Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 342 Kudo Yukiko and her fake pot

Cupido Town.

Conan hurried to the doctor's house on his skateboard while holding his mobile phone and carefully extracting words from Mao Lilan.

Just now, he successfully contacted Suzuki Sonoko, and then inferred from the conversation that Suzuki Sonoko was not silenced, and nothing happened to Mao Lilan, but Mao Lilan said that she received a call from Kudo Shinichi using Jiang Xia's mobile phone.

After understanding the details, Conan thought of the "call from Mao Lilan using Jiang Xia's mobile phone" that he had just received, and silently got goosebumps.

——Obviously, neither he nor Xiaolan were with Jiang Xia just now. The person making the call could not be them, but someone who could change his voice in some way, knew that Kudo Shinichi was still alive, and even knew that "Kudo Shinichi" was "Edogawa Conan"!

...Even if that person was not sure at first, after the two phone calls just now, he must have understood everything.

Moreover, it was clearly Jiang Xia's cell phone, but neither Mao Lilan nor him had ever heard Jiang Xia speak. Could it be that Jiang Xia would never be able to speak... The more Conan thought about it, the more his heart grew cold.

All signs indicate that the impostor is here for "Kudo Shinichi".

Thinking of this, Conan's eyes gradually lost their luster. He never expected that after guarding against so many people, he would be the one to successfully implicate Jiang Xia.

...No, we can't be too pessimistic now. Jiang Xia may not be dead yet.

By the way, you must also protect Xiaolan and the doctor. If the person who is investigating Kudo Shinichi is someone from the organization, then the people in black will not only not let it go, but they will not die after taking the poison but will become smaller. Kudo Shinichi will also kill everyone who knows about it.

But thinking of this, Conan felt a little inconsistent:

If the opponent was really an organization, shouldn't they try to control "Kudo Shinichi" as soon as possible? In that case, they should seize the doctor and the others as hostages, threaten him to go back quickly, or use the method of changing his voice to trick him into going back.

But "Mao Lilan" who called him just now didn't mention that he wanted to go to a specific place. It was like he just wanted to know about Kudo Shinichi's situation and had no further plans.

Conan gradually became confused.

The skateboard passed through the streets at high speed and finally stopped next to Dr. A Li's house.

Conan first observed secretly and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the doctor's house, then he carefully trotted in with his skateboard in his arms.

Afterwards, he locked the door and looked at the old man with a fashionable afro beside the experimental table: "Doctor, have you ever received a strange call from Jiang Xia?"

Dr. A Li had just been accidentally bombed, and now his mind was buzzing and he couldn't hear what Conan was saying.

Instead, a head with short, soft brown-red hair poked out of the kitchen.

Hui Yuan Ai frowned and looked at Conan: "Why do you ask?"

Dr. A Li rubbed his ears and vaguely heard Haibara Ai's words. He also turned to Conan: "What did you just say?"

"That's it, I received a strange phone call in the afternoon..."

Conan stated what had just happened as faithfully as possible and added his own speculations.

While speaking, he was constantly sorting out in his mind:

Speaking of this kind of prank that is very scary but does not show any obvious malice, the first thing Conan thinks of is his mother - Yukiko Kudo, who will always be eighteen years old no matter how old she is, her mental age and appearance.

After all, Kudo Yukiko has a criminal record.

And she certainly has the ability to do so.

First of all, Kudo Yukiko knew about "Kudo Shinichi becoming smaller" and had enough information to scare Conan.

In addition, she could easily borrow Jiang Xia's phone number, and even asked Jiang Xia not to speak until Conan was sufficiently frightened, and to cooperate with the acting - although Jiang Xia sometimes inexplicably gives people the feeling of being unapproachable, he actually rarely Refuse other people's requests, not to mention that Kudo Yukiko is so good at acting coquettishly, and she will find some excuses that are barely acceptable while acting coquettishly, such as "give my son some experience", "he will be mentally prepared for similar things next time" and so on. If so...if she is the "mastermind" this time, it would be very reasonable for things to turn out like this...

Of course, in Conan's view, this is also the best outcome. After all, his mother will not harm him, nor Jiang Xia.

However, after calling Yusaku Kudo with great hope and testing it out, Conan looked disappointed.

——Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Kudo are both still in the United States.

According to Conan's understanding of Kudo Yusaku, his father is relatively candid in this regard. If the prank is exposed, he will not lie with all his strength, so this should be the truth.

And speaking of it, the mysterious man on the other side of the phone was very good at imitating voices. If it weren't for the fact that there were some flaws in the content of his words, Conan would even think that he was the real Mao Lilan and couldn't see through it.

Relatively speaking, Kudo Yukiko's ability to imitate sounds is actually not that strong.

...After comprehensively analyzing all kinds of information and ruling out this possibility, Conan looked at Dr. A Li again:

"Have you ever given Jiang Xia a voice changer? Or...have you sold it to anyone else?"

Although Dr. Ali always complains about being poor, he always has a temperament that regards money as dirt. When he originally gave the bow-tie voice changer to Conan, he thought that Conan could use Mouri Kogoro's voice to reason, promote Moori Kogoro to become a famous detective, and then come into contact with cases related to the organization.

Therefore, Dr. Ali had the foresight to think that if his voice changer became widely circulated, this double-act method of solving crimes would obviously be easy to defeat, so he did not put the bow-tie voice changer on sale, let alone measure it. Produce.

"I have never sold it. I have always been very careful about keeping it secret. Although you didn't have many opportunities to reason before, I actually always believed that there would be suitable opportunities - you see, the case of the new monk a few days ago, my 'double act plan' is not It just comes in handy."

Dr. Ali couldn't help but boast about his foresight. At the same time, he touched his generous chin and tried to remember:

"I did give one to Jiang Xia, but he said it was not easy to use. He could only call out a few specific sounds and could not imitate human voices at will. I changed it several times and the effect was very poor, so I just kept it here... This actually needs to be combined with appropriate pseudo-voice." Dr. Ali muttered, always feeling a little regretful that his creation failed to achieve the expected results.

"Really..." Conan frowned and thought for a moment. Just to be on the safe side, he looked at Haihara Ai, who had already walked out of the kitchen and was listening silently. "Is there anyone in the organization who is good at changing voices? Or a similar machine? "

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