Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2719 2723 [Chasing]

Everyone in this hotel is gathered in the theater to watch magic tonight, which means...

Officer Takagi turned his head and looked at Jiang Xia, as if he was looking at a life-saving straw: "That..." He raised his hand humbly and gestured, "Is there a smaller range?"

Fortunately, the reliable detective is still reliable this time.

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "There is no timer on the ceiling, which means that when the body fell, the murderer was on this stage-when the body and the puppet were replaced, the lights in the venue were only turned off for a few seconds, which was not enough time for the audience to reach the stage and climb up the ceiling. So..."

He looked at the group of people next to him who were also listening: "The murderer should be among these members of the magic troupe."

Several magicians: "?!"

There was a panicked silence, and after several seconds, the "clown" magician smiled: "Haha, this judgment is too arbitrary-you may not know it in the audience, but in fact, backstage, all of us have perfect alibis."

"Alibi?" Officer Sato Looking at him, "Tell me more about it."

The "clown" raised a finger and pointed upwards, laughing: "It does take a long time to get from the audience to the ceiling, but in fact, it takes longer to get from the stage to the ceiling - the same is true in reverse."

He pointed at the magic troupe again: "After seeing Yura's body, everyone rushed to the stage immediately - this means that we were not on the ceiling at the time. In this case, how could we be the murderer?"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "It does take a while to get from the stage to the ceiling, but from the ceiling to the stage, you just need to jump down.

"'Living puppet' is your signature project. The puppet is well-made and heavy.

"After the lights in the magic theater went out, the murderer grabbed the corpse hidden in the ceiling and jumped down. The weight of the two of them pulled the puppet up, and the weight of the puppet also helped the murderer land steadily, so as not to get hurt."

"So that's it!" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized, and felt that the weird scene of "puppet turning into corpse" on the stage just now was not so scary.

Suddenly she thought of something, touched her chin, and asked the magicians like Jiang Xia: "What are your weights? - Answer honestly, this is very important!"

Several magicians were confused, and finally, it was the apprentice female magician with a round face who cooperated and said: "I am 55 kilograms."

Someone started it, and the others hesitated for a moment and said it. The fake psychic said, "I'm 81 kilograms."

Manager: "I'm 50 kilograms."

Mermaid Princess: "... I'm 53 kilograms, why are you asking this!"

Seeing that the other members had already answered, the "clown" sighed, "I'm 72 kilograms. Little girl, why are you asking these questions?"

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and kept the secret: "Wait a minute, tell me first, how heavy is that puppet?"

The manager flipped through his notebook: "I remember weighing it when I took a plane last month... I found it! It's 70 kilograms."

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned: "Only 70 kilograms?"

She, she originally wanted to do some addition and subtraction with the weight of the corpse, the murderer, and the puppet: only when the sum of the former two is greater than the latter, can the method Jiang Xia just mentioned be realized.

But now, this seemingly heavy and thick puppet is only 70 kilograms, plus the weight of the corpse... Doesn't that mean that everyone can use this method smoothly? ?

Seeing that she suddenly remained silent, the trainee female magician asked curiously: "Ms. Suzuki, you ask about weight..."


Looking into her clear eyes, Suzuki Sonoko gradually sweated profusely.

Suddenly, she accidentally glimpsed Mao Lilan next to her, and Suzuki Sonoko had a flash of inspiration: "Chasing, chasing stars! - To be honest, I am actually a die-hard fan of your magic group. I am really curious about your personal data, so..."

Magic group member: "..."

A little angry, but being angry at fans in public is a taboo in the entertainment industry... Forget it, don't bother with this annoying fan.

Jiang Xia patted Suzuki Sonoko and whispered: "When solving a case, any detail may play a key role - it may not be used now, but it may be used in the future."

"That's right!" After getting the affirmation of the professional detective, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly felt that the matter she asked about weight just now became great and crucial. She waved her fist, "I will definitely be able to successfully solve this case!"

Hashimoto Maya: "..." Heh.

The case does need to be solved, but the meal does need to be eaten.

——The staff on the other side are still repairing the bridge, so everyone can’t leave the theater for a while. They are idle anyway, so the magic troupe members began to clean up the backstage diligently.

And Suzuki Sonoko opened her bag and dumped out a pile of snacks.

“I wanted to eat while watching the show, but the magic was so good that I forgot to eat snacks.”

Suzuki Sonoko touched her hungry stomach, looked at the pile of snacks on the ground, and then looked at the two members passing by. She said: “Manager, and the apprentice magician, you guys come and eat together - you must be hungry after being busy all night.”

Compared with the weird “clown”, the grumpy “mermaid princess”, the taciturn “medium”, and the two corpses that could no longer eat, the two in front of her are rare normal people.

After hearing Suzuki Sonoko's invitation and looking back to see the high school student's table full of snacks, the two of them gradually became unable to move, and finally decisively followed the call of instinct and sat down at the table.

"Thank you very much." The manager showed a wry smile as if he were beating up the workers. "To be honest, too many things happened tonight, and we haven't had time to eat yet."

Suzuki Sonoko laughed loudly: "Then open it and eat."

Of course, snacks are not free.

The dedicated detective collected clues: "When the murder happened just now, the hotel manager's reaction seemed a little strange. I vaguely heard him keep saying things like 'another death' - has anything happened to this theater before? "

The expressions of the two people in the magic group changed slightly.

After a moment of silence, the trainee female magician took a bite of the chocolate bar and said hesitantly: "You should have heard that five years ago, our mainstay, Mr. Konnomiya, had an accident during a practice and died unfortunately - at that time The location is this lake center theater.”

The manager didn't expect her to be so responsive to questions, so he reminded her in a low voice: "It's better not to do this kind of thing..."

"It doesn't matter." The trainee female magician shook her head, "This matter was on the news back then. As long as you investigate carefully, you will find out sooner or later. And it is an objective fact that something happened in the group, there is no need to hide it."

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