Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2557 2561 [Put the sniper rifle away! ] Ask for monthly votes oo

Chapter 2557 2561 [Put the sniper rifle away! ] Please vote for me o(〃▽〃)o

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and put Huiyuan Ai on the ground: "You go find the doctor, they should be on the other side of the bus."

Huiyuan Ai subconsciously grabbed his sleeve: "What about you?"

Jiang Xia sighed: "I have to say hello to my colleagues."

When Huiyuan Ai heard the word "colleagues", she shuddered silently and suddenly let go of her hand.

On the contrary, she was not frightened by the overly strong organizational atmosphere today, but for Jiang Xia, her existence itself was dangerous - if Jiang Xia really wanted to meet her colleagues, then the farther she hid, the safer Jiang Xia would be.

Thinking of this, Huiyuan Ai wrapped her hood tightly, muttered "Be careful", and then trotted to the other side of the bus.


A few meters away.

Vodka hid behind the commercial vehicle, pricked up his ears and tried to listen to the movement on the other side of the vehicle.

At this moment, someone patted his shoulder from behind: "What are you looking for?"

"?!" Vodka was shocked and almost drew his gun. Fortunately, he didn't dare to carry a gun recently, so he didn't lose his composure in front of the police.

He turned around with lingering fear, and as expected, he saw a face that made his heart beat faster.

After looking at Jiang Xia for a moment, Vodka didn't dare to ignore the other party's question. He took a deep breath and answered coldly: "Looking for Ireland."

-This way, he could perfunctorily deal with the problem, and secondly, he could remind Wu Zuo that there were more cadres on the scene than just Vodka. If there was something, he could actually look for Ireland.

Unfortunately, Wu Zuo didn't lose his interest in him. Vodka heard him ask: "Did you see the explosion just now?"

Vodka nodded, feeling deeply regretful: "..." Why didn't you blow you up to death?

"Compared to the current situation, you seem to be looking forward to some other developments." Wu Zuo looked at him, "For example, nail the window shut so that I can't get out of the car?"

"?!" Vodka was sweating profusely: How did you know this again! Could it be that he can really read minds? Big brother! Let's pack him up and send him to the laboratory. This kid must not stay any longer!

The colleague opposite did not seem to feel his malice, but was in a good mood. Jiang Xia raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Anyway, you have worked hard today, but..."

A large number of police cars finally arrived at the scene late with the sound of sirens, and surrounded the surrounding area.

Jiang Xia looked at the police who jumped out of the car and whispered to Vodka: "How long will it take for you to remember that the police are not enemies, but our friends? - Find the police when you have something to do. This is the responsibility and obligation of a Tokyo citizen."

Vodka: "..." Bah! What enemies and friends, they are obviously your puppets, do you think I'm stupid? If I really learn to trust the police, then I am afraid I will be silenced soon...

Just thinking about it, he suddenly heard a series of hurried footsteps approaching this side.

Vodka turned his head alertly and met a pair of sharp eyes - Sato Miwako was walking towards him, asking: "Are you Mr. Yamai who rented the bomb vehicle by mistake? May I ask why you..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt that this person looked familiar.

After taking a closer look, Sato Miwako recognized him and could not hide her surprise: "Mr. Yamada?!"

-The guy who was sneaky, mysterious, registered a false name, address and contact information when renting a car, and hid surveillance methods better than many criminals...was not the wanted criminal she imagined, but the detective assistant who followed Jiang Xia and helped them solve several cases? ?


Sato Miwako fell into silence for a short time, as if thinking.

After a moment, the thinking ended, and the sharp female police officer looked at Vodka with suspicion.

At this time, several other police officers also came to their side, and they were vaguely surrounding Vodka.

——After receiving the news about the explosion vehicle, their team immediately drove over. In the car, Officer Sato told them in advance: the victim's whereabouts were sneaky and his identity might be problematic.

So they followed the instructions of their superiors and quietly surrounded the victim of the bomb vehicle after confirming the location.

Vodka was an organization cadre after all, and he immediately noticed the intentions of the police officers.

He looked at the densely packed police cars and large groups of police officers around him, and thought of the snipers from high above just now, and a cold sweat silently slid down his forehead.

——Although there was no evidence, his intuition told him that if he said anything wrong next, then in the next second, a bullet might fly from a distance and pierce his head.

"I knew that nothing good would come of being associated with this guy." Vodka cried out in anger in his heart, but reason told him that now was not the time to curse Uzoza's straw man - the most urgent thing was not to be taken away by the police and to walk out of this malicious trap alive!

Human potential is indeed unlimited. After living for so many years, Vodka heard his brain speed for the first time.

He took a deep breath, faced the suspicious gaze of the police, and spoke sincerely: "In fact, influenced by my idol Mr. Jiang Xia, I have always wanted to be a great detective, so I have been carefully observing the clues in life and working hard to solve the case."

Vodka looked at Officer Sato and said, "Do you remember the assassination that happened not long ago? Someone wanted to kill Detective Mori, but because of the wrong photo, the killer accidentally attacked Mr. Edward."

It was not long ago that this happened, so Officer Sato certainly remembered it and nodded.

Next to him, Kogoro Mori, who was helping the police with the search, also came over. Hearing his name, he scratched his head in confusion: "What's wrong? Is this incident also related to that incident?"

"That's right! You are so smart, that's it!" Vodka said firmly, "It was with that incident that I found that the murderer who wanted to murder you did not stop his dark hands - he seemed to want to tamper with your vehicle."

Mouri Kogoro: "!"

Vodka: "But this is just a guess after all, there is no evidence at all. I am worried that my reasoning will be wrong and embarrass Mr. Jiang Xia, so I didn't tell the reasoning on the spot, but rented the car myself, wanting to check what traps are on the car to verify my speculation."

After hearing this, Officer Sato nodded and understood: Jiang Xia never made mistakes in reasoning. Since Mr. Yamada regards him as an idol, it is normal for him to try his best to avoid mistakes.

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Yamada's strange behavior when renting a car seems to be explainable.

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