Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 298 Who is a serious person to hug with a princess?

Asami Endo held back a beautiful line in her mouth and almost got spit on Jiang Xia's shoulder.

She was forced to keep her head down, and the blood rushed to her head. The romantic pink bubbles in her head were gradually replaced by a cloud of question marks. It wasn't quite right... No matter how you looked at this destined heroic rescue of a beauty, it didn't look right. !

She didn't know whether she was too tired, too angry, or was affected by the smoke. Looking at the inverted fire scene, she slowly lost consciousness.

Jiang Xia stood up straight again while carrying the man.

At that moment, he actually subtly understood Endo Asami's desire to hold the princess.

But he still found it more convenient to carry it. After all, a princess hug requires two hands, and now, he has to free up one for...

Jiang Xia turned around and looked forward.

Sawai's figure appeared in the corridor at some point. He was holding a fire extinguisher in his hand, and the fire around him had become smaller.

Sawai glanced at Jiangxia and Asami Endo on his shoulder, and frowned secretly.

He approached and handed the fire extinguisher to Jiang Xia, trying to pretend to exchange the things in their hands naturally, mainly to ask Asami Endo to come over and ensure that she would see him when she opened her eyes.

However, Jiang Xia didn't take the fire extinguisher from him, and certainly didn't hand it to him.

The high school detective stepped on the charred floor and walked towards the door. When passing Sawai, he suddenly turned his head and asked him in a low voice: "Is it comfortable to set the fire?"

Sawai was suddenly startled, and a fake smile froze on his face: "You...!"

Jiang Xia didn't wait for him to finish the rest of his words. He kept walking towards the exit, leaving only an unhurried and unhurried silhouette of justice.

Sawai's eyes fell on his back, he clenched his teeth, murderous intent suddenly surged in his heart, and he tightened his grip on the fire extinguisher.

The metal can was heavy and hard. Sawai felt the heavy touch and couldn't help but think - this must be a suitable weapon.

With the other people's sight blocked by the fire, a trace of cruelty flashed in Sawai's eyes. He suddenly took a step forward and picked up the blunt weapon in his hand.



When Asami Endo woke up again, she was in the hospital. The doctor had just left, and next to him were two of her best friends from college.

From a nearby ward, a familiar scream like a pig being slaughtered could be faintly heard.

Asami Endo was startled when she heard this. Before she could ask any more questions, her girlfriends next to her had already whispered what had happened——

After Jiang Xia entered the villa yesterday, Saijing also entered the fire scene, but the latter unfortunately had his leg crushed by a falling beam.

Originally, the students thought this was a hero who failed to save lives. Unexpectedly, not long after Sawai was sent to the hospital, the police came. The owner and the insurance company that rented the villa to them also arrived soon, planning to talk to Sawai. Talking about criminal law and compensation - until then, the students heard that the fire last night was not an accident, but Sawai deliberately set the fire, and the purpose was actually to capture Endo Asami in a heroic way of saving the beauty. Heart.

"Fortunately, Jiang Xia saw through the truth. Otherwise, not only Asami would be in danger, but we would also have to bear the compensation afterwards. Obviously we didn't do anything... Sawai is so insidious!" The two classmates accidentally exposed a little bit of the plastic of friendship. sex.

Fortunately, Asami Endo didn't pay attention. She lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling blankly.

When I heard the name Jiang Xia, my ribs suddenly hurt a little.


Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi went to take notes with Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia seemed to have something else to do. After finishing the notes, he left first.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko had nothing to do today. They discussed it and decided to visit Miss Asami who was burned tragically. Conan, as Mao Lilan's current pendant, also followed him to the hospital.

The three of them simply brought some gifts for visiting patients, knocked gently on the door, and entered the ward.

They originally thought that Asami Endo was still sleeping, but when they opened the door and saw that the senior sister was not only awake, she also looked at them with very complicated eyes, as if she had been awake for a long time and thought about life for a while.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko said hello softly and walked in the door carefully.

They originally wanted to put down their things and leave after saying hello so as not to disturb others' rest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they got closer, Asami Endo suddenly stretched out her hand weakly from the quilt and patted the small round stool next to her, as if she wanted to leave them with something to say.

The two high school girls looked at each other in confusion and sat down.

Conan had no place to sit, so he stood in the corner and watched secretly.

At this time, Asami Endo's two best friends had left after chatting and gossiping, and there were only four of them in the room.

Asami Endo looked at Mao Lilan and said in a low voice with a sad expression: "Thank you, I heard that you were the first one who wanted to rush in to save me... Jiang Xia must not want you to be in danger, so he ran into the fire so decisively, right? .”

Mao Lilan: "..." I always feel that only a small part of this statement is correct, and the rest sounds weird, but I don't know where to start to refute it.

She was about to explain with a smile that Jiang Xia would definitely save people even without her.

However, at this time, Suzuki Sonoko secretly glanced at the receipt on the bedside and found that Asami Endo was fine, just a little weak. There was no need to worry about mood swings that would make her popular, and she immediately sneered hohoho from the bottom of her heart.

Then when Mao Lilan was talking, she rushed to answer: "Of course, Jiang Xia has always been very good to Xiaolan!"

At the same time, she silently crossed out "Xiaolan" in her mind and replaced it with "both of us".

After what happened before, Suzuki Sonoko always felt that Asami Endo had something else in mind for Jiang Xia.

This made her suddenly alert, and she unconsciously developed some critical thoughts towards the almighty Miss Mami, wanting her to give up quickly.

In order to achieve this goal, Suzuki Sonoko thought that if there was an unshakable love rival at this time, Miss Asami might give up. But now, it seems that the senior sister has misunderstood something, so it is better to follow this path.

So she could only say "Jiang Xia is good to Xiaolan" just now, but not "Jiang Xia is good to both of us". Otherwise, when there are more people, love will turn into friendship, and it will be easy for the senior sister who falls from the sky to take advantage of the opportunity. …

Suzuki Sonoko became serious, and the calculation in her heart was no slower than that of Miss Asami - whether the calculation was correct or not is another matter, at least she was doing it first, and her momentum could not be lost.

When Mao Lilan heard what Suzuki Yuanzi said, she subconsciously nodded in agreement. Jiang Xia was indeed very good to the people around her.

I suddenly stopped in the middle of clicking, feeling that something was even more wrong...

Asami Endo leaned against the hospital bed, feeling that the two innocent elementary school girls were not as easily led as she imagined.

She secretly took a breath, secretly exhaled it, and then followed Suzuki Sonoko's words and said softly: "Indeed, I have long discovered that he will become very happy when he sees you."

Mao Lilan looked at her lonely and downcast look, and finally scratched her head, realizing that Asami Endo seemed to have a misunderstanding about her friendship with Jiang Xia, and hurriedly explained: "Actually..."

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