Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2717 2721 [Only Gin is working]

Ran Maoli and Suzuki Sonoko opened their eyes wide in surprise: "Amazing, all the strings have been cut... How is it controlled?"

Conan came back to his senses and said casually: "Of course it's because there are other thin strings on its head that are difficult to see with the naked eye - cutting those thin strings is just a psychological trick to make the audience mistakenly think that the puppet strings have been cut, but in fact..."

As he spoke, Conan paused.

——The puppet actually picked up a rope and started skipping rope in public!

Suzuki Sonoko was amused and deliberately asked loudly: "Little ghost, what did you say just now?"

Conan's eyes twitched slightly: "Then, the puppet silk thread may be from the palm part of the side of the puppet..."

As if he heard his words, suddenly, the puppet crossed his arms, swung the rope hard, and actually did a gorgeous X-shaped double jump.

Conan: "..."

...What's wrong with this damn puppet! Is it electric? ?

Suzuki Sonoko saw his expression and almost rolled over in her seat with laughter - this naughty kid relied on his knowledge to spoil the tricks as soon as he saw them, and she had been patient for a long time.

Now he finally encountered a trick that Conan couldn't guess. Suzuki Sonoko urged while laughing: "Hurry up, keep guessing."

Conan's old face turned red, and he gave up: "... I don't understand, I'm just an elementary school student."

Every time at this time, he was strangely grateful to Gin - if he was a high school student, this situation would really be embarrassing.

However, the elementary school student method sometimes doesn't work. Looking at Suzuki Sonoko who was questioned by someone next to him, Conan's eyes twitched slightly, and he shamelessly used a trick to divert the blame: "Uncle Hashimoto, what do you think?"

Hashimoto Maya was in a daze, and when he heard this, he numbly said: "I don't understand, I'm just a medical enthusiast."

Conan: "..." This guy really has no burden at all...

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Xia again.

This time, before he could speak, Jiang Xia had already answered in advance: "I don't understand, I'm just a psychic. If you insist on asking me how to do this, I can only let the soul get into the puppet to control its movement."

Conan: "..." Better than me... But the psychic who just controlled objects from a distance was really handsome, no wonder Jiang Xia suddenly had some associations.

Anyway, after this mess of interruptions, Suzuki Sonoko finally let him go.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thanked Jiang Xia for his rich imagination that led Suzuki Sonoko astray, and then looked at the stage honestly, no longer expressing his views on those cracking techniques.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the free puppet hummed loudly and rode the bicycle again.

But the joy turned to sorrow, it didn't control the balance well, and hit the table headfirst, and the whole puppet suddenly fell apart, turning into several large pieces scattered on the ground.

——This made those audiences who speculated that "there was a real person hidden in the puppet leather case" silent for a while, and finally shut up like Conan.

On the stage, the puppet that had been broken into several pieces began to move anxiously: "Oh no, I have to get it back to its original state quickly."

While muttering, it struggled to put itself back together, but the funny thing was that in a panic, it put its two feet together on its hands.

Looking at the puzzled puppet, the audience laughed in good faith.

Amidst the laughter, the puppet fell apart again. It put its hands and feet together again, and then walked back to where it was at the beginning with a dejected look.

"I'm so tired." The puppet sighed, standing in front of the wooden bench like an exhausted worker, "Let me turn back into an ordinary puppet."

Almost at the same time, there was a buzzing sound in the audience.

The familiar vibration sound of the mobile phone shocked several people who were addicted to magic and almost forgot the case, as if they had just woken up from a dream.

They suddenly turned their heads to look at Jiang Xia. The two sides looked at each other, and Jiang Xia took out the black and white mobile phone that kept vibrating in his pocket and pressed the answer button.

A familiar tone flowed out of the receiver: "How is it, are you satisfied with the magic tonight?"

"If I say I'm not satisfied..." Jiang Xia tapped his fingers on his knees happily, "Will you give me another performance?"

Officer Sato was stunned at first, and then nodded secretly: As expected of Jiang Xia, he actually used the provocation method so smoothly - as long as the hell puppet master couldn't stand the provocation and went on stage in person, they could rush up and capture him in one fell swoop!

Just thinking about it, I heard the "hell puppet master" on the other side of the phone laugh softly: "Of course. The real show has just begun - this is a grand magic show that is less and less, please be sure to watch it carefully."

After that, with a beep, the phone was hung up by the other side.

"So tired! So tired!!" The puppet on the stage suddenly shouted. Then, under the surprised gaze of everyone, it fell back and sat on the wooden bench with a thud.

The next moment, the light around suddenly disappeared, and the whole venue fell into a pitch-black darkness.

"Oh no!" Officer Sato stood up suddenly, "Is that guy trying to take the opportunity to escape?!"

She took out her cell phone, wanted to turn on the flashlight, and chased to the stage.

But before the flashlight came on, a thick beam of light came down on the stage.

Everyone instinctively followed the light and looked at the stage.

After a short period of adaptation, a scene that made their pupils shrink suddenly appeared in front of them.

——The light in the magic venue went dark and then lit up again, just a few seconds before and after. But in these few seconds, the puppet sitting on the chair suddenly transformed into a young man in court dress.

…The prince magician who was supposed to perform the finale of the “living puppet” performance was now the puppet himself.

The living “puppet” had his eyes wide open, his tall body squeezed on a narrow wooden bench, and was wrapped all over by thin puppet strings. The whole picture was weird and gloomy, but it was dotted with a touch of just the right bright color - a rose blooming in the heart of the corpse.

Against the backdrop of the white dress, the rose bud was bright and dripping, and after a few seconds it really turned into blood and gurgled down.

“…Blood, it’s blood!!” The audience was shocked by this horrifying scene and was speechless. It took several seconds for them to react. The venue began to be filled with screams, “Dead! Dead!!”

Nearly a hundred meters away.

In the bushes.

Gin was thinking about how to approach the person in front of him quietly. At this moment, the venue suddenly became noisy, and the screams even drowned out the deafening music during the magic show.

… Now there was no need to think about it. Gin took out the gun with a silencer and fired a shot, splashing blood.

“Be more careful in your next life.” Gin looked at the guy who was unwilling to fall, turned out from behind the tree, and sneered, “Are you looking for your companion who is ambushing nearby? — Don’t waste your energy, I will send you to reunite now.”

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