Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 268 Why can Wutian Dog enter the bar?

Although the goatee and the middle-parted man are robbers, they have been in the Jinpen for ten years, and their ability to resist beatings and their mentality have deteriorated a lot.

Jiang Xia successfully knocked down the murderous aura and put it away before the owner and Toru Amuro went downstairs.

He handed the watch he found to his unlucky granddaughter.

At this time, the gems on the watch had dimmed a little unconsciously - there was also a slight energy core in the watch. After all, these gems were essentially stolen goods.

Amuro glanced at the watch and felt that the gloss was not right.

But when I got the watch just now, the room was dark, with only the strong flashlight shining on the jewelry. And now, Jiang Xia has turned on the light in the study. When the light changes, the luster changes, which is normal...

Nakamura thanked them and took out a landline phone from the utility room.

She is a mystery novelist and has long planned to move to this villa to find inspiration. She has also brought her luggage and paid various expenses in advance. But my procrastination was so strong that I never unpacked my luggage.

After calling the police, the police arrived quickly and took in the two robbers who were still unconscious.

Nakamura Soo handed over the jewelry and watches to the police. To her, this villa full of puzzles is more tempting than jewelry with shady origins.

A group of people finally rode a police car back to downtown Tokyo.

By the time he finished dealing with the gangster group and left the police station, it was already dark.

Tohru Amuro asked someone to tow the car for him in the suburbs, and he got another car to drive. He didn't know which owner was responsible for reimbursing this car.

Jiang Xia stopped rubbing his car. According to his mental "Observation Notes on Detective Habits - Toru Amuro", Toru Amuro's ability to attract cases will plummet as soon as he enters downtown Tokyo.

And in the past few days, two incidents have happened around him... It's almost time for the boss to take a rest and gather energy for the next outing.

Dr. A Li heard about this and drove his little Beetle to pick up Jiang Xia and the two fake children home.

Jiang Xia originally thought that today would end peacefully.

However, when walking through a busy neighborhood, the foggy dog ​​seemed to notice something.

It opened the car window, looked out for a while, then flew out and circled around.

When the car stopped at a nearby red light intersection, the foggy dog ​​happily got back into the car and seemed to have discovered something.

It poked Jiang Xia and brought back good news - it saw Kidd nearby.

As he spoke, he swallowed.

When the other ghosts heard this name, their eyes suddenly lit up, similar to the reaction of Kiriten Dog.

Energy cores are also precious tonics. For ghosts who have tasted them, now they are like looking at plum blossoms to quench their thirst. When they see Kidd, they start to crave energy cores reflexively.

Jiang Xia also became energetic.

He glanced back at the place he just passed to remember the location. Let the foggy dog ​​elaborate.

At this time, Kidd was waiting for someone in a nearby alley with Terai.

Not long after, a high school girl wearing casual clothes trotted up to them.

This is Nakamori Aoko, Kidd's childhood sweetheart. Her father's name is Ginzo Nakamori - the unlucky police officer from the Second Investigation Section who chases Kidd every day.

Of course, the Nakamori father and daughter currently don’t know Kidd’s true identity. If they knew, they might join forces to blow his head off first.

In the alley, Kidd saw Aoko Nakamori approaching, looked at her clothes, and sighed: "You can't enter the bar dressed like this."

Next to him, Grandpa Terai reminded him strictly: "Master, this is not a bar, but a billiards club."

Kidd waved his hand indifferently: "That's what it means anyway."

Today's matter is actually a private matter.

——When Terai was young, he was a billiards master in this area. He once had a precious billiard cue, which was inlaid with countless diamonds and emeralds and was only worthy of a king.

"There has been" is because decades ago, that billiard cue was won by another billiards club called America. The owner came well prepared at that time. Not only did he bring a subordinate with superb billiard skills, but he also secretly tampered with Terai's shell powder.

Countless years later, Grandpa Terai recalled this incident. Although he was not angry, he could only accept defeat.

But the thief's idea is not so legal - Kidd believes that clubs that have been won by others through trickery can be won back through trickery.

So a few days ago, Kidd sent a warning letter to the boss of the American Club, asking to steal the King's Club.

Tonight, Kidd plans to sneak into the billiards hall using his true identity and create chaos.

America is a billiards club in name, but there are bars and gambling venues inside... In short, in theory, it refuses admission to 17-year-old high school students like Kidd and Aoko Nakamori.

But rules are one thing, and enforcement is another - in this kind of shop, the less particular the boss is, the looser the management usually is.

Ten minutes later, Kidd and Nakamori Aoko successfully sneaked into America and sat in front of the bar.

Kidd sat upright like a serious adult, glanced at the various drink lists, and opened his mouth to order a chocolate double ball ice cream.

Grandpa Terai was sitting next to him, sweating crazily under the bartender's suspicious gaze, and quickly ordered a cocktail for Nakamori Aoko in an attempt to remedy the situation.

When the desserts and drinks were served, Kidd caught a glimpse of someone entering the door and walking towards this side.

Kidd glanced over casually and was startled.

The person who came was tall, wearing a simple kimono, and carrying a dark and narrow package behind him, with a large top and a small one at the bottom.

...Fog Dog.

——This monster found a piece of cloth from somewhere and covered its wings.

... quite skilled, actually knowing how to blend into human society as naturally as possible.

... No, this is not the point. The point is why does it suddenly appear here?

Kid glanced at Kiritengu, then glanced at Nakamori Aoko beside him. He suddenly thought of something and froze slightly.

——Judging from the information he gathered, the police have gradually noticed the existence of Wutian Dog. Of course, in their eyes, Wutian Dog is just an ordinary human carrying a black special hang glider.

Kidd usually comes out at night, so the foggy dog ​​that comes to rob him will most likely appear at night, and the foggy dog ​​seems to consciously avoid lights and cameras. In short, most people who have witnessed it rely on their naked eyes.

Under the dark night sky, the foggy dog's equally dark wings were not so obvious, and the features and appearance of its clothes were also very vague. So it's pretty safe for now.

...But Kidd always feels that if this trend continues, sooner or later, the police will see the full picture of Kiritengu and misunderstand Kiritengu as Kid's accomplice...

In other words, if now, Kiritengu suddenly shows that he knows him, and this scene is seen by Nakamori Aoko again...


Update time: 8:30 am

If the update drops early, it is because of theft prevention.

Update normally today, next update will be released today

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