Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 35 You are all accomplices in destroying evidence

Jiang Xia was not worried that he would be accidentally arrested.

——Judging from the state of the leg-snatching shikigami, Boss Manaka has been dead for some time.

Under the arrangement of Director Ochiai, the death process of Boss Manaka was clearly captured by surveillance cameras. The time of the attack was very clear.

During that time, Jiang Xia was chatting with the police at the Metropolitan Police Department.

In short, he has a very solid alibi.

Jiang Xia prayed that the comic novels and other entertainment activities in this world would quickly advance with technology.

As he walked towards the door, he planned to stop Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko who wanted to enter the hall, as well as Conan who came with them.

——Although he hasn't seen anyone yet, Jiang Xia feels from the sound that these are the people coming.

For people other than detectives, the death of Mr. Manaka’s boss is really scary.

Jiang Xia didn't want to hear the screaming duet at close range in such a narrow, echo-prone place.

Young people, you must know how to protect your precious eardrums...

The first person to discover the abnormality was Mao Lilan.

She stopped, looked at the passage leading to the "Hell Exhibition Hall", and wondered: "I remember just now, there was a 'no entry' sign here?"

Suzuki Sonoko nodded: "Maybe the exhibit was under maintenance just now, but it has been repaired now."

The two looked at the dark exhibition hall, looked at each other, and remembered the purpose of coming today.

There is a rumor recently.

——Once late at night, the knight armor in this pavilion will come alive and move around.

So they came here with the idea of ​​"visiting the haunted house".

I also brought along a Conan.

Used to strengthen courage.

However, after walking around all afternoon, I never encountered anything strange.

Now, there is only this "Hell Exhibition Hall", which they have not entered yet.

Seeing that the "no entry" sign was gone, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly felt excited:

"Come on, let's go in and take a look. Maybe the armor is hidden in this exhibition hall!"

Conan said with a pair of dead eyes, "Forget it, we've been shopping for a long time, aren't you tired?"

His feeble protests were completely ignored.

The two girls looked at each other, nodded to each other, emboldened themselves, and dragged him into the exhibition hall.

Conan sighed sadly and struggled to stand up straight.

However, at this moment, the strength holding him suddenly disappeared.

——Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko stopped. Not only did they not move forward, they actually took a step back, with the tendency of hugging each other and shivering.

Conan was startled, quickly blocked in front of the two of them, and looked ahead alertly.

In the dim exhibition hall, a gloomy figure was seen walking out of the darkness step by step.

...But soon, Conan discovered that the so-called "eerie" was just an illusion caused by the dim light.

In fact, the man who came out walked well, his posture and pace were normal, and he even looked familiar.


look familiar?

Jiang Xia leaned against the door and looked at Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, who were shivering and hugging each other, and asked inexplicably: "Are you cold?"

"...No, no." When Mao Lilan saw Jiang Xia, she was disappointed but relieved.

Disappointed that I didn't encounter a ghost.

Fortunately... well, I didn't encounter any ghosts.

Suzuki Sonoko's mental journey is completely different from hers.

She skipped the disappointment stage, immediately doubled her joy, and greeted enthusiastically: "You also come to see the moving armor?"

As she spoke, she pointed to the darkness behind Jiang Xia: "Is it in this exhibition hall?"

Although, Suzuki Sonoko basically gave up the strategy against Jiangxia after various previous attempts.

But that doesn't stop her from liking looking at faces.

For a senior pretty girl, as long as Jiang Xia appears in front of her, Suzuki Sonoko's mood will skyrocket like taking hormones.

Moreover, if you look more often, you can still maintain your high vision when flirting with men, which is very practical...

As Suzuki Sonoko said, she wanted to take Mao Lilan to the exhibition hall.

Just because Jiang Xia is here, the courage-building effect will definitely be much better than that of Conan.

However, as soon as he took a step, he was blocked by Conan in front of his legs.

The two girls lowered their heads and found that the child's face looked very ugly.

Conan crossed Jiang Xia's legs and took a few glances into the exhibition hall.

After finding that he couldn't break through the darkness and see what was inside, his eyes fell back on Jiang Xia's shoes.

He looked at Jiang Xia and asked, "...Why is there blood on the soles of your shoes?"

The others were startled and all looked down at Jiang Xia's shoes.

Including Jiang Xia himself.

He was wearing a pair of black sneakers today. The uppers were very clean, with only a little fresh dust on the edges, and no "blood".

Lingmu Yuanzi and Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, suspecting that this was a prank by naughty children.

Suzuki Sonoko was about to hit Conan on the head with her finger.

But Jiang Xia suddenly looked down at the ground and took half a step back.

As soon as he took his foot away, a small, light bloody shoe mark was left where he had just stepped.

"Ah." Jiang Xia was a little embarrassed. He took a step back and returned to the carpet-covered exhibition hall. He said slightly apologetically, "I didn't pay attention. I stepped on it."

After speaking, Jiang Xia took out a handkerchief

Conan watched as he squatted down, as if trying to wipe away the blood marks on the ground.

Conan: "..."

He rushed over to stop Jiang Xia and stopped what looked like "destroying evidence".

His face also became solemn: "Where did this blood come from?!"

Conan is very observant and short.

As soon as Jiang Xia came closer, he noticed that the color of the carpet that Jiang Xia had stepped on was subtly different.

After confirming that it was blood, Conan initially suspected that his neighbor was hiding and cutting himself again because he had seen similar things before.

However, upon closer inspection, he found that Jiang Xia looked good, moved normally, and there were no strange wet marks on the black wristband on his left hand.

However, judging from the fact that Jiang Xia walked all the way on the carpet, there was still a little blood mark on her shoes...

The blood he stepped on was definitely not the kind of wound that would heal on its own after just one or two drops... This might have killed someone!

Unlike Conan, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were not nervous.

The main thing is that Jiang Xia is not nervous at all.

Looking at Jiang Xia, they thought Jiang Xia accidentally stepped on the red paint left by the staff.

After all, this exhibition hall previously had a "no entry" sign on it and was suspected to be under maintenance.

At this time, seeing Jiang Xia being stopped by a naughty kid, the two of them walked to the door, took out their handkerchiefs, and planned to help Jiang Xia wipe away the footprints.

As I got closer, I realized that the color indeed looked like blood.

It is indeed a hell showroom, the paint used is so unique.

Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously: "What did you step on? Paint? Paint?"

"A pool of blood." Jiang Xia squatted on the edge of the carpet, watching her wipe it while raising her hand to point into the exhibition hall, "Someone is dead and nailed to the wall. You..."

He was just about to say you'd better not go in, it's a bit scary. I plan to help two classmates with some psychological training, so that they won't be frightened and scream in a while.

However, before he finished speaking, Conan rushed into the exhibition hall from beside him. At the same time, Conan pressed on his wrist and turned on the flashlight attached to the universal watch.

——It seems that the first batch of equipment that the doctor made for him has arrived.

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