Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 353 Wuzuo, look at this new job... (Complete chapter)

The more business cards you exchange, the more likely you are to reach some potential customers.

Although quite a few of the big guys from all walks of life present do not like detectives, they are all upper-class people who want to show their face, and they will still abide by the basic etiquette when being handed a business card.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to tear up the business card and throw it to the ground in front of Jiang Xia, leaving something like, "Detective, get out of here!"

...Of course, as a conscientious ghost collector, Jiang Xia is actually looking forward to the latter situation, because in this way he can pick up one more ghost - according to his experience, in this world, people will do such a thing People, the probability of encountering a murder is really high.

And if this kind of person doesn't show up, and everyone just puts away their business cards, then one day when they encounter a case, they will remember this incident and find Jiang Xia's business card thrown in the corner. Or, even if the business card cannot be found, Jiang Xia, who sent them the business card, can be given priority.

Jiang Xia thought as he disappeared into the crowd in a good mood. At the same time, he carefully wrote down everyone's face and made sure to send the business card to everyone present.

On the other side, Dr. Ali’s house.

Haihara Ai was eating and watching TV boredly.

After being reminded by Jiang Xia, she had been staying at home for many days. Although she is a bit of a homebody, since she started going to school, Haibara Ai has been running around with the Junior Detective Team. Now that she has suddenly returned to her original state, she is quite uncomfortable, so she enjoys watching boring celebrities taking to the streets for live broadcasts. .

While looking at the shops on both sides of the street through the screen, as the camera progressed, an ancient-looking car on the roadside caught her eye.

That car had a long front cover and was all black... To be more specific, it was a Porsche 356A.

——Gin’s favorite car.

Hui Yuan Ai's expression suddenly changed, and his pupils reflexively lost their highlights.

After a second, she remembered that she was at home now, several kilometers away from the live broadcast location, and then she slowly relaxed.

But at the same time, she suddenly thought of Jiang Xia.

——This live broadcast is on Hojuku Street in Aido Town, not far from Aido City Hotel, and Jiang Xia seems to be going to Abeido City Hotel today to attend the memorial service of director Sakemaki.

There cannot be any connection between the two...

I was lost in thought when a sentence suddenly came from beside me: "What's wrong? There's something wrong with the live broadcast?"

Haihara Ai turned to look at Conan and replied smoothly: "That car is the same style as Gin's car."

As a glorious traitor to the organization, she, like other traitors and parallel importers, likes to casually leak a little information about the organization, which of course includes information about Gin.

However, what Haibara Ai didn't expect was that after Conan heard these words, he was startled for a moment, then suddenly picked up the newly repaired skateboard, took a piece of wire from Dr. Ali's experimental table, and opened the door. When he came out, a gust of wind blew up, and he disappeared in an instant.

Haibara Ai:"?"

She was stunned for a moment by this unimaginable mobility, and then stood up in confusion - Gin's car was rare, at least she had never seen the same model in Tokyo for so long. This is certainly related to the fact that she seldom goes out, but it also shows that this car is very closely bound to gin.

What if the car captured in the live broadcast really belongs to Gin, and after Conan tracks it down, he discovers the relationship between Jiang Xia and the organization; or he comes into contact with Jiang Xia in front of Gin and is drugged at close range. Gin stared at it and recognized it...

The minds of patients with persecutory paranoia are always difficult to control and cannot control.

Haihara Ai ran over and pulled up Dr. Ali who was halfway through his meal, and found the car key: "Hurry, stop him!"

Cupido City Hotel.

Jiang Xia walked around the banquet hall a few times, handed out the business cards he brought, and then looked at the various cards in his business card holder with mixed feelings.

Of course, I was happy to receive a large number of business cards, including a few familiar names.

What was worrying was that no one tore up his business card and trampled his face on the ground... even the death flag did not appear.

Among them, when Jiang Xia passed by Pisk, she also exchanged business cards with him.

From Pisk's reaction at that time, it was found that this member did not seem to know his identity as "Uzo" and only regarded Jiang Xia as an ordinary detective.

