Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2645 2649 [Hashimoto Maya's failed interview]

In an extremely complicated mood, Hashimoto Maya quickly sent the group of people out of the island, and decided to stay as far away from the rude interviewer as possible to prevent unexpected events from suddenly happening to him.

"Failed the interview?"

When Maya Hashimoto was making herself coffee in the lounge with a sad look on her face, there was a soft click on the door, and Mrs. Sakihara walked in.

Maya Hashimoto looked back at the lawyer wife who was widowed and lost her sister due to her strength, and nodded: "Their professional quality... I'm afraid they won't satisfy my boss."

——Building Haixin Island is not an easy task. In addition to a large amount of financial and material resources, it also takes a lot of effort just to go through the procedures.

Perhaps because of his conscience, or perhaps because he felt that his island-building life was too boring, a while ago, Wu Zuo gave him a colleague - the seemingly gentle and virtuous lawyer's wife in front of him.

Facing colleagues who fell from the sky, Maya Hashimoto maintained the highest level of courtesy while being extremely vigilant.

Fortunately, for the time being, this lawyer's wife is not difficult to get along with, and she is not very aggressive. After discovering Maya Hashimoto's huge workload, she also helped share some work based on the principle of being idle.

"This lady doesn't seem to know Master Uzuo's identity, nor is she a member of the organization. In this case, she should not be included in Uzuo's terrifying 'last elimination' ranking."

Maya Hashimoto expressed sympathy for this unlucky woman who strayed into the wolf's den, but the labor force sent to her door should not be wasted. He thought about it for a while, then asked, "Do you know any magicians?"

——Although lawyers and magicians seem to be two completely different professions. But if you think about it fundamentally, magicians are also human beings, and they make mistakes. There may be a powerful magician who accidentally injured a colleague during a performance, so he had to hire a lawyer to defend him... Well, there are flaws in this operation. Guy, can you get into Uzo's eyes? Even if it is recruited, how long will it last?

Mrs. Sakihara saw that Maya Hashimoto was hesitant to speak. She laughed, but did not expose it. She just said: "I'm sorry, I was not a professional lawyer before, and no one I know has ever received a lawyer." A commission from the Master of Magic.”

Maya Hashimoto sighed with disappointment.

"However, I do know why your advertisement did not work." Mrs. Sakihara flipped the newspaper in her hand. "This island will become magnificent in the future, but now it is not completed. So in the eyes of outsiders, this is just A construction site with a special location.

"If you set the salary too low, you won't be able to hire high-quality magicians, and if you set the salary too high, you'll be easily regarded as a joke or a liar - by the way, why don't you wait until the island is completed before recruiting?"

"This..." Maya Hashimoto recalled Uzo's words in the email and his attitude on recruiting subordinates, and carefully considered:

"My boss doesn't seem to like sharing things with others. Instead of magicians who travel around, he should be professionals who can be permanently stationed on the island - I'm afraid there aren't many outstanding magicians who meet this requirement. , If I don’t find it early, I’m afraid it will be too late.”

"That's it." Mrs. Sakihara was a little surprised, "Then it would be even more difficult. A famous magician would probably not be willing to just stay on this island, and it would be difficult for someone who could agree to such a request to satisfy him. Your recruitment conditions.”

Maya Hashimoto wiped her face silently: "..." Stop talking, stop talking, my head hurts even more.

"However, it's not completely impossible." Mrs. Sakihara laughed, "Just like there is a succession of masters and apprentices in the legal world, and many elite lawyers are guided by their masters - the same thing must be true in the magic world."

Mrs. Sakihara said eloquently: "The already famous magicians will not accept your conditions. In this case, it is better to find their disciples - some disciples actually have superb skills as good as their masters, but they just suffer from not having a stage to show themselves. , and may even be deliberately suppressed by masters who are jealous of their talents. If we agree on a deadline with them and take them to look forward to the future development prospects of this theater island, some people will definitely be moved by it and join us. "

Maya Hashimoto: "!" It seems... makes sense?

In any case, this method is at least more reliable than continuing to place advertisements in newspapers.

"But how can we find the apprentices of those famous magicians." Maya Hashimoto subconsciously picked up her phone and searched for keywords. "It is not difficult to contact the magicians themselves, but if some people are unwilling to give their apprentices a chance, I can't get the good seeds by hiding them, but I can't get them..."

After thinking about it, Maya Hashimoto suddenly had an idea and came up with an idea: "I remember that at a magician's special show, there are usually apprentices sent to warm up the show, or to serve as assistants... I go directly to the magic show, Can’t you find someone?”

Maya Hashimoto had an idea and became stunned again. He searched for the recent magic shows in Tokyo, and soon his eyes settled on a huge advertisement.

——Xinghe Tongwu Fantasy Magic Show.

"Star River Dougo." Maya Hashimoto looked at the handsome face on the poster and muttered in her heart, "This magician is pretty good-looking and has a nice stage name. He seems to be in line with Uzo's aesthetics. If I can pull him over. Well, it’s a pity…”

He slid his fingers and looked through the long list of profiles on the page that secretly praised Xinghe Tongwu: "Unfortunately, this guy is quite famous and has a lot of fans. I'm afraid it will be difficult."

After a brief moment of regret, Hashimoto Maya quickly booked a ticket and then began to focus on the sporadic introductions of other young magicians on the website.

There was more than one person who booked a ticket.

On the other hand, some high school girls did not miss this star-like magician.

"Ding Ding!" On the way home from school, Suzuki Sonoko happily took out a few tickets and stuffed them into Jiang Xia and Mao Li Ran's pockets. She also gave one to Conan who was following behind her. "This is the biggest fantasy magic show in Tokyo in recent months! - I must use my sharp detective eyes to see through their tricks at a glance!"

"Magic show?" Mao Li Ran took the ticket and saw the magician printed on the ticket. She exclaimed in surprise and then touched her autograph book excitedly. "It's Xinghe Dougo! I wonder if I can get his autograph after the show."

Conan held the ticket in his hand with a look of disgust, and secretly glared at Suzuki Sonoko: "..." Look at the handsome guy, the handsome guy said it so high-soundingly, and even dragged Xiaolan along... Haha, Teitan Junior High School still has too little homework.

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