Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2596 2600 [Case closed] Request for monthly pass

Chapter 2596 2600 [Case closed] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

The suspects started fighting again.

The Mumu Police Department stood nearby, silently, holding the pen and writing quickly: A few people who knew the basics of the matter exposed each other's shortcomings, which was much faster than asking them one by one.

For example, now, in less than two minutes, they have mastered two-thirds of the motives.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, Minamizawa Naozen also exerted his strength. He turned to the beautiful female employee: "Don't you always scold the president behind his back and curse him to die soon? If you want to kill the president, you must be the same one. one of them!"

While the three people were arguing, nearby, the police officers from the forensics department completed their busy work.

They checked each other's areas, their expressions changing slightly.

The Mumu Police Department immediately noticed: "What's wrong?"

"This..." the forensic officer hesitated, "there is no poison reaction in other parts of the room, including the bathroom and kitchen."

——This is different from what Jiang Xia just speculated!

The Mumu Police Department was also stunned: "The toxin of cyanide should be difficult to wipe away in a short time..." He thought, "Could it be that the poisoned weapon was hidden on someone's body, so it was not in the room?" turn up?"

With this in mind, he stopped the three people who were still arguing: "Stop, please hand over your belongings for inspection first."

Three people: "Huh?"

Although they were very reluctant, surrounded by police officers, the three of them could only cooperate and start picking their pockets.

The things Minamizawa Naozen had on him were quite satisfactory: watch, wallet, keys, ticket, notepad and a wet handkerchief.

The Mumu Police Department thought of the poison that was suspected to be wiped off, and his eyes fell on the handkerchief: "Why is this handkerchief wet?"

Nanzawa Shangshan was so quarrelsome that he couldn't be bothered to pretend to be an honest person at this time. He rolled his eyes without concealing it: "Have you forgotten, I just came out of the bathroom - I have to wash my hands after going to the bathroom. After washing your hands, wipe them with a handkerchief to prevent them from getting wet."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

He turned to look at the next pile of things, this time belonging to the pretty female employee: in addition to the necessary wallet keys and a wet handkerchief, she also had cigarettes, a lighter, and a watch.

The tall and thin employee at the end also brought the same thing, but...

Police Department Mumu stared at his handkerchief suspiciously: "Why is your handkerchief so wet?"

Tall and thin employee: "I sweat a lot, and I don't like to shake my hands after washing them. I just wipe them with a handkerchief. It's normal for me to get wet."

"Really?" Memu Police Department saw that everyone was suspicious. He waved his hand and said to his subordinates, "Take them all for inspection!"

The melon-eaters in the mahjong parlor opposite had another round of excitement, and in the financial office here, the investigation of those items finally came to fruition.

"Still, the poisonous component cannot be detected?" Police Officer Mumu looked calm, but his forehead and feet began to sweat.

He couldn't hold on at this time. Without hesitating for too long, he turned his head and looked to the other side: "Brother Jiang Xia, you...huh?"

I didn’t see it at a glance. Where is Jiangxia? !

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a click, and the door of the bathroom next to him was pushed open, and Jiang Xia walked out.

Officer Megure: "..." Why did you run to the bathroom too!

"Oh, forget it, anyway, the three suspects have entered the bathroom one by one, no less than Brother Jiang Xia." Mumu Police Department comforted himself in his heart, and quickly continued what he just said, "Their personal belongings No toxic ingredients were detected in the items, this..."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia didn't look surprised: "This is normal, because the place stained with poison has been wiped by the murderer."

"What?!" After the shock, Mumu Police Department felt happy: Listening to these seems like he can finally get off work!

At this time, Jiang Xia asked: "Is there any iodine?"

"I have some in my karate bag." Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment after finishing his answer, "Are you scratched?"

Jiang Xia: "It's needed to solve the case!"

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll go get it right away. It happens to be not far from my home."

After saying that, she walked out of the door and ran away.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to want to continue working the night shift. While waiting for the iodine, he turned to everyone: "The murderer knew that the deceased liked to lick his fingers when counting money, so he tried to make the deceased do something he had to do. It was then that the deceased was exposed to the poison."

"What must be done?" Mouri Kogoro was inspired. He looked at the employee who allegedly forgot his mobile phone with sharp eyes, "No wonder you 'forgot' your mobile phone here! - Just make a call to the mobile phone, The deceased will run to answer the call and touch the poison on the casing. Then you just need to wipe the phone while we are busy, and the matter will be solved smoothly!"

The Mumu Police Department had other ideas and shook his head: "If that's the case, the deceased's hand should be contaminated with poison on a large area. But in fact, the only part of his hand that was contaminated with poison was his thumb - it is difficult to be so precise when poisoning a mobile phone. , I think someone put poison on the computer power supply, such as Mr. Iino who was still operating the computer before leaving get off work. "

The tall and thin man was shocked: "I didn't!"

Jiang Xia nodded in agreement: "Few people would specifically use their thumbs to press the power of the host. The murderer actually poisoned it in another place - a place where the deceased had to rush to and touch the poison with his thumb."

The elementary school student detective who had been busy for a while laughed when he heard this: "You will soon hear the devil's voice that leads the dead to hell."

Police: "..."

The reporters who quietly squeezed in to watch: "..."

Leading to hell?

Devil's voice?

... This child is not even in the second grade of elementary school, but he has already jumped to the second grade of junior high school. This is really... a gift.

Just as they were muttering to themselves, suddenly, there was a sharp and long cry of "Buzz--". The sound passed through the corridor and penetrated everyone's eardrums. It was like the death scream of a banshee, which was horrifying.

The Mumu Police Department was frightened: "What is the sound?!"

Officer Sato rushed over following the sound, and when she saw the scene in front of her clearly, she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's nothing, the kettle in the tea room is boiling!"

Memu Police Department: "Kettle?"

Jiang Xia walked to the kitchen and looked at the stove: there was a special kettle placed there. When the water in the kettle boiled, the steam passed through the special passage, causing an explosion.

This sound is not very pleasant, but it can effectively avoid the danger of forgetting to turn off the fire.

"Safety is safe, but this is too noisy." Police Department Mu Mu was so disturbed by the scream that his scalp was numb. He trotted over and turned on the switch of the stove.

At this moment, he looked at the hand that turned off the fire, and a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he felt that he understood everything.


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