Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2634 2638 [Scapegoat]

Vodka frowned and thought as he returned to his ward.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Takagi who came back with a lot of bags, smiled sinisterly, and made up his mind.

"Officer Takagi." Vodka whispered, "It's like this, I have a plan and I need your cooperation."

Takagi looked at the patient sympathetically: "You say, I'll try my best to help."

Vodka glanced at his expression and his eyes twitched slightly. In order to make this temporary helper pay attention to the next action, he suddenly had an idea and imitated Conan's way of raising the flag, whispering: "I have discussed this plan with Jiang Xia before, and he said it is very feasible."

"!" Officer Gaomu's attitude really became serious, and he seemed to want to take out a notebook to take notes, "You talk, I listen."

"..." Vodka silently felt sad for this differential treatment, and quickly sorted out his mood, "If I suddenly fall asleep again today, you will pretend that you have something to do in the Metropolitan Police Department and say goodbye to the doctors and nurses. Wait for an hour and then quietly return to my ward-remember, don't be seen by anyone."

Officer Gaomu: "..." What kind of plan is this, it's inexplicable... But what Jiang Xia agreed to should have its reasons.

Thinking of this, Officer Gaomu nodded: "Okay."


Time flies and it's night again soon.

In the parking lot near the hospital, a motorcycle drove quickly and mixed into the carport.

Jiang Xia got off the car, took off his helmet, and looked at the building with interest.

After that, he avoided other people and walked into the building from the side door in a low-key manner.

Although he promised not to visit Vodka today, he did not say that he would not come to the hospital tonight - Vodka has been quite generous recently and has a high output. I am free anyway, so I might as well come and join in the fun.

Vodka did not notice a colleague approaching, because after summarizing countless lessons, he once again took sleeping pills by mistake because of a new routine and fell into a miserable sleep.

Officer Takagi did as he said, pretending to leave first, and then quietly returned to the ward after a while.

"Mr. Yamada" still did not wake up, and Officer Takagi looked around vigilantly, but did not find any danger.

After a moment of doubt, he sat on the recliner for accompanying, intending to wait for Mr. Yamada to wake up and ask him what the plan was.

Time passed by minute by minute, and I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, a shrill bell rang, breaking the dead silence of the night.

Officer Takagi, who was so sleepy that he was confused, sat up with a start. He looked at the bedside table and was surprised to find that there was an alarm clock ringing on it.

"Why set the alarm clock at this time..." Officer Takagi turned off the alarm clock with lingering fear. At the same time, he turned his head and found that Vodka was also awakened by the sharp sound that was like calling souls on the bed next to him.

Officer Takagi was about to talk to him, but suddenly a bright color appeared in front of him. He looked up in surprise and saw that the light suddenly turned on in the room opposite the window.

As the light came on, two figures in the room suddenly emerged. The two people stood one after the other. Suddenly, the person standing behind took out a knife, waved it high, and stabbed it into the vest of the former.


Officer Takagi never thought that he would also see the "illusion" that Mr. Yamada saw for two consecutive nights. In other words... this is not an illusion, but someone really killed people in the hospital? !

With that in mind, Officer Takagi stood up and wanted to rush to the opposite side to investigate.

However, at this time, Vodka chased out from the ward: "It's not that room - it's the third warehouse from the left on the side! The reason it looks like the side is just because of the reflection of light."

"Reflection?" Officer Takagi didn't quite understand, "But..."

Vodka: "Anyway, go to the place I said immediately. According to our analysis, that's the real crime scene! If you're worried..."

He grabbed the security guard who was patrolling and passing by: "Then we'll split up into two groups. You go to the warehouse, and I'll take this security guard to the opposite side."

"This..." Officer Takagi hesitated, but human lives are at stake, and now is not the time to hesitate. Based on his trust in the detective assistant in front of him, he finally nodded, "Okay, let's do it."

Vodka smiled sinisterly in his heart, and rushed over with everyone anxiously on his face.

"Forget about that little bastard. With Uzo here, how could he 'accidentally' let me overhear the cause of the murder illusion?"

Vodka muttered to himself: "So there is only one truth! - According to my thinking, in order to protect myself, I will rush to the fake crime scene with a group of people, just like I did with the bank robbers a few days ago, trying to take the initiative and kill the danger in the cradle.

"Now, since I know the truth, then equivalent substitution, I will rush to the real crime scene in the script, that is, the warehouse on the side."

"And all of this is actually under Uzo's control, that is to say, the real danger is actually the warehouse on the side! If I didn't think of this level and rushed over numbly like before, I'm afraid I would be in fatal trouble immediately. But now..."

Vodka looked at Officer Gaomu who was leading the way, and smiled cunningly: "With this scapegoat here, it's just right for him to go into the house to test the water... Speaking of which, I have to stay away - I remember that the warehouse door here is not very strong. If someone in the side room is carrying a gun and shooting randomly, it will be troublesome if I hit it through the door. ”

Thinking of this, while Officer Takagi rushed into the side warehouse, Vodka said to the security guard who had just been pulled over: "Go on, go to the place I have been to twice before!"

——He used the organization's contacts to investigate in advance. The security guard on patrol today has good interpersonal relationships, a normal temper, no debts, both parents, and no childhood sweetheart who died inexplicably. He should be a relatively safe guy. It would be better to take this person there than to do it alone.

"?" The security guard looked at the police and patients who were divided into two groups, and a doubtful question mark slowly appeared above his head.

But in an emergency, if a clear instruction is suddenly given, most people will subconsciously obey it. Seeing Vodka's insistence, he did not refute. The two of them flashed past the warehouse in the side room and rushed to the so-called "crime scene" that they had visited several times before.

As he was just running, the security guard suddenly noticed something - although the light was very dim, based on his many years of patrol experience, the tall potted plant next to it seemed to have a different shape than usual.

He stopped, walked behind the flowerpot, looked left and right, and finally picked out a child from the shadows: "Child? It's so late, why are you alone in the hospital?"

Conan looked at Vodka who was lost in thought and running away: "..."

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