Jiang Xia then walked away as if nothing had happened after getting the business card. It's a good thing that Pisk doesn't know him. Otherwise, if the assassination fails and Pisk impulsively tries to betray his teammates and blow himself up, it will only cause him trouble...

After getting the business card, it was almost time for the memorial service to officially start.

Jiang Xia held the juice cup and glanced at the slightly noisy venue where countless celebrities were chatting in low voices. Looking at the faces, she suddenly felt a little guilty.

In the original world line, at the scene of this memorial service, a total of two people died: one was the assassination target of the organization, Councilor Tunkou, and the other was Pisk, who exposed his whereabouts during the assassination and was silenced by Gin.

The background for achieving this ending is: Conan, Ai Haibara, and Belmod were present at the time.

...But now, none of the three event constitution carriers have come.

Jiang Xia remembered that in the original world line, Haihara Ai and Conan came because they encountered Gin's empty car on the street. When Conan installed a bug in the car, Haihara Ai accidentally lost a hair. After that, the two left. After Gin got in the car, he spotted the special-colored hair and instantly judged that Shirley had been there, so he tried his best to hunt Shirley... Haibara Ai was also attracted as expected. A Conan.

But the actual situation now is that Haihara Ai is staying at home, and no one can give Conan directions to the car. Of course, it will be difficult for Conan to find this place...

Jiang Xia stood in the corner of the banquet hall, looking at Pisk from a distance who was holding a wine glass elegantly with "reliable" written all over his face. After thinking about it, he felt vaguely regretful.

I should have thought of a way to trick Conan over in the past few days... After all, in the original world line, Pisk's exposure was very coincidental - the moment he aimed at the chandelier in the dark and pulled the trigger, a reporter secretly filmed a pair of lovers in the distance. mistress. In the background of the photo taken by the reporter, there happened to be Pisk shooting with a gun.

...On the other hand, if the reporter who secretly photographed failed to find the gossip material in the dim environment and pressed the shutter; or although he pressed the shutter, it just happened that he couldn't capture Pisk's angle; or he had already Shot a few seconds later... it would be difficult to silence Pisk.

Unless he is silenced, he will naturally have no chance of becoming a ghost. In addition, if Pisk is not shot by Gin, it will be difficult for his descendant named Ireland to die in the future... This is not a blind box, this is a set of two blind boxes.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia's eyes paused for a moment as he passed by several people carrying cameras.

Don’t pin all your hopes on reporters.

He decided to wait until the lights in the banquet hall were turned off, then set up an anonymous puppet and went to borrow a camera in the dark.

——If no reporter took pictures of Pisk raising the gun, then leave it to the righteous anonymous person.

Although once the matter is exposed, the anonymous people may attract the hatred of the black organization.

But this is not the first time Miyano Akemi’s puppet has been involved in a bad organization—Gin failed to silence him on the Shinkansen last time, so he should have already made an impression on Anonymous. Now one more revenge is not a big problem.

When Jiang Xia was choosing a camera, he was on the other side of the crowd.

The door of the banquet hall was pushed open through a narrow gap, and two children who were less than the height of an adult's legs sneaked in quietly, hiding in the corner and observing in secret.

Half an hour ago, when Conan went straight to Gin's car, although Haibara Ai immediately called Dr. Ai to chase people, Dr. Agasa had to abide by traffic rules when driving, and he couldn't ride into the traffic jam at a red light intersection. The car in front chases Conan.

Therefore, when they caught up with him, Conan had already arrived for a short while and saw him prying open the door of the black Porsche and wondering what he was doing inside.

Huiyuan Laihun was almost frightened, his arm strength exploded, he ran over and dragged the person out forcefully.

Just at this moment, across the street, the figures of Gin and Vodka appeared, seemingly preparing to cross the street and return to the car.

Conan and Haiyuan Ai pressed their hands on their violently beating hearts and left in a panic without having time to do more checks.

So Huihara Ai accidentally left a piece of hair behind.

