Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 325 The Thousand-Faced Witch

Jiang Xia knocked the head of Whalei Sadao with a stick, knocking the person who was sitting up over again, and then expertly entered into the knocking process.

Hattori Heiji was standing next to him with a gun. He may have been brainwashed by Hattori Heizang for a long time. When he saw Jiang Xia making such a move that was beyond his common sense, his first reaction was "to learn".

A second later, Hattori Heiji suddenly came to his senses. If he really did something like torture to extract a confession, his father could rip his head off. Hehe, if Dad sees this scene, he might leave the backstabbing camp... Speaking of which, why hasn't anyone reported on Jiang Xia's habit? For a celebrity, this is considered a dark spot.

Hattori Heiji silently condemned the professionalism of the media people, but he had no idea of ​​recording a short video to expose Jiang Xia.

Anyway, Jiang Xia just saved him from getting shot in the back. Moreover, Hattori Heiji pressed his conscience and felt that if he really did that, he would be like a villain who would destroy people if he couldn't compete with Jiang Xia... He was too classless to do this.

At the same time, in the cabin on the other side, Conan, who was looking around for news, heard a faint scream.

He was startled and subconsciously walked around. When he came to the door, the screams became clearer.

This screaming rhythm sounds so familiar...

Conan's eyes twitched and he ran over quickly following the sound.

As soon as he got out of the cabin, he saw Jiang Xia holding a swinging stick and beating people very seriously.

Hattori Heiji stood a few meters away with a dagger and a gun, looking like he wanted to stop but couldn't.

Conan: "..."

You go and hold him, why are you just watching!

Whalei Sadao finally revealed some news.

He admitted that he was the robber back then, and also said that he had killed an accomplice before, but he firmly refused to admit that he had killed Kaniejiu.

At this time, other people also heard the sound and came to the deck one after another. Jiang Xia stopped before they appeared. Put away the stick and listen to others continue to question Whalei Sadao.

After Whalei Sadao got out of the state of being beaten, his mouth became tight again. The sea breeze was very strong during overtime work late at night. Several people were speechless and had to decide to go back to the cabin first.

Ebina Minoru walked to the side of Whalei Sadao who couldn't stand up, and bent down to help him. Whale Sadao grinned and stretched out his hand. As soon as he sat up, Ebina Minoru suddenly waved his other hand, and the sharp and shining kitchen knife was driven hard into Whale Sada's heart.

"You did not kill Kanie." Ebina Minoru pulled out the knife with force and stared at the blood splattered on his body. His hand trembled slightly, but a slightly twisted smile slowly appeared on his face, "——Because it's me Killed, hahaha!"

Twenty years ago, the female employee who was involved in a bank robbery and died unfortunately was Ebina Minoru's girlfriend. Over the years, Ebina Minoru has been tracking down the whereabouts of the robbers.

Just now, he wanted to wait until he killed the last enemy, then stabbed himself in the chest with a backhand knife. But now, looking at Whalei Sadao's lifeless face, he suddenly felt that life had meaning again.

Everyone on the boat used the information they had to piece together, and barely pieced together the causes and consequences of the "Furukawa University" prize-winning quiz incident.

The next morning, Jiang Xia finished taking notes and left the police station with some newly acquired shikigami and murderous intent.

He walked along the not-so-busy street back to the detective office not far away. When he entered, he took out a few copies of today's morning newspaper from the mailbox.

Originally, she wanted to look for events related to Ye Caisan and see what the media said. Unexpectedly, when she turned the page, Jiang Xia saw a fairly familiar name in a newspaper.

——Chrissy Wynyard took a temporary break from shadow practice.

…Chris Wynyard?

Isn't this Belmode, a winery employee, a well-known connection person and a rebel, known as the Witch with a Thousand Faces... Although this title is realistic, it is really middle-class, and I don't know who gave it... …

Jiang Xia quickly recovered her divergent thoughts.

Counting the time, this news means that Belmod is almost coming to Japan.

This made Jiang Xia look forward to it - Belmode seemed to have always wanted to kill Shirley, and he often killed passers-by, tricked teammates, etc... Such a person should have a lot of murderous intent in his body. I hope it can be overflowing like gin and be mass-produced stably.

At the same time, on the other hand, Belmod will definitely bring some trouble.

Jiang Xia remembered that last year, when Mao Lilan and the high school student version of Kudo Shinichi went to the United States, they rescued Belmode who was dressed as a murderer and was being chased by the FBI. Before Kudo Shinichi left, he poured a bowl of warm chicken soup for Belmode.

So now, Belmod is closer to Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi than his mother.

Under this premise, Jiang Xia looked at himself rationally:

Kudou Shinichi and Mao Lilan's classmates often go out together to pick up ghosts. They are very close to Kudo Shinichi's family and not far from Mao Lilan's family. There is an inexplicable "Possessed by Kudo Shinichi's Soul" hanging on his body. Tag of……

And these, plus the identity of the winery "Uzo" used to tease ghosts, were combined and placed in front of Bellmode. In her eyes, "Jiangxia" was probably like a star beside Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi. Time bomb.

Jiang Xia: "..." I feel like I'm in danger.

...However, Gin seems to have said that he wants to keep the identity of "Uzo" as secret as possible, so he probably won't take the initiative to expose this matter.

Moreover, Belmod has always liked to be a loner. Except for occasionally finding some tool people in the organization, he doesn't have many interactions with other people. In short, she may not be able to hear the news about "Jiang Xia = Wu Zuo".

Of course, Jiang Xia thought cautiously: Considering that Gin's luck was negative, he might be dragged down by this model worker boss, so he should also make some preparations in advance for Belmod's arrival, so as not to be regarded by her as a bad person who brought up his children. He always stumbles and even kills in secret.

After returning home, Jiang Xia searched for information about "Chrissy Wynyard", pulled out a photo, and enlarged it.

Then he waved to his parents who were accompanying Xiaobai to revise the script: "Come here."

The parents were startled and happily moved towards Jiang Xia's legs. The mermaid lay on the edge of the fish tank and stared at it for two seconds. She seemed to be quite unhappy with the slow speed of movement. She swam out to pick up the ghost, floated it to Jiang Xia and threw the ghost away, and then returned to the fish tank hiding her merits and fame. .

Jiang Xia easily carried Gui to the table.

Then he faced the inquiring eyes of his parents and raised his hand to click on the picture of Belmode on the screen: "Once you meet this person in the future, hug me tightly. The same goes for people with disguised faces. "

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