Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 318 I’ll leave Heiji to you

Hattori Heiji was surprised at first, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he recognized that the "familiar person" was not Mao Lilan or Toyama Kazuha, but his mother.

...If it were those two female high school students, he would really be afraid of being hit with fatal combos like "Where are you going?" "We're going too" and "By the way, take Jiang Xia with you."

Hattori Jinghua looked at his son acting like a thief, raised his folding fan and tapped his back: "Stand up straight."

As Hattori Heiji straightened up, she looked at the luggage Hattori Heiji was carrying in one hand and the child in the other hand. She was silent for a moment and asked with a hint of confusion: "Are you...?"

"I'm going to do a commission. It's the Ogasawara one I mentioned before." Hattori Heiji knew that his mother just looked cold, but actually loved him very much, so he looked at his watch and said with confidence, "I'm leaving first. , don’t tell He Ye or Mao Li about this, wait until noon.”

Although Hattori Shizuka didn't understand why his son was avoiding the two girls, he still nodded.

The structure of their family can be regarded as that of a strict father and a loving mother in a sense. Hattori Shizuka rarely interferes with Hattori Heiji's decisions.

Hattori Heiji obviously knew this. He immediately took his bag and Conan and left with confidence.

As long as my mother didn't tell the truth, by the time Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye discovered something was wrong, the ship would have left long ago, and those three people wouldn't be able to get on even if they wanted to.

That's right, three, because according to Hattori Heiji's intuition, once Mao Lilan or Toyama and Ye know his next plan, these two moles will definitely turn around and tell Jiang Xia.

As for Kudo... Although he is also a mole, he is relatively passive. Hattori Heiji thought for a moment and analyzed rationally, feeling that if Conan had not been caught while making a phone call, he would not have betrayed himself in front of Jiang Xia.

Conan was carried by Hattori Heiji and ran all the way. When he was approaching the end of the corridor, he looked back at the direction of the hotel room: "Is there really no problem with your mother?"

"Of course, she is very trustworthy, but since she promised me not to tell, she won't tell Kazuha and the others." Hattori Heiji thought it was OK.

Conan nodded, but for some reason, he always had a bad feeling in his heart.

In addition, to be honest, although he wanted to solve mysteries and solve cases, he also wanted to go on a boat trip with Mao Lilan... Having said that, there was actually nothing wrong with taking Jiang Xia with him. This is just a commission, not a murder case...

Conan sighed as he thought about it.

If there is a next time, I must secretly call Mao Lilan.

After Hattori Heiji left with Conan, Hattori Shizuka looked back at his son's back, feeling a little uneasy.

It wasn't that she doubted Hattori Heiji's ability to survive, but she discovered that looking at this posture, her son actually planned to take the little boy with him to handle the case.

...My son doesn't know how to take care of others at all. It would be too sinful to lose sight of other people's children.

After hesitating for a moment, Shizuka Hattori opened the zipper of his bag and began to rummage inside.

Last night, after the Shibata family's incident was over, Hattori Shizuka told Jiang Xia and others about his true identity and the true purpose of the entrustment.

Although Jiang Xia later left due to something else, the boss of Jiang Xia Detective Agency stayed to talk to her for a few words and patiently answered some of her questions.

Hattori Shizuka learned from this that Jiangxia was actually good at taking care of children. He heard that he once took two first-grade children out alone and successfully brought them to their destination. He took good care of them.

And now, Shizuka Hattori thought, since his son didn't want to go out with two female classmates, and he couldn't take care of a six-year-old child himself, he might as well ask Jiang Xia if he was interested in that commission.

If Jiang Xia also finds it interesting, just let them get on the boat together, so that they can not only exchange experience in solving crimes, but also prevent accidents.

Soon, Shizuka Hattori rummaged through the bag and found what he was looking for.

A business card.

Jiang Xia took the initiative to hand this to her on the way from the office to Shibata's house yesterday. It contains the address of the office, the office's landline number, and Jiang Xia's own mobile phone number.

Shizuka Hattori looked at this simply designed business card and nodded secretly: a very hard-working, rigorous and dedicated young man.

These days, not many high school detectives are willing to carry business cards with them. They all seem to think that is too commercial and not compelling enough. Jiangxia is very different.

The more Shizuka Hattori thought about it, the more he felt that he was a good boy, and he also felt that he understood the reason why Hattori Heiji avoided Eka-perhaps it was Eka's formal style of doing things that put pressure on Heiji, a detective who was not very disciplined.

In short, after this trip to Tokyo, Hattori Shizuka decided to support her husband between her son and her husband when it came to matters related to Jiang Xia.

——Hattori Heizo is right, there is indeed a lot worth learning from Jiang Xia.

A few minutes later.

At the port thousands of meters away, Jiang Xia's cell phone vibrated.

He pulled up his scarf, lowered the brim of his hat, took out his phone and glanced down.

The number displayed on the screen was unfamiliar. It must be the first time the other party sent him a text message.

However, the person who wrote the letter very thoughtfully stated his identity at the beginning - Shizuka Hattori whom he met yesterday.

Behind the simple greetings, there is a string of detailed information:

[A while ago, Heiji received an anonymous letter, and the writer invited him to go to Ogasawara to investigate the case.

The letter did not write down the details of the commission, but contained ten old 10,000-yen notes. The person who wrote the letter said that as long as Heiji arrived at Tsumuzu Port at noon and showed the notes to the crew, the crew would let him board the ship and head to Ogasawara. ship.

Although I am not worried about Heiji, it seems that when he went to the commission this time, he brought a young child with him... I wonder if you are interested in this mysterious commission. If you have time, I would like to find your next commission to protect that child. Once Heiji is obsessed with solving crimes, he will not pay attention to his surroundings. I am very worried that the child will get lost.


Jiang Xia glanced at it and guessed the general situation.

He quickly replied, saying that he was willing to accept the commission, and by the way, he praised Hattori Shizuka's son. He also hinted that if this happens again in the future, please don't worry too much and just go to him.

After sending the text message and putting away her phone, Jiang Xia took out the old 10,000-yen banknotes she had found before and walked towards a boat with a long queue.

——A few days ago, Jiang Xia saw a prize-winning guessing activity in the newspaper. The advertisement said that as long as you bring "important items owned by almost all Japanese in the Showa era" to this port today, you will have the opportunity to participate in the Ogasawara dolphin tour for free.

The person who published this advertisement in the newspaper was the same person who wrote the anonymous letter to Hattori Heiji.

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