Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 323 Hang Up Button

Ebina Minoru was attracted by the sound of gunfire. When he turned around and ran towards the deck, he turned around and saw Jiang Xia leaning against the wall in the corridor, seemingly distracted.

Although he was a little strange, he had no intention of asking questions at this time and quickly crossed Jiangxia to look for the sound of gunfire.

After he left, the eyes of the dull-looking man behind him suddenly moved.

Jiang Xia stood up straight away from the wall, looked back at Ebina Mingmin's back, and followed him with a complicated expression.

Next to the restaurant closer to the deck, Conan, Hattori Heiji and Samezaki Shimaharu, who returned to the restaurant after 0 o'clock, have already climbed the stairs leading to the deck.

They also heard "gunshots" outside.

The three men walked up the stairs to the deck and saw the flag hanging on the observation deck burning brightly.

In addition, not far from my feet, there was a banknote nailed to the ground with a knife. On the banknote were engraved two lines of sharp words:

[Poseidon, God of the Sea, gave me life, and my shadow has been resurrected]

Jiang Xia stepped on the deck and just took a look from a distance when he suddenly felt a fat figure flashing next to him. He looked sideways and saw that it was Sadao Whalei with a beer belly.

The "gunshot" just now was actually Sadao Whalei using a cigarette as a timing device to ignite the firecrackers set in advance.

At this time, Brother Jingjing, the mastermind behind the scenes, took a closer look at the banknotes he had nailed to the ground and the words written by himself on the banknotes. He looked horrified and howled: "It's him! Ye Caisan is indeed still alive." ,Help, help—!!”

This line was so suspicious that everyone on the boat looked at him strangely.

But before he could ask further, the timing device arranged in another place happened to be activated - on the deck at the stern, there was a violent explosion, followed by billowing smoke.

What was blown up was the box used to contain the emergency escape ladder.

A group of people hurriedly approached, and through the dancing flames, they saw a vague figure in the burning box.

Jiang Xia looked at the explosion of fire and the scorched corpses in the fire, and suddenly realized that this seemed to be a good reason to hang up.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Conan and Hattori Heiji rushing in front. After whispering a few words, they looked around.

Finally, the two people's eyes stopped on him, showing expressions of a little surprise and a little relief.

Judging from the eavesdropping information sent back by Xiaobai, the two of them seemed to be very pleased that Jiang Xia was not the first target of silence because he solved the case too quickly in the past.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He didn't think it was anything at first, but now that two people said this, he suddenly felt that he had lost a lot of murderous energy.

Next to him, Sadao Whalei, who was laughing secretly in his heart, suddenly felt his hair standing on end.

He suddenly turned his head and looked around, and found that the Tokyo detective next to him had glanced at him for some reason, his eyes deep and confusing.

The fire was gradually put out.

The watch on the scorched corpse's hand and some plastic surgery materials on the face that were burned to the point of deformation appeared in front of everyone. Someone recognized the watch as belonging to a passenger named Hisashi Kanae.

A group of people gathered together to observe the corpse, and began to check the alibi of everyone on the ship. While lining up, Nagisa Isogai suddenly remembered someone.

She held her chin and said: "Apart from the two guests who hid in the cabin and never showed up, there was actually one person who lacked an alibi - Mr. Kameda said that he was seasick at the beginning of the dinner. I returned to the room in one step and I never saw him again.”

...Actually, you just saw that charred corpse. Jiang Xia was thinking boredly while glancing at the two classmates who were concentrating on arguing about the case. I couldn't help but think that if Mao Lilan was on the ship now, she might have developed rich associations with explosions and scorched corpses, and took the initiative to ask Jiang Xia if he wanted to go back to the room to rest, so that he could hang up more reasonably.

Sure enough, you only know how to cherish it after you lose it. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you must try to bring an attentive girl with you... Jiang Xia missed her caring classmate Maori. Just as she was thinking about it, the two detectives who were arguing at the table suddenly turned to Him: "What do you think is going on?"

Jiang Xia: "...?"

The three people looked at each other for a moment, and Jiang Xia gradually realized that Hattori Heiji and Conan seemed to have different opinions, so they were asking him for his opinion.

However, he didn't listen just now, and the ghosts were not interested in these, and they didn't listen to anything.

Just when Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment, thinking that "nothing is right", Conan suddenly thought of the previous explosion and scorched corpses, and realized that the reference book might not be online today - he remembered every time Jiang Xia encountered similar things , it will be like being blocked by reasoning... No, it will be associated with the past, and the thinking will become sluggish.

This made Conan feel mixed. He was happy that he could concentrate on solving the mystery today, but he was also worried that if the murderer had other intentions, this might lead to other people being killed.

In any case, since the truth is not known yet, it is necessary to find evidence.

The two people quickly got up and left.

Jiang Xia didn't join them, and when he saw Ebina Mingmin also returned to the room. He leaned back in his chair and let the shikigami and the puppet follow.

Ebina Minoru returned to his empty room, sat on a chair, looked at the bomb in the center of the room, and closed his eyes silently.

The explosion just now and the money stuck on the ground made him think that Ye Caisan and his accomplices must be on the boat.

In other words, his plan to die together can be implemented.

Just as he was thinking about what it would be like to be killed by a bomb, Ebina Minoru heard a slight noise in front of him - the heavy bomb package was lifted from the ground, and the straps made a stretching sound. .

Ebi Mingmin was startled and opened his eyes suddenly. In the middle of the room, he saw a woman in a black dress nodded to him, carried his bag to the door, opened the locked door, and walked out naturally.


How did this person get in? Did I go to the wrong room? Wait, whose room is this? bomb! !

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ebina Minoru jumped up from his stool and hurriedly chased him out the door.

At one end of the corridor, the figure of the person who snatched his bomb was reflected. The pace of the "robber" was neither urgent nor slow, but Ebina Minoru found that no matter how he chased him, he seemed to be missing a certain distance. This gave him the illusion that the other side was floating. When he came to his senses, the two of them were already there. On deck.

In the night, the sea breeze blew against his face. Ebina Minami watched helplessly as the woman raised her hand and the heavy bomb box drew an arc and was thrown dozens of meters away. Finally, it smashed a beautiful bomb in the sea. The water splashed quickly and sank without a trace.

Jiang Xia heard several ghosts screaming in surprise.

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