Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2668 2672 [Case closed] Request for monthly pass

Chapter 2668 2672 [Case closed] Please vote for me (`)

"Every Christmas, Mr. Zhengying will lead the visiting guests to this corridor. He first turns off the lights, and then when he turns on the lights, a Christmas tree suddenly appears in front of everyone's eyes, as if a huge Christmas tree appears out of thin air. The Christmas tree turned out to be the same.”

Jiang Xia looked at the group of magicians: "Only the person standing next to the mechanism room can control the mechanism and make the corpse appear and disappear according to his wishes - that is to say, when we just talked about the 'Christmas tree magic' , Mrs. Masakage and Mr. Iida already knew who the murderer was, so their expressions became strange and they immediately stopped talking."

"I see..." The Megure Police Department finally understood why these magicians were all Riddlers who only spoke half the words.

Suddenly he thought of another thing: "But I remember you said that the person who suggested coming here for a dinner was Mr. Iida... Could it be that he and Mr. Xinghe colluded to murder his fellow disciples?"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "Mr. Xinghe probably didn't have any murderous intentions when we proposed the dinner party. What really made him want to kill people was probably the magic trick that the deceased talked about after he came here - 'Witch Resurrection'."

"What about the resurrection of the witch?" Xinghe Tongwu suddenly spoke, and he snorted coldly, "That magic should have been called 'The Demon King's Resurrection' - that was the name Master Masakage gave to this set of magic."

The Mumu Police Department didn't know what kind of magic this was, so they were a little confused.

Next to them, two female high school students remembered it clearly. They were surprised: "You mean, this magic was not invented by Miss Himemiya, but was thought up by Mr. Masakage?"

"Of course." Mentioning that fellow disciple, Xinghe Tongwu frowned with a look of disgust:

"When I heard what she described, I understood everything. What about 'tying yourself to the cross face to face with the audience', and what about 'letting the audience tighten the rope of restraint when the flames burn'... This is completely copied from the teacher's instructions 'The Demon King Resurrected'! - She must have peeked at the teacher's magic notes and got ideas and inspiration from them."

"Although that magic was feasible to a certain extent, it was very dangerous, so although the teacher liked it very much, he eventually gave up the performance and asked us to keep it a secret and never let this magic appear in the world."

When the Memu Police Department heard this, they couldn't help but interjected: "In other words, the deceased just wanted to steal his teacher's ideas - you can report her, expose her, and get her punished in more formal ways... But why did she do it? He's going to kill someone."

Mrs. Zhengying sighed: "Zhanzi is the latest student to get started, and 'Devil King Resurrection' was a magic created by my husband before she started - so under normal circumstances, Zhanzi should have never seen it. ”

Xinghe Tongwu glanced at her and said apologetically: "In order to protect me just now, my wife said that the magic notes left by Master Zhengying were hidden in an unknown corner of the database... But in fact, that note has always been It is carried by the Master and never leaves his body.

“But ten years ago, the teacher said he forgot the magic notebook somewhere, went out to look for it, and then he never came back.

"I was very concerned about Himemiya's talk about the magic of 'Witch Resurrection' just now, so after everyone split up, I called her to the teacher's study to ask her questions."

"Then she..." Xinghe Tongwu clenched his fists angrily, "She shamelessly admitted that she had stolen the notebook ten years ago."

"She was very proud of her stealing skills and said, 'I just wanted to make a joke with him. When he comes home, I will return the notebook to him, but who knew that he was really hit by it? Gone and never coming back.'

‘But it’s right to think about it. The magic teacher who has always encouraged me and wanted me to surpass him actually didn’t even notice that I had stolen something. He was so slow that as a magician, it was time for him to retire. ’”

Xinghe Tongwu: "After she said something shamelessly, it's up to me to show Master Zhengying's unpublished magic to the world! If our teacher who doesn't know where he is hiding sees this scene, I should also feel happy.' When I finally couldn't hold it back, I picked up the vase next to me and then..."

He didn't want to recall this experience, so he closed his eyes and sighed: "When I came to my senses, I saw Himemiya Zhanzi lying motionless on the ground with her head covered in blood.

"In a panic, I suddenly remembered the Christmas magic that my teacher often used, so I used it to decorate the scene, trying to make it look like an outsider had broken in and committed a crime."

Jiang Xia walked to the window and knocked on the heavy iron vase. He sighed: "Is this the murder weapon you used when killing people? The blood in the bottom gap has not been wiped clean."

As he said that, he turned around again and looked at the black shirt on Xinghe Tongwu: "There is also blood on the clothes. Speaking of which, you have to thank you for wearing black clothes today - if it were a different color, you would have looked like nothing happened just now The moment you appear in front of everyone, you are exposed.”

Xinghe Tongwu was startled and looked down at himself.

On the originally spotless black shirt, I don't know when there were a few slight stains like stains. He stretched out his hand and gently twisted it, and the sticky feeling of blood crawled onto his fingertips.

Looking at the irrefutable evidence, he finally couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The evidence is really everywhere. Leaving so many loopholes and letting a carefully prepared performance end like this... I am really a failed magician."

Amidst the tragic news, Xinghe Tongwu was taken away by the police.

Maya Hashimoto felt that her heart was also dying: "..." There are only two magician candidates here. If you are caught, are you going to kill the one with a vicissitudes of life, stubble on his face, and a chin wider than vodka? Will your senior brother leave it to me?

"Although Master Usa has never clearly expressed his hiring criteria, look at Suzuki Sonoko and Conan, look at the twins, and look at the beautiful secretary who climbed into someone else's window in the middle of the night... There is no need to even assess Iida's strength. Just by looking at his face, which even his wife found suspicious, I can conclude that this person will never be able to take office on the island. "

Maya Hashimoto was counting and found that one was missing: "Oh, the only special one is Inozuka Saburo. But he looks very similar to Vodka. Compared with his subordinates, that Inozuka guy should be classified as a model for teasing. Vodka's tool, but Iida Riki doesn't look like anyone, so there's no way he could be admitted..."

As he was thinking about it, Maya Hashimoto looked at Xinghe Dougo and couldn't help but turn resentful: Tell me, you can kill a helpless woman and leave so much evidence... why can't you do it for me, a poor woman? Should the interviewer be angry?

...Alas, the matter has come to this, I can only give up on this unsatisfactory guy and change the direction of my efforts.

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