Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 243 The organization shouldn’t mind

While the search and rescue personnel were busy, Conan looked at the sea with some bad premonitions.

——He knew in his heart that Kohei Sawaki was not an ordinary member of the public, but the culprit who caused this serial attack and even the explosion.

So... maybe Sawaki Koichi suddenly realized his conscience, or maybe he had already planned to commit suicide after killing the person he wanted to kill?

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Jiang Xia unconsciously. Here, only Jiang Xia and he had a glimpse of the truth. Perhaps Jiang Xia could share a little of his complicated mood at this time.

In addition, it is best to explain to others immediately that Sawaki Taira may be the murderer.

Otherwise, what if Sawaki Koichi did not take the initiative to sink into the sea, but really had an accident that prevented him from swimming out, and returned to the restaurant to wait for rescue... Then after he is rescued, the murderer may attack violently, hurting the search and rescue team. people, or other people who want to kill - after all, there are many innocent digital people here.

However, after looking at Jiang Xia, Conan's mood became more complicated - Jiang Xia didn't seem to be in the state of solving the case at all. He was sitting on the steps near the seaside, silently looking at the dividing line between the seawater and the steps under his feet, his head lowered and his expression unclear. But judging from this escaping posture that only limited his gaze to a small corner... he was probably still concentrating on being autistic and couldn't hope for the moment.

Could it be...

Conan touched his chin.

Can I just do it myself first?

At this time, Jiang Xia has actually returned to his true body for some time.

——He has to exhale the water before the time limit of the underwater breathing skill expires, otherwise he may choke when the time limit ends.

The murderous aura and shikigami were both handed over to the mermaid for transportation by Jiang Xia.

There is no need to worry about the mermaid stealing it. The ghost fetuses cannot chew or digest the untreated murderous aura.

Therefore, if the mermaid embraces the murderous aura that bursts out from Sawaki Koi, the mermaid can at most take a few bites secretly, which will not reduce the weight of the murderous aura and will not be stained by saliva or other things - after all, ghosts have no secretions, and they will not suffer from inability to eat. When the murderous intention came to an end, she became angry and threw away the murderous intention - she was unwilling to let go.

In short, this is a murderous porter that has passed quarantine.

I don’t know if the mermaid has really practiced the hardness of ordinary murderous aura. It took her a little longer to float up than Jiang Xia expected.

It wasn't until Jiang Xia secretly vomited the water and some time passed that the mermaid emerged from the sea holding a large ball of murderous aura and three shikigami.

She returned to the size of an ordinary ghost fetus, swung her tail and climbed up to the steps in front of Jiang Xia, sitting down on his legs modestly, and then took out her murderous aura and pushed it to him.

Jiang Xia looked down and immediately understood why it took so long for this fish to transport its murderous intent.

——The murderous aura that was originally rolled up randomly has now been rubbed into strands.

Jiang Xia made a visual inspection and found that the weight of each strand was just enough to roll a standard stick of ghost mint, without him having to break it down himself.

The mermaid lined up the murderous auras in a row and counted them one by one. After counting them, she handed them to Jiang Xia cherishingly.

When she counted to the end, she slowly picked up the remaining strand, paused her movement, and raised her head to observe Jiang Xia secretly.

Jiang Xia: "..." Why are you holding me? You can't bite.

But now is not the time to reason with the mermaid - for some reason, Conan is looking at him with complicated emotions.

Jiang Xia didn't move and concentrated on pretending to hang up.

The mermaid looked at him for a long time, and when she saw that her master had no intention of nodding, she suddenly became a little weak.

She reluctantly reached out and tore the murderous aura in her arms into two halves, pushing half to Jiang Xia and hugging the other half again, with a determined and stubborn light flashing in her eyes: no more.

Jiang Xia's eyes moved slightly with murderous intent.

But there was still no reaction of agreement such as "nodding".

The firm light in the mermaid's eyes gradually melted away, as if there were tears in her eyes.

She thought for a while, and slowly exchanged the half of the murderous aura that she had just pushed to Jiang Xia with the one in her arms - she took the smaller one and gave the larger one to Jiang Xia.

When pushing a large part of the murderous aura, the tail of the murderous aura trembled slightly.

Jiang Xia actually doesn't care much about this - anyway, the mermaid can't bite the unprocessed murderous aura, so it can only play with it. When one day you get tired of playing and suddenly want to eat, you still have to come to him to make the murderous spirit into ghost mint. Then you can use it to replace the rations.

——The murderous aura has not diminished, and even the way of staying with him has not changed. At most, it has only changed its position, from the seal space to the hands of the mermaid.

Jiang Xia didn't nod just now, just because Conan, who has a strong sense of presence, has been staring at him.

And now, Jiang Xia discovered that Conan seemed to have made some kind of decision—the child held the anesthesia watch and ran away quickly.

After Kudo-san looked away, Jiang Xia nodded towards the murderous mermaid.

The mermaid immediately jumped up, hugged the murderous spirit and ran away. Although she only got a small half, what she got after a lot of struggle seemed to be particularly sweet - she felt happier than getting a whole stick of murderous energy directly.

the other side.

Maybe out of some instinct. After Conan decided to reveal Sawaki's intentions, he aimed his evil anesthesia watch at the back of Kogoro Mouri's neck, and decided to choose Kogoro Moori, who was also a detective, as his "spokesperson".

——First use an anesthetic needle to make Mouri Kogoro faint, then use a bow-tie voice changer to change into Moori Kogoro's voice, speak out the reasoning, and pretend to be Moori Kogoro reasoning.

Conan did not directly use Jiang Xia's voice because he remembered that Jiang Xia would never reason or even speak when he was in such a deep hang-up state - Mao Lilan knew this very well. If you just borrow Jiang Xia's voice, there will definitely be clues.

As for Mouri Kogoro... well, the uncle rarely reasons about murder cases seriously. No one knows what his state will be like at this time.

Then the excuse of "I was shocked and exhausted after seeing through my old friend's plan, so I had to sit and reason" should be able to fool him. And relatively speaking, Mouri Kogoro's eyes are relatively small, and it won't be too obvious if he closes his eyes...

Jiang Xia listened to the reasoning voice of "Mouri Kogoro" coming from behind. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Sawaki's resistance to him today gave him a strong sense of crisis.

It can be seen that reputation still needs to be brushed, but the speed must be controlled.

...It is too tiring to battle criminals with wits and courage. I hope that this way, they will be less cunning and more brave in the future.

As for the organization, Jiang Xia also thought of an excuse. He remembered that Gin had told him several times not to make the matter too big, especially not to be suspected by the police.

Now, blowing up an entire building in order to get rid of a not-too-important target...maybe barely considered a big deal.

At this time, it should be reasonable for him to leave the center of the case and let the "ignorant detective who thinks he has seen through the first layer" come up with the reasoning.


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