Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 304 Don’t eat people

Conan instantly forgot what he had just wanted to say, and instead began to observe and think habitually.

Glow-in-the-dark contact lenses?

Magic props?

Wait, there seems to be something black behind...

Just now, he was caught by Jiang Xia using an action similar to catching a ball when passing the ball. Therefore, from this angle, Conan could only look over the foggy dog ​​puppet's shoulders and vaguely see a specially closed wing tip.

Conan didn't recognize what it was, but he was instinctively curious. He was about to straighten up and observe carefully, but after the person carrying him noticed his intention, he was silent for a moment and suddenly raised his hand.

A hand knife struck Conan on the neck in seconds.

The curious detective pounced.

The deep forest at night was very dark, and Mouri Kogoro could only see Conan flying past by the light of the fire on the suspension bridge.

Frightened, he ran back to the edge of the cliff and shouted twice, but received no response.

After hesitating for a moment, Mouri Kogoro looked at his cell phone, then at the "slingshot" next to him, gritted his teeth, and tentatively moved himself into the middle of the telescopic strap.

Across the bridge, Jiang Xia witnessed everything through night vision: "..."

……What do you want to do? !

He subconsciously estimated the direction of Mouri Kogoro's whereabouts, and then casually hung Conan on a nearby tree branch, freeing his hand, intending to knock him unconscious when Moori Kogoro had just flown here and had not adapted to the darkness.

However, Kogoro Mouri obviously respects Newton more than Conan. When he tested the elasticity, he first grabbed the strap behind his waist, as if he planned to experience the strength before actually ejecting himself.

The result of the feedback from the strap obviously disappointed him - the force was only enough to send him one or two meters, not as far as he could jump.

Mouri Kogoro looked a little confused, as if he didn't understand why there was such a big difference when two people used the same thing. In the end, it had to be attributed to Conan's lighter weight.

In the end, he could only curse the brat anxiously, and then returned to the car even more anxiously, preparing to call the police.

Jiang Xia watched with his own eyes as Mouri Kogoro's car drove away quickly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

No need to find a place to hide Mouri Kogoro.

In addition, people also have alarm tools, so they don’t have to fly to a place with a signal to call the police later.

He was in a good mood and raised his hand to pick off Conan hanging on the tree.

However, as soon as he turned around, he suddenly met a pair of frightened eyes that were forced to calm down.

——Kidd didn’t know when he came, and he was standing three or four meters behind him.

Kidd looked at Jiang Xia, and then looked stiffly at the child who was hung on the branch. He looked highly suspicious of the foggy dog's food reserve. He opened his mouth, put his hand down and then raised it, raised it and put it down again. , seemed so shocked that he didn’t know what to say.

The two sides looked at each other. Kidd was stared at by the foggy dog's eyes that looked particularly cold in the snow for two seconds. He suddenly came back to his senses and remembered the things he had specially brought with him just in case.

So, after a while.

Jiang Xia saw Kidd take out a delicate porcelain bottle half the size of a palm from his pocket.

The Phantom Thief tentatively handed the porcelain bottle to him, while his other hand secretly reached out to Conan on the branch of the tree.

Jiang Xia was actually a little confused, but seeing Kidd handing over the vial so naturally, he naturally reached out and took it.

Seeing this movement, Kidd breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and the hand he stretched out to Conan also became faster, and he picked up the unlucky child who was hanging on the tree into his hand.

Then he showed a little joy that "the plan passed √".

——As a Phantom Thief who faces challenges all the time, Kidd has always paid great attention to preparations beforehand.

When he came today, he also made plans in advance.

The vial he just handed to Wutian Dog was actually a relatively expensive item he dug out from home.

After all, based on Kidd's experience of being robbed during this period, the foggy dog ​​not only eats gems, but also oil paintings. In short, there is no specific type. It seems to eat whatever is expensive.

So Kidd brought such a thing specially.

He felt that the value of this porcelain bottle was not as high as other treasures. It should not attract Wutian Dog from a long distance, but at the same time, under the current situation, it could effectively delay time and satisfy Wutian Dog's hunger - from Wutian Dog's hard work Watching him rob rather than hunt the easily caught humans on the street, Kidd felt that as long as the foggy dog ​​wasn't extremely hungry, he probably wouldn't be able to eat humans. Humans seemed to taste really bad to him.

Thinking of this, Kid couldn't help but glance at the Conan worth 1 porcelain bottle in his hand, and thought that Kiritengu was actually a very self-controlled monster. He even picked the smallest one when grabbing food... No, this is not the point. The point is that if the porcelain bottle is not enough, he must get serious treasures for Wutian Dog as soon as possible to protect the food reserves in the villa.

While Kidd was minding his own brains on monster recipes, Jiang Xia glanced at the porcelain bottle in his hand, and then looked at it again, and then asked his ghosts to take a look at it too... Finally, he finally confirmed that this There is no energy core.

At this time, he belatedly recalled Kidd's exchange-like action just now, and looked at Conan in Kidd's hand. He vaguely understood something, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

From Jiang Xia's point of view, it was rare for him to be considerate. Thinking that Conan had a bad cold now, throwing the person into the snow might lead to the evolution of the disease. Only then did Conan hang on the tree.

Unexpectedly, Kidd could think of the foggy dog's habit of cheating and cannibalizing people... This phantom thief must be wearing cannibalistic glasses.

But soon, Jiang Xia felt that this was good - not only did Kidd automatically figure out the reason for Wu Tiangu's appearance, but now, he even specifically provided him with a reason to withdraw.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to pretend to knock the porcelain vase and then throw it back to Kidd.

However, if you think about it carefully, there is no energy core in this bottle, so it cannot show the bleak appearance of "leftover remains".

After hesitating for a moment, he simply put the porcelain bottle in his arms like he was carrying snacks, nodded to Kidd, and pretended that the transaction was successful.

At this time, a gust of cold wind happened to blow by, causing snow foam to fly.

Kidd closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, the monster was no longer in front of him.

He first subconsciously looked around, but saw that the ground was empty, and there were no porcelain bottles left behind after eating.

...Being packed away by Wutian Dog?

Has it been short of food recently?

Kidd had a little question in his mind.

At the same time, he thought that he could no longer procrastinate, and had to steal the target he had set out not long ago as soon as possible... Now, his stealing was not only to find Pandora, but also to save innocent meat like Conan from the mouth of the foggy dog... Well, literally Meat ticket in the sense.

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