Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2619 2623 [Police Undercover]

Sekiguchi Yoshio thought about it and felt that the bald robber didn't seem like the kind of person who would keep his promise.

But if he calls the police, he is worried that his behavior will be discovered by the robbers lurking in the hospital, which will lead to terrible consequences.

Originally he had resigned himself to his fate, but now, he actually happened to encounter a group of policemen in the toilet! ——The door is closed, and the robbers outside will not know what they said inside.

Thinking of this, Sekiguchi Yoshio's heart started beating wildly. He wiped his hands and took two steps toward the Memu Police Department: "That..."

The Mumu Police Department was startled when they heard this. But he was obviously not sure whether the person who made the sound was calling him, so he didn't go this way and just looked back.

The honest-looking police officer Kamikawa reacted quickly. He came up to him with a smile: "You have something to do with us?"

Sekiguchi Yoshio nodded quickly: "Actually..."

"If you have anything to say, think about it before you say it." Suddenly, a low whisper came, interrupting the truth he was about to say.

"?!" Sekiguchi Yoshio was agitated. He raised his head in disbelief and saw the honest-looking police officer in front of him. He didn't know when he showed an extremely sinister smile.

Officer Kamikawa pressed down the brim of his police hat and said with a low smile: "You don't think you can avoid our surveillance by hiding in the toilet, do you?"

Looking at his terrifying face, Sekiguchi Yoshio trembled all over, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Police Officer Megure and Officer Takagi turned around to look here, but the tall figure of Officer Kamikawa completely blocked the thin Yoshio Sekiguchi. The two of them saw nothing and could only ask in confusion: "What are you talking about?"

Police Officer Kamikawa turned around and smiled naively: "This gentleman is not feeling well and wants to ask if we have any medicine on him."

Memu Police Department scratched his head: "Sorry, we are not doctors, we are police. But fortunately, this is the hospital - Kamikawa, you send him to the doctor and take him for a look."

Police Officer Kamikawa supported the trembling Sekiguchi Yoshio: "Okay, leave it to me."

The other police officers turned around and walked out without thinking much.

"Let's go?" Police Officer Kamikawa pulled Sekiguchi Yoshio, who was paralyzed by fear, and took him out, half dragging him, "hurry up and see a doctor, and remember to do your business after that - if you dare to make a mistake...hehe, you know the consequences. "

Several people walked away in confusion. Once the door closed, the toilet became silent again.

After a long time, the innermost compartment door creaked and slid open a gap. Behind the door, the extremely complicated expression of "Mr. Yamada" was revealed.

I just wanted to check the ventilation pipe in the bathroom, but I accidentally heard too much vodka: "..."

...Although he always whispered in his heart that the Tokyo police were all Uzo's lackeys, but come there are real lackeys sneaking in! !

"Speaking of which, the policeman who colluded with the robbers outside just now seems to be the policeman sent by Megure to protect me yesterday?"

Thinking of this incident, Vodka suddenly broke into a cold sweat on his forehead. Recalling his "police are so useful" mentality at that time, his face turned pale, and he felt that he was going through hell.

"Fortunately, I didn't dare to refuse Wu Zuo yesterday and didn't force him to stay in the hospital. Otherwise, when I was alone with the policeman, maybe I would have..."

There were 100 ways to be stabbed in the back in his mind, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists: "Just now I actually thought that if there was trouble in the hospital, I should run to the police... Damn it, I almost fell into that guy's trap again. In a trap! - If the hospital is really in chaos, if I run towards that fake policeman, I might just be shot with a sneer. "

"Colleagues cannot be trusted, the police cannot be trusted, and passers-by cannot be trusted..." For a moment, the organization cadres were at a loss. "If I want to live in peace and stability, can I really only rely on myself?"

He was decadent for a moment, then went out and flushed his face with cold water to calm down.

"No, there's nothing to despair about. It's just that we're missing a safe island that's not safe at all, and we're back to our previous daily routine." Vodaf took a deep breath and comforted himself, "A mere hospital can still kill me. No? - I can definitely complete this mission and return to my brother!"

"So next...where will be safer?"

The children of the Junior Detective Team carried the chairs back to the ward with great hesitation.

Looking inside the room, several people were stunned at the empty hospital bed: "Where is Uncle Yamada?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya speculated: "Could he go to the toilet?"

After hearing this, Genta Kojima looked in the direction of the bathroom. He didn't see vodka but discovered something else. He scratched his head in confusion: "Why is Conan missing?"

"?" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was startled and looked around. After a moment, the angry primary school student clenched his fists and said, "We agreed to act together today, but where did that guy Conan leave us and run away again?!"

Just as he was talking, he saw the elevator not far away dinged and stopped on this floor, and then a young figure ran down from it.

"Conan! You..."

The members of the Young Detective Team spoke angrily, wanting to settle accounts with this guy who had no sense of teamwork.

However, at this moment, Conan mysteriously raised his fingers at them and whispered: "There is an important thing that you need to do - it is about human life, so you must not be careless."

"!" The three children were stunned at the same time. After a moment, they looked at each other, as if they could hear each other's heart beating wildly: a matter concerning human life? ... That's right, this is what their Junior Detective Team should do! As for Uncle Yamada's stool and concert, these can be put aside for the time being.

The children decisively threw away the stools and surrounded Conan.

"But, what big thing can you do?" After being excited, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was a little skeptical. But as a smart child, he quickly found the possible reason, "Did Brother Jiang Xia entrust you?"

Conan: "..." Can't I think of it myself?

But think about the deterrence of myself and Jiang Xia in front of this group of children... In order to act smoothly, the fake elementary school student nodded in silence: "That's right!"

He lowered his voice and whispered a few words.

The three children took notes carefully and ran out quickly.

Conan watched their backs, then looked at his watch and left from another direction.

After he left, a sneaky figure turned out from the corner.

Vodka: "..." What are these little devils plotting?

...Anyway, let's follow the leader of the Uzo guerrillas to see what's going on.


Hospital lobby.

Ryofu Sekiguchi walked around in a daze, holding the heavy puff box. However, no matter where he went, he could always see a cold and gloomy surveillance gaze.

...Is there no choice but to go to my father's ward and kill the car accident patient as those guys said?

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