Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 312 This is too heavy for an undercover agent (monthly ticket plus

Chapter 312 This is too heavy for an undercover agent (monthly tickets will add more updates)

From Toru Amuro's point of view, Mrs. Hattori is a married woman after all. She may be embarrassed to ask for her first love so directly, so she uses the excuse of looking for photos to save the country.

After all, according to the clues provided by Mrs. Hattori, if Jiangxia really plans to help her find the photos, then on the way to find the photos, she must first go to Mr. Shibata... If this is the case, the family situation of Police Inspector Hattori is really shocking. Worry.

However, Toru Amuro quickly thought that based on his experience, after truly finding his first love, it is often difficult for the client and the target to develop further. As the saying goes, time is like a butcher's knife, and the human brain likes to constantly beautify what it thinks is good. There is inevitably a huge gap between ideals and reality.

At this time, Jiang Xia did not know that the ethics drama had begun to play in Amuro Toru's mind.

He was sitting opposite Shizuka Hattori, and he had already decided to accept this commission that came out of nowhere - he remembered that there might be something to pick up in this matter.

All the information that should be asked has been asked, and Hattori Shizuka has also finished telling her half-made-up and half-true antecedents. Jiang Xia feels that it is almost time to get down to business.

He picked up the photo and thought about it for a while, then suggested:

"You have lost contact for many years, and there are very few effective clues now. Apart from the place of residence back then, the only clue that is clearer and easier to use seems to be the way of the sword... It is better to start here. With luck, Mr. Shibata may now He is still active in the kendo world. If he wins a prize, he should be able to find some follow-up trends."

Shizuka Hattori nodded and seemed to agree with this entry point.

Jiang Xia immediately searched for the competition group lists from various places and printed them out.

Then he fell into deep thought over the one-meter-long list.

After a moment, Jiang Xia silently turned his head and looked at Toru Amuro, who was sitting a little further away.

Since the boss didn't leave, it meant that he was somewhat interested in this matter... Thinking like this, Jiang Xia folded and tore the lengthy list in half, walked over and gave Toru Amuro half of it.

Holding the long hanging piece of paper, Toru Amuro's eyes twitched, and she had the urge to go to the Metropolitan Police Department immediately to urge her subordinates to check the household registration.

But in the end, he used his reason to suppress this lazy and risky idea.

Toru Amuro glanced at Jiang Xia who was already dialing. After a moment of silence, he took out his cell phone and started calling in order to ask for information about "Shibata Shiro".

It wasn't until the evening that Jiang Xia finally found a competition in which "Shibata Shiro" participated.

——It was somewhat different from the position in his impression. Currently, Shibata Shiro actually lives in Tokyo, not too far from here.

"Shibata has been participating in competitions every year until now. He is a high school physical education teacher. He usually has many opportunities to exercise and likes to exercise." The staff on the other side of the phone was very talkative. "Let me see, champion, champion, runner-up, third runner-up... ...Haha, maybe it’s because he’s getting older and has been declining recently. But his skills have not faded at all and he has always been a beautiful sight in our competitions!”

"Huh? His contact information? Just wait a moment..."

Five minutes later, with the sound of paper being flipped, Jiang Xia not only successfully asked Shibata Shiro's current phone number, but was also given Shibata's detailed address.

The staff has a thin sense of confidentiality and is very friendly to detectives.

Jiang Xia took note of the situation carefully, breathed a sigh of relief, and then ruthlessly threw the rest of the list into the shredder, watching with relief as they were cut into crumbs.

Upon seeing this, Toru Amuro came over, put the list into the shredder with a look similar to Jiang Xia's, and watched it turn into powder.

Next to her, Shizuka Hattori was a little moved when she heard that Shibata Shiro was found. When she made the investigation plan, she really didn't expect the list to be so long, so she could only carry it out in the detective agency seriously. I sat there for several hours, waiting for Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru to finish their investigation.

At this time, the result finally came, and her sense of relief was no less than that of the two migrant workers...

After Jiang Xia got the next step information, she first called Shibata's home phone number. But no one answered.

He then turned to Shizuka Hattori and asked for his opinion: "Want to go directly and take a look?"

Hattori Shizuka stood up and calmly stretched his stiff back.

Then he nodded reservedly: "Sorry to trouble you."

Although Shizuka Hattori drove to Tokyo, she did not drive her car to the detective agency - the license plate would reveal her identity as an Osaka native.

Jiang Xia's motorcycle was obviously not suitable for taking her to meet Shibata Shiro. In the end, the three of them got on Amuro Tohru's car.

Jiang Xia opened the door and sat in the familiar passenger seat, feeling a little regretful.

Shibata Shiro's home is in Tokyo, which means that they will not pass through suburbs without signal along the way.

In other words, even if Toru Amuro had another tire blowout, they could immediately summon a tow truck with a phone call, or the three of them could transfer to another vehicle... It seemed that this time, they couldn't expect any surprises along the way.

While Jiang Xia was feeling regretful, Toru Amuro, who was sitting in the driver's seat, suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia.

Then I comforted myself in my heart: It's okay. Nothing happened the last time I gave Jiang Xia a ride. Although that time, the trunk of the car was smashed into a hole by a New Era primary school student, but it could still be driven...

And from this point of view, even if the mystery of flat tires really exists, the problem lies with the elementary school student wearing glasses and has nothing to do with Jiang Xia.

——Think about the past, when Conan sat in his car, he immediately had a puncture + the spare tire was chewed. When Conan chases a car, the trunk of the car he drives will be smashed...

As for the last time Jiang Xia and I had a flat tire near Shanni Temple, maybe it was because Jiang Xia was contaminated with Conan's aura. Toru Amuro remembered that Jiang Xia would occasionally help her friends take care of their children.

After reluctantly finding the culprit, Toru Amuro felt much more at ease than before when he saw Jiang Xia in the co-pilot.

The journey was smooth and there was no flat tire when we arrived at Shibata Shiro's residence. The three people got out of the car in different moods.

In front of me is an apartment building with nearly ten floors. There are no unit doors in the building, but there is an elevator.

The three of them followed the address given by the staff to the sixth floor and found the house number with the word "Shibata" on it.

As soon as he got off the elevator, Jiang Xia felt the ghosts around him react.

——There is the aura of a shikigami nearby.

It seems that this trip was indeed not in vain.

While Jiang Xia was thinking, she quietly raised her hand and rang the doorbell of Shibata's house.

The doorbell rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Hattori Shizuka frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

——She actually did not lose contact with Shibata Shiro. In fact, before coming to Tokyo, Shizuka Hattori had already greeted this classmate and said he would come to pick up the photos today.

But now, no one answered the door...

Just as he was thinking about it, a majestic questioning voice came from behind him:

"Are you here to see Shibata?"

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