Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 328 Uzo, what are you doing?

Miyahara Satoru's hand, which was blocked by the seat, secretly reached for his gun, intending to shoot the hostage with his backhand.

However, as soon as he moved his hand, Jiang Xia seemed to see through the seat, his body, and saw his actions. Without warning, Jiang Xia raised his hand and hit the side of his neck with a gun butt.

The severe pain and dizziness made Miyahara Satoru grit his teeth and groan in pain. His eyes blurred. He was still conscious, but his movements were uncontrollable, and the hand that was groping for his pocket shook and dropped.

Jiang Xia reached over, took the gun hidden by Miyahara Satoru, and put it away smoothly.

Then he poked the last boy who was sweating in the driver's seat with the muzzle of his gun, and repeated: "Go to Yamahira Town."

It's not far from Cupido Town, but the environment is quite desolate and the management is relatively chaotic.

All in all, it’s a good place where you can shout without anyone showing up.

Yamada Satoru, who was driving, was poked by the barrel of the gun. His whole body was agitated. He didn't dare to pretend not to hear anymore, stepped on the accelerator and ran towards Yamahira Town.

When the boss was hit with the gun butt just now, he vaguely heard the sound of bones breaking, and he didn't want to follow in this footsteps. Moreover, he is the least experienced among the three. He is the only one who does not have a gun and has no ability to protect himself.

Unexpectedly, he had a strong desire to survive and followed Jiang Xia's request, but he was quickly poked on the waist again.

The hostages behind him had many demands: "Control the speed and don't cause trouble to the traffic police."

"..." Yamada Satoru didn't expect this at all just now, but now he has realized it - if he deliberately drives against the rules, he may be stopped by the traffic police for questioning and take the opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that this patch was already patched by the hostage before he discovered it...

Yamada Satoru's mind was in a mess, but in the end he did not dare to ignore the muzzle of the gun against his body. He slowed down the car without tears and drove to where he wanted to go according to Jiang Xia's request.

Jiang Xia did not knock the three people unconscious.

It is difficult to remove the murderous aura when you are fainted, so everyone, including the No. 2 boy who was stepped on by him as a stepping stone, was awake when they arrived at Yamahira Town.

He knew the way well and avoided people, picked a deserted corner, asked the driver to stop the car, then pulled the three people out of the car one by one, wrapped them in scarves, and took out the stick.

...Although today is the day to meet with the organization, the sudden kidnapping case, like the sudden murder cases in the past, is an inevitable accident. The organization will definitely understand if you skip the meeting for this reason.

When Jiang Xia was busy, he was on a building in the distance.

Belmode pushed sniper Cohen away, looked at the scene in the distance with his gun, raised his eyebrows and repeated what Gin had described Uzo's current situation to her before: "'It's not a big problem'?"

Gin exhaled a puff of cigarette with a gloomy expression and said nothing.

He agreed with Vodka on one point - Uzo wouldn't become a hostage so easily. In other words, maybe there was some purpose in why he was pushed into the car without any resistance just now.

At that time, Gin suddenly thought of many kinds of inside stories behind the kidnapping. For example, Uzo couldn't help but secretly attack a big shot, so he was discovered and counterattacked by the other party.

Or maybe this kidnapping is related to a certain big shot or some big event. Uzo wanted to take a dip in the muddy waters, so he deliberately let the other party keep an eye on him, and guided the time and place of the kidnapping to the place they had agreed on today. This will prompt the organization to cooperate with him...

Therefore, although Gin was quite dissatisfied with this behavior, he was cautious and did not stop the car immediately. He also specially found a sniper who was usually relatively leisurely, and wanted to see what script Uzo had planned this time. , can his achievements offset what he has done?

Unexpectedly, Wuzuo did not give any hint of cooperation throughout the whole process. Instead, he clearly threatened the kidnappers, went straight to a desolate place, and then started dragging the kidnappers out of the car and beating them...

Gin patiently observed it for a few minutes, and finally made sure.

The purpose of what Uzo did today was actually very simple.

- He wanted to hit someone.

Judging from the expression under the scarf that occasionally slipped open, this kind of thing did make Uzo quite happy. No wonder there have been negative reports in newspapers about "famous detectives beating people up"... Tsk, as expected, there are few things that are perfect in the world. Even such a talented subordinate will have such flaws that are not conducive to his hiding. .

Gin watched for another minute, and after confirming that Uzo had no other plan besides beating people, he put out his cigarette and reminded Cohen to put away his gun: "Go over and take a look."

Jiang Xia has knocked out some murderous intent from the kidnappers, but they all belong to the two younger brothers.

As for the main culprit of the kidnapping, Miyahara Satoru... He seems to have speculated from the situation so far that Jiang Xia will not kill anyone, so he has expectations in his heart that after escaping from Jiang Xia, he will kill two celebrities, and he also plans to kill two celebrities when he gets the chance. Just kill the hostage who dared to beat him.

Therefore, despite the murderous aura in Miyahara Satoru's body, it increased instead, making him very durable. Later, he even looked like he was used to it.

Jiang Xia fell into deep thought as he looked at Miyahara Satoru's expression that twisted into serenity and the increasingly alluring fragrance on his body.

After pondering, he was about to find another way to squeeze out his murderous aura, but suddenly he saw the busy ghosts suddenly stopped moving and all looked behind him.

Almost at the same time, a voice came from behind: "Uzo."

Jiang Xia: "..."

He paused inconspicuously and stopped as if nothing had happened. He turned around and saw a black car parked at the entrance of the alley.

The windows facing this side of the car were all rolled down, with Gin sitting in the front and a blonde beauty in the rear window.

Jiang Xia nodded towards Ginjiu, and then his eyes couldn't help but fall on Belmode. As expected, there was a seductive murderous aura lingering around her body. When she looked at Jiang Xia, the murderous aura seemed to be even stronger.

Several people in the black Porsche quickly got out of the car.

Jiang Xia put away the stick before they got closer. At the Abeido Complex, when Gin's car turned the intersection, it happened to be the time when the robber was driving to push someone. Jiang Xia's sight was blocked by the car and the murderous aura of the kidnapper in the car. Later, Ginjiu thought too much and deliberately distanced himself beyond the detection range of the ghosts. Jiang Xia didn't realize that a boss was following behind him.

However, the slight guilt of finding an excuse to let someone go, only to be caught red-handed, was quickly replaced by the surprise after seeing Belmode.

The murderous aura on her body was indeed very rich. Although it didn't look as rich as gin, it smelled of fresh fruit - the smell of apples, the kind that weren't rotten.

The mermaid and Miyano Akemi obviously preferred Belmod to Gin. At this moment, they had decisively abandoned the kidnapper on the ground and floated to the side of Belmod, grabbing the murderous aura on her body and trying to see if they could pull it away. One point down.

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