary.

The policemen looked at each other excitedly and were about to close the door and release anesthesia.

However, at this moment, an anxious voice came from the earphones: "Operation terminated!"


The police officers were startled and suspected that they had heard wrongly. However, the person who spoke obviously knew this group of subordinates quite well - Toru Amuro immediately gritted his teeth and repeated, "The operation is terminated, do not release the anesthetic, and immediately pretend to be a normal rescue team."

"But, this..."

A group of subordinates looked at each other for a moment, but finally obeyed the orders of their superiors and stepped on the brakes in frustration during the arrest operation that was about to close the net.

Kazami Yuya, who was not at the scene, was also stunned. He heard the sound of Amuro Toru gnashing his teeth and wondered: "Mr. Fukitani, what happened?"

Toru Amuro stared at the surveillance picture on the screen, and his whole body seemed to be filled with a dark atmosphere: "...The car that just passed by belonged to Gin."

Kazami Yuya: "?!"

Amuro Toru: "Although the light was dim and I couldn't see clearly, there was obviously more than one person in that car. They were actually prepared... If you had arrested someone just now, I'm afraid you would have faced Gin immediately. "

Although he seems to have an advantage in terms of numbers, but think about the consequences of his group of subordinates confronting Gin head-on without preparation...

Toru Amuro sighed, and the unpleasant scene of a river of blood and a tunnel collapsed by grenades appeared in front of his eyes.

And if you don't take action on the spot, wait until Gin is farther away before arresting him... Not to mention that this will give Ireland and Vodka room to escape and resist. Even if those two guys squat in the car and wait, Gin will pass by. , the police’s plan of “faking an explosion and secretly picking up two cadres” has also been declared bankrupt.

——Unless he catches up with Gin on the spot and successfully catches him too. Otherwise, after the matter is over, Gin will immediately understand that there is something wrong with the truck in the tunnel today, and then guess that what caused the disappearance of Vodka and Ireland was not the explosion caused by Uzo, but a capture conspired by others.

"I really shouldn't have left the banquet hall in a hurry just now." Toru Amuro hung up the call and hammered the tree next to him. "When I heard about the bus and bomb truck, I couldn't help but rushed over immediately. At that time, there was no I thought there was something wrong, but now..."

"If two cadres go missing and are caught, the organization will definitely investigate the matter seriously. In this way, the point at which I left the banquet hall is really a coincidence - Rum has always been somewhat suspicious of me. With his suspicion and cunning …”

The more he thought about it, the more Toru Amuro became secretly frightened: If he pushed things forward and backward, maybe he had already stepped into some insidious trap as early as the moment he heard that Shuichi Akai was on the bus.

… Could it be that Wuzo was suspecting that there was an undercover in the organization, so he deliberately set up today's incident, hoping to use vodka and Ireland as bait to fish out the hidden undercover from the bottom of the water?

"Damn, I almost fell for it." Amuro Toru hammered the innocent tree again. He looked at the two organization cadres who got off the car safely in the surveillance. "If I had known this would happen, I would have just let it go and watched those two guys being blown to death by Wuzo, and then added fuel to the fire as a "colleague of the organization who suffered from Wuzo's persecution"... "

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it.

… However, it was too late to regret it now.

Amuro Toru could only reluctantly put away the frustration in his heart, and then whispered to comfort himself: "It doesn't matter. In the life of adults, setbacks are the norm - at least today, with the help of vodka, I have gained something about Wuzo's true identity.

"In a sense, this may be more important than vodka and Ireland combined. "

He sighed, returned to his car hidden on the other side of the hill, and took a detour to the other side of the tunnel.


When Toru Amuro felt mixed emotions.

In the Porsche in the tunnel, Gin's mood was also a bit complicated.

He took out the cigarette from his mouth and extinguished it, frowning and thinking about the scene that just flashed by: "What are those two guys doing?"


Thanks to the big guys for the [Monthly Ticket] (σ≧▽≦)σ.

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