Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2559 2563 [End]

A high school detective falls silent.

A few seconds later, Conan wiped his face vigorously and murmured to himself: "My understanding of this organization is still too shallow. It seems now that I know nothing about their lower limit...

Sure enough, the police were also deceived by this shameless lie and were misled.

Sato Miwako sighed with emotion: One or two people are so willing to sacrifice their lives and are very keen. Jiang Xia recognizes that they are indeed good people.

far away.

Gin and the two snipers, who had already changed positions once, watched this scene from a distance. Although they could not hear the sound, judging from the police's reaction, they could feel that the two colleagues seemed to have succeeded in their quibble.

Gin snorted coldly and felt that it was not a surprise: "Uzo is quite measured and will not really let the people of the organization fall into the hands of the police alive."

Cohen: "...?" Proper?

He looked at the mottled tunnel exit in the distance and thought about what kind of life Bodega and Ireland spent a day in. He silently shrank into the shadow behind the tree: "..." It's better to be a sniper. Just stare from a distance and don't have to come forward to get involved with something.

However, leaving aside vodka, Ireland seems to have taken the initiative to find it?

A sniper touched his chin and cast an admiring and sympathetic look at the colleague who was delivering a justice speech in front of the police.

Next to her, Chianti didn't feel anything was wrong. Compared to Uzo, she was already focused on her work at the moment.

"Tsk." Chianti rubbed the handle of the gun regretfully and looked at his two colleagues in the police in the distance, "You really don't need to silence yourself?"

Gin snorted coldly: "When I beat Akai Shuichi just now, I didn't see you so enthusiastic."

"..." Chianti choked: "That guy is too cunning, look at where he is standing! - He has also been a sniper in the organization before, and he must know our way through everything. Chu. Can you blame me? It’s obviously Akai Shuichi’s fault!”

Gin frowned and looked at the dense branches and leaves in the distant mountain forest: Although the Chianti guy is a little less capable, one thing he said is right - Akai Shuichi and the others are very clear about their methods. Once the best opportunity is missed, they will be killed. That guy is out of sight...

He listened to the sirens in the distance, looked at the police and fire vehicles arriving one after another, crushed the cigarette butts with his teeth, and finally gritted his teeth and said the word: "Retreat."

The black vehicle drove through the forest and quickly disappeared.

Shortly after it left, a group of police officers wearing police uniforms but with slightly different demeanor from ordinary criminal policemen slowly surrounded the place with guns.

They surrounded the center in three directions, and then suddenly met their colleagues' eyes - there was no one here.

"Mr. Kazami, I'm sorry, we're late." The leader whispered into the earphone, "Those hidden snipers have left."

Feng Jian Yuya sighed regretfully, but he was not surprised in his heart: "..." I'm used to it, I'm used to it. His actions had never gone smoothly when it came to matters related to Uzo.

Now there is just another minor setback on top of all the setbacks. A certain police officer said with a good attitude: "Keep looking around. If you don't find anything, withdraw. Be careful not to expose your real department."

After hanging up the communication, Feng Jian Yuya lowered his head and looked at the screen.

"I remember Mr. Furutani said that members of that organization always walk in darkness and pay great attention to secrecy and low-key... uh, secrecy and low-key?"

Looking at the police, fire fighters, doctors, reporters arriving one after another on the screen... he fell silent for a moment.

A chaotic scene.

The reporters who came after hearing the news were busy and excited: there were so many hot spots that they didn’t know which one to ask first. So when they suddenly saw a familiar face here, they were overjoyed and flocked to Jiang Xia’s side as a habit. .

However, the humble high school detective pointed elsewhere: "You guys have found the wrong person. I can't contribute much to this matter today. The protagonists are those two brave gentlemen."

The tip of Vodka's ears twitched and his scalp was numb. He changed from his previous chattering and got into the police car in front of him. Compared with going to the police to take notes, having his true face photographed by a large group of reporters and then published in the newspaper was more harmful to the organization. It is obviously more deadly for cadres.

Next door, Ireland clearly feels the same way. He looked back at the reporters who were running towards him like a swarm of zombies, pushed the vodka he had just gotten into the car into, and squeezed in to make room.

Then he looked at the policeman in front of him: "Drive!"

The young police officer who was arranging his hair and thinking about how he would appear on camera later was stunned: "Huh?"

Ireland's tone was urgent: "I don't do good things to gain fame. Being interviewed goes against my beliefs, and I have other things to do in a while - anyway, drive quickly!"

The policeman was shocked when he heard this. He put down the hand that was fixing his hair and stepped on the accelerator with some shame: "You are right, doing good deeds is not just for fame. I should learn more from you."

Vodka: "..." This feeling of being worshiped by the police is really... suffocating.

Soon, the police car took the two strong men to the police station.

The reporters lost their target and lamented for a moment. Then, with a flash of inspiration, they turned to the rescue team next to them.

——If these clever rescue teams hadn't come up with an ingenious rescue method, the two martyrs might have died heroically.

A group of police officers disguised as a rescue team packed up their tools and were about to leave quietly. Suddenly, there was a row of figures next to him.

They looked up cautiously, and were immediately enveloped by a large area of ​​flashbulbs.

"Excuse me, how did you come up with such a wonderful rescue method?"

"Excuse me, how long have you been in the rescue industry?"

"Can you tell me what motivated you to start the rescue? What successful cases have you had?"

The public security officers who also need to be low-key: "..."

In the distance.

Amuro Toru, who set out a little late, failed to catch up with Akai Shuichi. Soon, there was new news from Kazami Yuya - his colleagues who brought enough equipment to block the sniper failed to block anything.

These two pieces of news were enough to make him furious, and what was worse was that as soon as he returned to the vicinity, he saw the scene of the "rescue team" being surrounded by reporters.

Obviously, he was not the only one in a bad mood. The subordinates were also in the same mood - the carefully prepared arrest plan failed, and they were forced to rescue two lawless lunatics. They were photographed by reporters when they were about to retreat, and the questions of this group of reporters kept reminding them that they had just rescued Vodka and Ireland.

But understanding is understanding, and what needs to be done must be done.

Amuro Toru looked at the stiff expressions of his subordinates, picked up the communicator, and whispered: "Smile a little more! I will have someone deal with the photos later. What you need to do now is not to reveal any flaws in front of the reporters."

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