Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 336 Belmod’s adult time

Of course, if it is really so unlucky, it will only delay the shipbuilding progress of the "Ship of Friendship with Belmode"... Jiang Xia silently weighed the hardwood hanger in his hand.

After finding everything on Jiang Xia's body, Belmode first took two mobile phones and pressed them to check.

Seeing that everyone had a lock screen password, she took out a palm-sized decoding tool from her bag, connected it to her phone, and started to crack it.

Jiang Xia did not stop him. At this point, if Belmode didn't move his phone, he would feel strange.

In his opinion, this was the first step to deceive Belmod into becoming a stable source of murderous energy and a disguised tool.

——According to the suspicious habit of everyone in the organization, if he takes the initiative to show his support for Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan, it will easily make Belmode think that he has ulterior motives.

Therefore, it was still necessary for Belmode to explore and discover for herself, so that she could realize more quickly that their goals did not conflict and give up the idea of ​​stabbing Jiang Xia in the back at all times.

While waiting for the solution, Belmod turned his attention to the other items on the bed.

She first picked up the anesthetic and looked at it curiously. Since there was no written explanation on it, she carefully pulled off the cap, fanned it and smelled it.

After discovering that this was just a can of anesthetic, not drugs like potassium cyanide, Belmode showed a hint of relief on his face. Then soon, the expression became complicated again.

She was first puzzled that she could feel the emotion of "relief", and then quickly figured out - the lower Uzo's madness, the safer her angel would be, and this was of course a gratifying thing.

After analyzing his own mental process and making sure that he was still thinking clearly, his brain circuits were normal, and he had not been too affected by the wine he just drank, Belmode carefully restored the anesthetic to its original form and put it back into the small pile of debris on the bed. .

After doing this, she glanced at the screen of the decoder and found that the progress bar had not reached the end, so she picked up the folded stick.

The moment she took it into her hands, she was slightly startled by the strange soft touch that should not appear on the weapon.

Belmod just saw Uzo beating someone with it today. At that time, she was also puzzled that Uzo's movements were so heavy and the beating lasted so long, but the three robbers had nothing serious except being unable to get up.

Now it seems that this is not because the three robbers are physically strong, but because there is something wrong with Uzo's weapons... They are specially wrapped with a soft cushioning material to prolong the torture time?

But as a detective who is mostly under the eyes of the police and the media, Uzo should rarely have the opportunity to hold someone down and beat them for a long time. Even if he uses an ordinary stick, it will still be judged as legitimate defense... Therefore, this swinging stick may be more used to reduce the damage when subduing criminals.

Belmode nodded secretly, whether it was pretending to be friendly or really having good intentions, the situation was better than she thought.

...No wonder angel is willing to get close to Uzo. In addition to angel's kindness, it should also have something to do with Uzo himself.

Belmode was playing with the swing stick in his hand, but suddenly he hit an unknown switch, and the folded swing stick in his hand popped out at an alarming speed.

She instinctively ducked, but her half-drunk state slowed her movements, and the tip of the stick finally hit her chin hard.

Belmod stumbled, covering his mouth and sitting down. She was stunned for a few seconds, expressionlessly put the stick back into its folded state, and then raised her hand.

A beautiful parabola passed by, and the swing stick fell into the trash can with a clang.

After throwing it away, Belmode remembered that this swinging stick seemed to be custom-made and not easy to get. After hesitating for a moment, he walked over to pick up the swinging stick and threw it back into the pile of debris on the bed.

After passing the time like this for a while, the progress bar on her computer finally came to an end.

At this time, both phones seemed completely open to her.

...It took a little longer than expected, but this is normal. After all, judging from the situation, one of them should be a mobile phone specially used to contact the organization. It is unusual that there is no manipulation in it.

However, Belmode was not very interested in the organization's mobile phone.

To her, there were few secrets in the organization.

So she flipped through it briefly, threw the phone aside, and picked up the daily phone instead.

Click on the mailbox, find the contact, and see a whole page of special attention spread out on the screen.

Belmod took a quick glance and saw two "Maori", one was Maori Kogoro and the other was Maori Lan - Uzo seemed to prefer to use the full name as a note, which was convenient for Belmod.

She jotted down Mao Lilan's email address, glanced at other people's names in a good mood, and then her attention was attracted by one of them named "Edogawa Conan".

This name, whether it is a surname or a given name, is relatively rare. And there happen to be two well-known mystery novelists in the world, "Edogawa Ranpo" and "Conan Doyle". Compared with the name given by parents, this looks more like a name made up out of interest...

Belmod's heart moved, and he had a vague association, but he couldn't be sure.

She thought for a moment, pulled out the special attention marked with stars, and then jumped to the people starting with K to search for the name "Kudo Shinichi", but found nothing.

...Uzo didn’t save his number? Still saved, but no notes?

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone suddenly vibrated.

Belmod came back to his senses and returned to his inbox, where he saw a message from Mao Lilan.

Attached to the email was a photo of a fluorescent stick as long as an arm, glowing with blue light:

[Buy two, get one free, I’ve got one for you! The concert starts at six o'clock and ends at nine o'clock. If the commission ends early, you can come and have a look]

Belmode followed the text and imagined Mao Lilan's cheerful smiling face, and felt better again.

The floor next to the hotel bed is covered with long, plush rugs.

She simply sat down on the edge of the bed, with her upper body lying on the edge of the bed, looking through the emails between Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan with a treasure-hunting mood. She did not feel guilty about invading her colleagues' privacy during the whole process, but instead enjoyed it and analyzed it secretly.

——Judging from the content, the relationship between Uzo and Angel is actually better than what she heard about in school.

And judging from angel's words of thanks and condolences, it seems that Uzo has helped her a lot, including many life-saving graces. This made Belmod feel happy, but he suddenly had other thoughts:

...If Uzo fell in love with her angel, wouldn't the cool guy who has a crush on each other become the biggest threat among them?

No matter how you look at it, this seems to be an incredible motive...

However, if Uzo was so jealous that he wanted to kill Kudo, then when he mentioned "Kudo" in the bar before, he should have at least felt a little guilty, hating, disgusting, or feeling happy about killing his enemy.

However, Belmod remembers it very clearly - not at all. Rather than having the same emotions as these villains succeeding, she is more like a villain that Uzo is wary of...

Belmod frowned slightly and looked at Jiang Xia's mailbox.

She had a hunch that maybe today, she would be able to figure out the whereabouts of the "dead" cool guy.

Belmode clicked on Jiang Xia's address book. As expected, the full name was also used here.

She found Mao Lilan's number inside, her fingertips hovered over the dial key for a moment, and finally pressed it hard.

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