Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 315 Sharks are prohibited here

After handing over the evidence, Mrs. Shibata confessed everything as expected, and also blew herself up and took away her neighbor Takezo Yoshikawa. Yoshikawa Takezo often gathered people at home for large-scale gambling, and Shibata Shiro was a frequent visitor to his home. Up to now, Shibata Shiro has lost all his savings and began to sell off his belongings. Mrs. Shibata couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided to kill her husband.

Unexpectedly, the person was successfully killed now, but her murderous behavior was also exposed...

Kyoko Shibata remembered the knife placed in the room, silently clenched her fists, and said to the policeman who was about to take her to the police station, "I'm going to change clothes first."

With that said, she pushed open the door to the room.

Just when her sad eyes fell on the knife by the wall, and she was about to close the door and pull it out to kill herself, a word suddenly came from behind her.

Jiang Xia's tone was hesitant, but his words were not slow at all as he murmured: "There seems to be a knife in that room. I saw it when I passed by just now."


The air suddenly became quiet.

0.5 seconds later, Mrs. Shibata kicked the ground and rushed towards the sharp steel knife. At the same time, several police officers reacted and rushed towards her.

A group of people entered the room. In the end, the police successfully held Mrs. Shibata down before she pulled out the knife, preventing her from committing suicide.

Suicide is often consistent with the characteristics of a sudden rush of energy, followed by failure.

Jiang Xia listened to Mrs. Shibata crying in pain and Hattori Shizuka enlightening her in the background. She took out her mobile phone and texted Mao Lilan with a hint of expectation: "Are you done shopping?"

I’ll add him before I’m done shopping.

We can wait until later to write down the records. It just so happened that the shikigami I met today was quite sensible. When Mrs. Shibata was stacked up with the police just now, the shikigami had already fallen off her legs and was being watched. The happy mermaid hugged him back.

Mao Lilan is indeed the most reliable ghost-hunting assistant. Not long after Jiang Xia sent the text message, she replied:

[We met Hattori’s friend at Meiji Shrine and are now visiting his home]

A detailed address is also thoughtfully included at the back.

What Hattori Heiji and the others met at Meiji Shrine happened to be the Morion family's fiancée Kaedong Kaede, and the butler who accompanied her, Akio Shigematsu.

Hattori Heiji knew that the main purpose of his mother's visit to Tokyo this time was to attend the Morizono family's wedding banquet tomorrow. The newlyweds who are about to get married are Kaedong Kaede and the famous playboy of Morizono family, Kikuto Morizono.

It was a rare encounter, so Butler Shigematsu invited a few people to Morizono's house.

Hattori Heiji didn't want to go at first, for fear of delaying his commission for tomorrow, but he still felt that the look on the bride-to-be Kaediri Kaede's face was a little strange, and he felt a little uneasy.

He hesitated for a moment and went to Morizono's house. Of course Toyama Kazuye, Mao Lilan and Conan also followed.

As the son of Shizuka Hattori, the group received a sumptuous reception, and met people from the Morion family one after another: the head of the family, Mikio Morizon with slightly white hair, his daughter Yuri Morizono, and Yuji Sakuraba, the adopted son of housekeeper Shigematsu. And the Morizono family's son - Morizono Kikuto, who looks romantic but speaks earthy love words.

Hattori Heiji was a little nervous before he came, but when he arrived at the place and saw this group of people who were relatively harmonious, he immediately felt relieved.

After dinner and preparing to leave, Hattori Heiji walked in the yard with his pocket in his pocket, looked up at the crescent moon hanging quietly in the sky, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Shan and Ye asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Hattori Heiji looked at the two Tokyo high school students walking in front and whispered to her in a low voice: "Without Jiangxia, the environment will indeed become safer."

"..." Yuan Shan and Ye glanced at him, feeling that they, as a young boy, were wearing extremely high-precision colored glasses, "What's the matter with Jiang Xia? Don't you always encounter various incidents? Maybe the ones you complained about The case was actually caused by you yourself."

Hattori Heiji snorted: "Although I have solved a lot of cases, a large part of them are theft, fraud and other bloodless cases. But when I come to Tokyo..."

Halfway through the conversation, they suddenly heard a roar from far to near, as if a motorcycle was approaching rapidly.

Hattori Heiji followed the sound and looked toward the door in confusion. The Moriyuan family's mansion is located in a suburb with good air, some distance from the city. It's late at night, and there are people racing in a place like this...

Conan's face changed slightly. As an innocent neighbor who was only one building away from Jiang Xia's house and Jiang Xia often walked back and forth from his house, he always felt that the sound of motorcycles was very familiar...

Just as this thought passed through his mind, he saw a motorcycle approaching quickly, and finally stopped at the gate of Morizono's house, collecting fine dust.

Under the street lights, a rider racing at night took off his helmet, revealing a face that made Hattori Heiji's expression suddenly change.

Jiang Xia straddled the motorcycle and looked at the two Osaka guests: "I didn't have time to have fun with you during the day, but I do know a lot of entertainment activities suitable for the evening. Do you want to check it out?"

"Suitable for the evening?" Yuan Shan and Ye rarely ran out to play at night. They were very interested and trotted over, "Where are you going?"

"..." Conan immediately thought of Jiang Xia's group of gangsters who occasionally gave cats to the doctor's house, and the racing and game arcades that followed... Jiang Xia didn't really want to use these to entertain guests, right? !

Although Hattori Heiji was a little interested in the nighttime activities Jiangxia mentioned, his repulsion towards Jiangxia was enough to suppress all kinds of curiosity.

He was about to decline politely, so he pulled Yuan Shan and Ye Ye back. But at this moment, a crisp "click" sound suddenly came from behind.

The shattering sound came from diagonally above, not very close, but the sound clearly spread far away in the quiet night.

Several people were shocked and turned around to look at the tall and beautiful building of Morion's house. They saw that a window on the third floor had been smashed from the inside, and the debris fell under the moonlight.

Hattori Heiji looked at the window and recalled how nervous he was when he was a guest at Morizono's house. He also thought of Jiang Xia standing at the door of the yard. For some reason, he felt like the sword hanging in the air had finally fallen.

He quickly came back to his senses. With a twitch in the corner of his eye, he shook the messy thoughts out of his mind, and then turned to the people behind him: "Look at that window, Kazuye, go find Uncle Shigematsu!"

After saying that, Hattori Heiji quickly rushed to the third floor, wanting to see the room with the broken window.

Conan quickly followed him.

It doesn't take many people to guard the windows, Mao Lilan himself is enough.

Jiang Xia put down his helmet and ran towards the house with the problem.

When he saw the address of Morizono's house before, he calculated the distance between the two places and thought he wouldn't be able to get there in time.

Unexpectedly, it came at just the right time.

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