Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2680 2684 [Relationships]

"Maybe we're bugged?"

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan looked at each other and suddenly realized: "No wonder when I called the ambulance just now, the other party kept saying that I couldn't hear clearly... Fortunately, I had already established communication with them, and after hanging up the phone, I directly sent the location. "

Mao Lilan: "I was like this at the beginning, but then I suddenly could hear clearly..." As she spoke, she suddenly realized something, and slammed her fist on her palm: "Is a bug installed on Yuanzi?! "

As a female high school student surrounded by countless detectives, Mao Lilan has heard about the side effects of bugs - the radio waves emitted by mobile phones will interfere with the signals of the bugs, so when they are too close to the bugs, they will Noise will be heard on the phone.

At present, it seems that the source of the interference is...

Combined with the two signal fluctuations, everyone's eyes fell on Suzuki Sonoko.

"Huh? Me?...Really or not." Suzuki Sonoko was stunned and reached for her pocket in disbelief.

She reached in and rummaged around for a while, and her eyes suddenly widened.

After a moment, in full view of everyone, Suzuki Sonoko pinched it with her fingertips and slowly took out something like a button.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

——Her place... was actually bugged? !

"Let's go."

Listening to the developments in the ktv, on the street outside, Shuichi Akai completely gave up his plan of "tracking Maya Hashimoto after completing the mission and finding the other party's lair."

——If the execution continues like this, let alone arresting people, he and Judy may be called to the Metropolitan Police Department for a tea party like James.

Next to him, as someone who had had a lot of close contact with Uzo, Judy obviously knew this well.

She made a prompt decision, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car away.

At the same time, looking at the KTV disappearing in the rearview mirror and the listening device exposed in front of everyone, she couldn't help but admire Akai Shu:

"No wonder you didn't use the model we commonly use, but just bought a cheap one. In this way, even if the bug is exposed, the police can't find us - I thought you had your funds deducted by James before, no. I thought you were actually prepared."

After a pause, she realized something belatedly, and murmured dissatisfiedly: "So why did he only deduct my funds? Didn't I accidentally destroy a sports car, and accidentally caused his private coffee to be stolen?" Confiscated... Uh, okay, frugality is a virtue, but I also feel that I have been spending too much recently, so I need to balance it out."

Next to him, Akai Shuichi did not respond.

What just happened allowed him to verify one of his conjectures.

"Sure enough, it is completely different from ordinary organizational cadres. On that person's stage, any illegal behavior will be used by him and turned into a weapon to stab himself."

Akai Shuichi thought of the Tokyo police who were supposed to be his allies but were extremely obstructive at this time, and he sighed silently: "It's like a crime textbook in another sense - not teaching others to commit crimes, but treating the criminals Their actions and the corresponding punishments they will receive are clear in their minds, just like a master in another sense..."

According to this posture, he even suspected that even if he got lucky one day and met the injured Uzo, he would be detained by the police for running a red light when chasing him, or even be surrounded by traffic police, and he could only watch helplessly. Waiting for the opponent to walk away leisurely, delaying the best opportunity to capture.

"You actually use a country's violent institutions as your own weapons... It's too passive to continue like this. You must find a way."

"By the way, you don't have to go too far, just find a stop at an intersection, as long as you are not surrounded by the other party." Akai Xiu came back to his senses, tapped the laptop next to him, and said to Judy, "The bug is still working , this time is not enough for them to track - they have already been discovered anyway, so it is better to make the best use of it until the signal is cut off. "

In Ktv.

The Mumu Police Department did not expect that a bug would be involved because the ordinary signal was not good.

Next to him, Maya Hashimoto looked at Suzuki Sonoko with a complicated expression:

During the time she was traveling with Suzuki Sonoko, no one should have had the motive or opportunity to put a bug in her pocket - that is to say, at the latest, the bug had already been hidden on Suzuki Sonoko when she was watching the magic exhibition. .

"It's probably the FBI who set it up. Fortunately, I was careful enough and didn't say anything I shouldn't have said near her."

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto shed a cold sweat in fear. At the same time, he couldn't help but look resentful when he looked at Suzuki Sonoko: Someone had installed a bug, but he didn't even know it... This extremely vigilant colleague almost cheated all of them!

"Damnable connections. If you were a serious peripheral member and were so careless, I'm afraid you would have been reincarnated at Teidan Elementary School." Maya Hashimoto secretly muttered in her heart, "You have to stay away from her in the future, otherwise there is no guarantee that you will not be able to survive." She will be implicated."

"Having said that, with such a big mistake, this guy should be no less frightened than me right now."

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto quietly raised his eyes and looked over with a little gloating and a little expectation for the fellow sufferers.

Then he was shocked to find that instead of showing any fear, Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up after looking at the bug for a moment.

"He actually came for me. So, that stalker is also following me?"

Suzuki Sonoko held the bug in her hand, and she felt excited as if she had strayed into a story world and became the protagonist:

"When I was a kid, I saw young masters and young ladies being kidnapped in movies, and then someone jumped out to save the beauty. I looked forward to it for a long time, and imagined countless ways to deal with it, but who knew that it would never come in handy after growing up... Now, someone finally discovered my charm and plans to attack me? Hahahaha! I knew that gold will always shine!"

Hashimoto Maya: "?"

He automatically skipped this nonsense in his mind, and observed Suzuki Sonoko's expression vigilantly and cautiously.

After a moment, he was sure: this woman was not pretending to be crazy to relieve stress - she actually had no fear at all, and was not afraid of the consequences, only a trace of happiness and excitement from the heart.

"How could this happen?" Hashimoto Maya was confused for a moment. "Could it be...could it be that she knew about the bug long ago, but she kept pretending that nothing happened, intending to make Conan and I let it slip and catch us?"

For a moment, he seemed to have a picture of Suzuki Sonoko complaining to Usa, mumbling something like "I just didn't find the bug, but the two of them let it slip."

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