Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 3 Call the model worker if something happens

As soon as Jiang Xia took a step toward Porsche, Ginjiu looked over warily.

Gin's left hand fell to his side, and the hem of his clothes vaguely concealed a loaded gun.

Jiang Xia knew that he was being targeted by a gun, but he didn't panic... To be honest, he was a little used to it. Gin treated everyone like this, as if he was ready to shoot his colleagues anytime and anywhere.

Jiang Xia approached as if nothing had happened and handed over Miyano Shiho's wallet.

When he retracted his hand, he secretly hooked his fingers, stealing a little of the murderous aura hanging from Gin's body.

If possible, Jiang Xia would also like to steal more.

But this thing cannot be obtained by gathering in large quantities. If you want to keep them all for your own use, certain conditions need to be met.

Otherwise, you can only collect the little bit that naturally falls off.

In this case, the amount obtained by hooking the fingertips and reaching out to grab is actually about the same, and the latter may also be shot by Gin, which is not cost-effective.

When Ginjiu took the wallet, he noticed the strange movement of Jiang Xia's fingers, but didn't pay attention to it.

Every time Jiang Xia handed something to him and took it back, he would hook it up like that.

Gin had also been secretly wary of it a few times before.

But later, as the number of times increased, he guessed that it was some kind of uncontrollable physical reaction, just like a cripple who couldn't help but walk with a limp. Jiang Xia should be the same way - after all, he had a wound on his left wrist. It would be difficult to recover from such a deep cut in such a delicate part of the hand.

Gin briefly looked at the wallet, handed it to Miyano Shiho who rolled down the window, and asked her to check if there was anything wrong.

Miyano Shiho is a genius scientist in the organization, codenamed "Shirley".

...After shrinking, the name will probably be changed to "Haihara Ai".

Shirley is always known for being less sarcastic, but this time, she didn't hide in the car on purpose to be mysterious. But he was pushed down by a robber before and his ankle was twisted, making it difficult to get out of the car.

The bodyguard was a little far away from her at that time, and his reaction speed was worthy of his reputation as cannon fodder - by the time they came to their senses, the robber had already disappeared.

It doesn't matter if you lose money, but the wallet contains Shirley's various documents and the institute's access card, which must not be leaked out.

The situation was urgent, but fortunately, the organization would lose some information every now and then... The bodyguards were very experienced and took out their mobile phones immediately and called Gin.

If you have any problems, you can definitely go to a model worker.

Gin happened to be passing by nearby when he received the call.

After hearing what happened, he remembered that Jiang Xia was familiar with this type of neighborhood, so he called Jiang Xia.

Unexpectedly, the case was solved in seconds.

This saves a lot of work and is much more efficient than them squatting down to find someone.

While Shirley was looking through the ID in her wallet, Jiang Xia secretly squeezed the fresh murderous spirit she had just stolen to prevent it from running back to its original owner.

A very serious report on the surface:

"That person's name is Yamada Satoshi. He has no fixed job and makes a living by doing odd jobs and stealing and robbing. In the past two or three years, he rented a nearby haunted house at a low price, so he often moves around this area. I don't think he is Those who came here for information should probably just want to steal money."

This sounds like an excuse for a bag thief.

But soon, Jiang Xia made it clear that he did not mean this:

"He is currently at No. 305, Section 21, 2-chome. He will be unconscious for about half an hour. He is quite heavy and would be too conspicuous to move all the way here. If you are worried, you can take him back for torture when you leave."

Gin nodded nonchalantly.

Jiang Xia didn't kill the person immediately, which could be regarded as careful consideration - since the bag thief was a habitual criminal in this area, maybe some of the people who witnessed the robbery knew him.

If the bag thief died suddenly today, Shirley might be associated with the murder.

After all, she is a beautiful mixed-race girl with a unique temperament. She can be remembered for a long time just by looking at her. Although she rarely goes out, she usually lives in Tokyo. If she is seen by an insider while shopping one day, it may cause trouble.

...But even so, those who have robbed the organization's secrets must die.

Ginjiu conveniently assigned a task to Jiang Xia: "If you keep an eye on him these days, he will die unexpectedly within a week..."


Shirley in the car suddenly cleared her throat. Although the expression was euphemistic, the meaning was clear: find someone else.

"..." Gin frowned and chewed the cigarette butt in the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Xia always felt that the words "women have too much to do" from model worker comrades came to her lips.

But in the end, Gin swallowed his words again.

...The wishes of a precious and talented scientist like Shirley are worth considering. Besides, it's not a big deal.

Gin took out his cell phone and sent a message, looking for other tools.

Then he looked up at Jiang Xia: "It's okay, you can go back."

"Okay." Jiang Xia maintained Jiang Xia Tongzhi's usual behavior when facing members of the organization, nodded numbly and calmly, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait." Shirley in the car stopped him and held out a bag.

Jiang Xia recognized the contents of the bag at a glance.


It’s a brain supplement, very bitter.

Shirley is the only one in the world who makes her own. She likes to put some of these things in the car. She has mailed them to Jiang Xia individually before, but Jiang Xia refused them all.

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