Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 240 Is this the time to hang up?

Sawaki felt that he had a way to survive - hold on for now, and when the police detectives find out that he has not floated, they will definitely come down to look for him. When the time comes, ask those people to help, and he will probably be saved. After all, his leg was just stuck, not crushed.

As for this portable oxygen bottle, it was said to be picked up in the car. Perhaps it was prepared for him by the murderer "Murakami". Although there are many loopholes in this excuse, at this time when life is at stake, who can bother to make up a foolproof excuse.

Sawaki's head is on top of the restaurant.

In order to create a broader environment, the ceiling of the underwater restaurant is designed to be convex upward, so that seawater cannot enter here.

There happens to be some decorative designs on the ceiling. Now, this kind of thing is just convenient for people floating up from the sea.

A group of people each grabbed the bulge on the ceiling and floated in the water, looking back in confusion at the sudden explosion just now.

No one expected that a cold-weapon attacker who had been shooting people with a low-lethal crossbow would suddenly blow up an entire building.

However, these people who are thinking about "What happened just now?" "Is Mr. Murakami crazy?" do not include Mao Lilan.

She grasped the top edge with one hand to hold her body in place. The other hand grabbed Jiang Xia and was trying to artificially awaken her classmates with words full of vitality and hope.

Just now, Jiang Xia finished driving the mermaid vest under the water and temporarily dismissed the mermaid puppets.

It's all water, not a good environment to light ghost mint and replenish murderous aura.

Fortunately, Jiang Xia did not expend too much murderous energy when exerting influence on Ferrari.

——Interfering with the flow of water is not strictly a mermaid's skill. It is more like some kind of talent of hers. Just like people are born with the ability to howl, mermaids seem to be born with an understanding of how to subtly influence the flow of water. , as long as you add a little murderous boost, they will become a great boost.

Just now, Jiang Xia relied on the mermaid to help, and barely interfered with Ferrari, who was swept by the current.

Regarding this matter, strictly speaking, even if Sawaki Kohei drowned at the bottom of the water later, it cannot be regarded as Jiang Xia's subjective murder.

——Jiang Xia was just unlucky. When he was condensing the puppet, he happened to encounter a Ferrari that crashed into him. In order to protect himself, he hurriedly changed the direction of the sports car.

Moreover, the more important reason why the Ferrari ran over Taeki Sawaki than a little bit of water was that the rolling water pushed the car.

The reason why a large amount of sea water can flow into the restaurant is because Sawaki planted the bomb himself and pressed the detonation button...

In short, rounding off, it can only be considered that he committed suicide.

Of course, if you want to help Sawaki achieve this kind of achievement perfectly, you need to give him a little help.

After Jiang Xia got rid of the mermaid's puppet, he started to gather another puppet.

Emergency lighting is installed in the underwater restaurant.

The explosion just now blew out the power supply, and in this case, the emergency lights came on.

But when the bomb caused huge damage to the building, it also blew out most of the emergency lights, which made one side of the restaurant very dark.

Jiang Xia let Wutian Dog's soul float to the gloomy corner on that side. Then the puppet clay also gathered there, silently condensing into a human shape.

Although this explosion was earth-shattering, people in this world have special physiques, and water pressure seems to have unique rules.

In short, after two minutes, except for the unlucky guy whose leg was pinned down by the Ferrari, everyone else floated up to the roof without any injuries, emerged from the water, grabbed something on the ceiling, and held on for the time being.

Even Nishina Minoru, who was afraid of water, was pulled up by Mouri Kogoro.

Although the Mumu Police Department lacks professional capabilities, it has a strong sense of responsibility. He wiped some water on his face and immediately began to order people anxiously.

After counting around, I found that one was missing.

Megure Police Department frowned and said: "Where is Mr. Sawaki? Have you seen him?!"

Jiang Xia kept the foggy dog ​​puppet he made just now, and his consciousness returned to his original body and opened his eyes.

His eyes moved slightly, looking ahead, and his eyes gradually settled on one place.

Mao Lilan was closest to Jiang Xia, so she was the first to notice that Jiang Xia had recovered from that kind of hang-up... ah, no, from that kind of stress state.

She looked at Jiang Xia with a hint of surprise, then followed his gaze in confusion and looked back.

Directly behind her, directly in front of Jiang Xia, she saw a figure grabbing the chandelier and floating on the water.

The power to the chandelier had long been cut off, and unfortunately even the emergency lights were broken where the man was. His whole body was shrouded in shadow, and all he could tell was that he was a man.

It was difficult to hear the shouts amid the rushing water, so Mao Lilan waved his hand towards the Memu Police Department and pointed to the shadows to remind him that there was someone there.

The Mumu Police Department looked over there and felt relieved - it's good, the number of people is correct, everyone is here.

Mouri Kogoro also shouted to where Sawaki was: "Hey! Are you okay?"

In the closed restaurant, the sound of water was loud, and the sound of small buildings collapsing could be heard from time to time. The noise cut off the communication between the two sides.

However, several people soon saw that "Sawaki Koi" was leaning on something like an upright floating board behind his back. He raised his hand tiredly and waved to everyone - he just said hello and said He didn't make any panicked gestures or any signs of asking for help.

Police, detectives and passersby breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, everyone is alive and miraculously not injured.

In this case, it is time to discuss how to escape: since sea water can flow in, it means that the explosion just now opened a gap from the restaurant to the sea.

With luck, they might be able to swim out of the gap.

Although the Megure Police Department wanted to get Kouki Sawaki to swim to their side to participate, the explosion and waves just now caused a lot of sharp obstacles to float on the water, making it risky to go back and forth. It would be better to wait for them to finish their discussion and then gesture for Sawaki to follow, which would also save some energy.

Since the last time Jiang Xia picked up the mermaid, and since he got the energy core from Kidd before, the abilities of the ghost fetuses have been strengthened a little.

The specific manifestation is that even if Jiang Xia's consciousness is not present, they can control the puppet to a small extent and for a short time and make some actions, and no longer just serve as a template to maintain the puppet's human form.

While a group of people were discussing escape strategies, "Sawaki Koichi" in the shadows - Kiriten Dog in the form of a puppet, lowered his hands like a broken thread, leaned on his wings tiredly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now I am tired, very tired, very tired, and want to go back to the tattoo space to sleep right away.

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