Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 286 The gangster lends it to me. Please give me your monthly passヾ()

Although it turned out that the "bloody head" at that time was just a misunderstanding, the cautious Conan still paid attention and felt that he could reveal the news to the Megure Police Department here.

In this way, if Toru Amuro really has a problem, such as illegal gun possession, he can be discovered in time.

After Conan finished speaking, he saw that the expression on Mu Mu's police officer's face became solemn, and he suddenly felt relieved. The police should check it out.

But in fact, what the Megure Police Department is thinking is different from what Conan is thinking.

From the perspective of the Megure Police Department, the boss of the detective agency should not have a big problem: many detectives will apply for a gun permit. And if the boss had a problem, with Jiang Xia's insight, he would have already called the police, and would even beat the person first, and even ask about the source of the gun.

Compared with this matter, what the Mumu Police Department is currently more concerned about is that if one day they meet Jiang Xia's boss, they must tactfully remind him not to try to handle the relevant gun procedures for Jiang Xia.

As a police officer who often rushes to "scenes where Jiang Xia is present" as soon as possible, the current police department knows that beneath Jiang Xia's kind appearance, there is a heart that hates evil and is a bit excessive.

The specific manifestation is that whenever the police arrive a little late, they can only pick up unconscious prisoners, or unlucky criminals who look hopeless and ask questions.

Jiang Xia could beat someone like this with just a stick. If he had a gun...

No, we must not let this happen.

This is not only protecting the prisoners, but also protecting Jiang Xia, and even more so the police who often have to work overtime on murder cases.

Jiang Xia is a rare good brother, but he is a bit irritable behind his back. But for young people, impulsiveness is inevitable, and you shouldn’t meet him in a juvenile detention center...

With the warhead provided by Conan, this threat can no longer be treated as a prank.

The TV station has prepared the 50 million cash demanded by the gangsters. The Mumu Police Department asked employees to put the money at Gate 18 as required, intending to catch the gangsters on the spot when they went to withdraw the money.

However, the gangster No. 2 who went to withdraw the money put his mobile phone in call mode. As soon as he was held down by the police, the gangster guarding the camera on the other side immediately noticed it.

The insider photographer asked the police to release him, and therefore demanded an additional 1 billion in cash. He also made another threat - if the network didn't put the money in there before the game was over, he would kill a random lucky viewer when the final buzzer sounded.

Jiang Xia sat in the middle of the stands. His field of view was not too high, but it was enough for him to spot some suspicious people whose movement trajectories were different from those of the audience.

And his seat is right near door 18.

Therefore, when Gangster No. 2 covered his hat and mask and went to withdraw money, Jiang Xia immediately noticed this person who was not quite right. He observed it secretly and didn't care - Gangster No. 2 had no murderous intent and was just here to make money. .

To pick up the murderous spirit, you still have to rely on the hidden photographer.

The insider photographer was once an aspiring robber, planning to rob a bank with great success. He and his small gang devoted three years to this, spending all their money and planning a perfect plan.

However, on the day of the plan, when they went to the bank fully armed, they found that the bank was holding an event to "let a celebrity become a bank branch manager for a day."

Unplanned cameras and a large number of security guards ruined the plan of this small gang of robbers and the money spent on the plan.

The girlfriend of the insider photographer committed suicide because of this. The insider photographer thought about her body for a long time and felt that it was all the fault of the TV station - if the bastards from the TV station didn't hold an event on that day, they had planned to rob the bank. It would go smoothly, his girlfriend would not die, and he would not be so poor.

Therefore, one year later, in order to take revenge, the insider photographer demanded a huge sum of 1 billion from the Japanese TV station.

This amount of cash cannot be collected in a short while, and the TV station is bound to miss the contract.

In other words, the purpose of the insider photographer from the beginning was not to ask for money, but to kill a random person, and then submit an article to the newspaper "The Japanese TV station refused to pay, so he killed the person", so that the Japanese TV station would not pay the money, so he killed someone. The station took the blame.

Jiang Xia wanted to laugh a little when she thought of this funny reason for killing. She also wanted to see up close what kind of genius the gangster was.

Although in this incident, there was actually an option of "waiting until the gangsters finished killing people before picking up ghosts", Jiang Xia thought about it and decided to choose murderous intent.

The funny murderous aura can be seen clearly from such a distance, which shows that the quality is good.

In addition, this time, the gangsters were going to kill people randomly... Thinking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but look at Mao Lilan, who was walking around in the field, looking for Conan.

Although the place is full of hostages, now that Mao Lilan is here, the gangsters' so-called "random" selection of someone to kill will probably happen to her, just like many gangsters will unconsciously install bombs at Mao Lilan's feet. Same as next.

...In such a chaotic scene, Jiang Xia felt it was necessary to take care of his group of classmates who were very strong in incidents.

With this thought in mind, he stood up while no one was paying attention... Suddenly a faint voice came from beside him: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Xia was startled, turned around, and found a gentle and smiling senior sitting next to him. He made an excuse to "go to the bathroom" and quickly left despite the suspicious eyes of his senior sister.

Jiang Xia went to the back and walked around a few times. After the senior sister couldn't find him at all, Jiang Xia followed the shadow of the venue and came to the vicinity of the ghost photographer.

On the other side, the police atmosphere was very solemn.

——After Gangster No. 2 got the money, he left the venue. The Mumu Police Department sent someone to follow him, but unfortunately he lost his way.

At the same time, the police also guessed the true intention of the gangster who stayed at the scene: he wanted to kill people more than one billion in cash.

Things then changed from ordinary extortion to deliberate murder in public.

Considering that Gangster No. 2 had fired a gun before, but he didn't have a gun when he was arrested, Conan felt that the two gangsters might have just come into contact and transferred the pistol.

When the Memu Police Department heard this speculation, they immediately called up the video.

However, no camera captured the intersection of the two gangsters. Gangster No. 2, who was withdrawing money, was only occasionally photographed, and the camera would often turn away as soon as a scene passed.

This aroused Conan's vigilance. He suddenly thought that the gangster who was still hiding in the venue might be a mole or a photographer, so he would try his best to avoid letting his accomplices appear on camera, while hiding quietly in the venue. Unnoticed by the police.

Thinking of this, Conan showed a smile that revealed the truth.

Based on various clues, he determined the location of the gangster, and then ran all the way there, planning to have a righteous confrontation.

However, when he arrived near the camera seat in the shadow and looked down, Conan was stunned.

——There was only an empty camera there, and the staff member who was supposed to be in front of the camera... was missing.

Conan's smile froze on his face, and his heart suddenly sank. Could it be that the hidden photographer had predicted the current situation, so he abandoned the camera and blended into the crowd before being discovered by the police?

...If that happens, things will be troublesome. There isn't much time left before the end of the game, and he must be found before then.

Conan, who originally planned to go it alone, could only return to the studio in despair and told the police his reasoning and the fact that the photographer had escaped from the camera.

Someone running away is obviously not a good thing.

But compared to looking for someone aimlessly just now, now knowing the appearance and name of the gangster will undoubtedly be of great help to the search.

And although the subsequent whereabouts are uncertain, the police can clearly determine the direction in which the criminal left - just by adjusting the scene there, they may be able to determine the criminal's escape route.

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