Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 289 Kudo, something happened to you (more updates with monthly ticket)

Kudo Yukiko has a lively personality. She sat on the sofa at Jiang Xia's house for a while. She always felt that although the house was clean, it was inexplicably cold and unpopular, so she unconsciously became more lively, and she took the initiative to find various things to say without stopping. Come down.

As they chatted, her topic couldn't help but return to her family.

Kudo Yukiko slapped the armrest of the sofa angrily: "I originally thought that your uncle Yusaku was different from those scumbags who become bad when they get rich, but I didn't expect that he would also go behind my back..."

These days, Kudo Yusaku always comes home drunk, and once there was fresh lipstick mark on his shirt.

But in this case, it's not a big deal. After all, it might have happened while socializing... But now, Kudo Yukiko suspected that Kudo Yusaku had rented a room outside behind her back.

——She saw a late-night credit card bill for unknown purposes on Kudo Yusaku's desk a few days ago. The amount was not too much, but it was not too small to be ignored. However, Kudo Yukiko did not notice that her husband bought it. Reply to anything…

So the famous detective Yukiko Kudo thought hard and felt that there was only one truth - this must be the rent of a high-end hotel!

The angry Mrs. Kudo ran away from home and tried to join her son.

Unexpectedly, when she talked about this on the phone, especially when she complained that "checking out a room in the middle of the night was too much," Conan became hesitant and seemed to know the whereabouts of his father's money, but Kudo Yukiko asked about everything. Not coming out.

Jiang Xia's home.

In line with the principle of not exposing the family scandal, and feeling a little embarrassed, Kudo Yukiko hugged the Jiangxia family's teacup, and finally skipped the lipstick + room opening part in the middle, and jumped directly to the end: "...their father and son must be colluding. Okay, bah! Dog man."

Speaking of this, she suddenly realized that she had lost her temper, so she took the time to add, "Of course, Xiaoxia, you must be different." Then she continued to slap the armrest angrily, "Sure enough, men become bad when they are rich. Wait until he follows this time I apologized and I have to take care of the money!”

Jiang Xia sat across from him, nodding "You're right" on the surface, but in his heart he was confused and failed to understand the complaint that had omitted the key part.

After thinking about it, he called Conan and asked about the situation while he was in the kitchen getting dessert.

This makes it easier for Conan to take back his mother who ran away from home and forgot to bring the house key. In addition, Jiang Xia also wanted to see if the mother and son could spark a case after they met...

Conan was hiding in the Maori Detective Agency. When he heard the news Jiang Xia told him, his head got bigger.

——Conan knew in his heart that of course Kudo Yusaku didn't rent a house, and that payment was actually Conan's card swipe to compensate for the car he broke when he kicked Toru Amuro last time.

Not long ago, in order not to be taken to the United States by his parents, Conan once said harsh words such as "You don't have to worry about me!" If he turns around and secretly swipes his parents' card... ahem, so in order not to disturb his parents as much as possible, he specially chooses to wake up in the middle of the night.

Unexpectedly, the misunderstanding deepened...

Thinking of this, Conan felt guilty and whispered to Jiang Xia on the phone: "I will give the spare key to the house to the doctor in a moment. If you find it annoying, just let her go home by herself."

"...Okay." Jiang Xia was a little disappointed. From Conan's tone, it seemed that he didn't want to meet Kudo Yukiko. In this way, his case also...

Jiang Xia put down the phone, found the dessert, and brought it to Kudo Yukiko.

I originally wanted to tell her about the key by the way.

However, when she returned to the living room, Kudo Yukiko had already put on her coat again, as if she was planning to go out.

Jiang Xia was startled, what kind of operation is this, the telepathy between mother and child?

However, it turns out that he thought too much.

Kudo Yukiko didn't mention the house key, let alone Conan. Instead, she grabbed Jiang Xia like a strong man: "Are you free today?"

Jiang Xia thought about her schedule and nodded.

"Then do me a little favor!" Kudo Yukiko became happy instantly. She looked at her watch, "It's almost time. Let's go, let's go investigate the case!"

Jiang Xia: "???"

A few hours later.

As a calm adult with a 17-year-old son, Yukiko Kudo suddenly came to Japan from the United States, not just to run away from home. But there happened to be a faxiao in Japan who asked her to help investigate a matter.

They say they are asking her, but both parties know that they are actually asking Kudo Yusaku through Kudo Yukiko.

But Kudo Yukiko is still angry with Kudo Yusaku, and of course she will not go to him.

She originally wanted to find her son, but she didn't know that her son also united with his father to help hide the late-night bill...

Kudo Yukiko thought of this and sneered like a villain: Do you think there is nothing she can do about it? Unexpectedly, she has neighbors!

——Jiang Xia is good at solving crimes and has a sweet mouth. Even if he occasionally fails to call her "sister", he will use other personal pronouns to fool her and will never call her "aunt".

This kind of neighborhood kid is really a must-have for home travel.

Alas, it would be great if he were her biological son.

With this thought in mind, Kudo Yukiko flicked her motorcycle, parked it in front of a wealthy compound, and said to Jiang Xia, who was sitting behind, "We're here."

Jiang Xia glanced at the unfamiliar scene around him and hesitated to speak.

I originally thought that Kudo Yukiko was going to check something nearby.

Unexpectedly, after getting on her motorcycle, the neighbor sister drove farther and farther... and she was leaving Tokyo before she could see it.

In the end, he ran to Gunma County.

The good news is that Jiang Xia remembers that a murder seems to be happening here.

The bad news is that tomorrow seems to be Asami Endo's "Real Person Mystery Game Party"... I hope it won't delay the case.

However, Kudo Yukiko probably wouldn’t drive him back to Tokyo on a motorcycle in the middle of the night. And after that, whether I go to the station or take a taxi, I calculate the distance and when I go back tomorrow, it will already be past the agreed 11 am.

...In order to be a dove with martial ethics, Jiang Xia sent an email to Asami Endo before entering. Said he might be late.

How late it will be is unknown.

A little further in time.

Asami Endo was strolling around the shopping mall with a list in hand, preparing to buy everything and show off her cooking skills tomorrow.

It is said that grasping the heart starts with grasping the stomach... Although this saying is a bit traditional, Asami Endo feels it is very practical.

While shopping, she suddenly saw two familiar people in the snack area: Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko.

Asami Endo instantly remembered that day at the stadium, when Jiang Xia looked in the direction of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, her mood immediately improved.

Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a few big words flashed in her eyes - stumbling blocks on the road to victory!


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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