Then, she heard from the bug that the organization wanted to use the medicine she made to kill people, so she couldn't help but follow her.

This was one of the reasons why she was in the ballroom.

Another reason was that she couldn't find a reason to stop Conan legitimately.

Under this premise, Hui Yuarai thought for a moment and felt that he might be able to act as a buffer zone.

——Conan has always had no idea about himself, but when it comes to other people's situations, he will think more about it.

If she didn't go, Conan might sneak to the banquet to talk to Jiang Xia and ask for clues, and then be noticed by Gin who is also a member of the organization. But if she goes, Conan will be worried that she will be recognized by Gin, and will instinctively contact her as a "source of danger" alone, trying to exclude others... In short, after some psychological construction, Haibara Ai finally came Arrived at the scene.

The guests in the banquet hall were all dressed in black formal clothes, and there was a large area of ​​darkness.

While Haiyuan Ai struggled to look through the gaps between the adults' legs and searched for Jiang Xia, she felt a little entangled in her heart.

Although she didn't have much hope when she came this time, she did want to stop the organized killings. She also wanted to get APTX4869 to analyze its ingredients, because during the eavesdropping, Gin said on the phone, "You can use that medicine if necessary." ".

But since Jiang Xia is here, this assassination may really be related to Jiang Xia, and it may delay his mission.

But soon, Haihara Ai thought again that the target of today's assassination seemed to be a big shot. As a peripheral member of Jiangxia, he should not be able to bear this assassination, unless he is suddenly promoted...

But thinking about Jiang Xia's busy daily routine of finding cats and the continuous cases, she felt that official members shouldn't be so idle.

And according to Gin's phone call that was just eavesdropped, the person responsible for the assassination this time was a member codenamed "Pisk".

Haiyuan Ai had some impressions of this code name. He seemed to have heard it many years ago. Calculating the time, Jiang Xia was just a child at that time. This "Pisk" could never be Jiang Xia.

In other words, even if the assassination this time is related to Jiang Xia, he will not be the main executor. In this case, he will not be punished by the organization for delaying the mission... Speaking of which, can she really stop the assassination successfully? .

Hui Yuan Ai lowered the brim of his hat and shrank deeper into the shadow.


After Gin finished talking to Pisk and found an extra brown-red hair in the car, he immediately thought of Shirley, the traitor.

He rummaged around in the car and, as expected, found a listening device.

After destroying the bug, Gin did not continue to the assassination scene, but temporarily changed his route, intending to find a place to thoroughly check his car first. Once you are sure that it has not been manipulated by other means, go to the scene to find Pisk.

After checking, no other eavesdropping devices were found.

But among the slender strands of silver hair, I found another short brown-red hair.

The weather is cold and it’s the season for humans to shed their hair.

Ginjiu stared at Hui Yuan Ai's missing hair and slowly sneered: "Today is the day she dies."

Vodka skillfully took out a handful of sticky rollers from the storage box, glued up all the hair in the car and threw it away. At the same time, in order to prevent the eldest brother's words from falling to the ground without any response, he did not forget to compliment him in his busy schedule: "Will that woman really come?"

"Of course, she is not the type to sit back and ignore this matter." Gin lit a cigarette casually, with a hint of joy in his deep voice:

"Even if she doesn't come, we can still know that she is hiding near Miwa Town, and the search range can be further narrowed."

When Vodka heard Gin's tone, he knew that he had asked the right question - it was the responsibility of the number one subordinate to bring up more relevant topics when the leader made a wise decision, so that the leader could have the opportunity to explain his outstanding brain circuits clearly. one. Oh, Uzo definitely doesn't have this awareness. No matter how much he is appreciated, he will still be just an inexperienced boy. He still has a long way to go before he wants to be a driver.

Thinking of Uzo, Vodka was suddenly startled and his thoughts became divergent.

"Brother, come to think of it, hasn't Shirley been taking good care of Uzo because of the car accident a year ago?" He had a flash of inspiration:

"Since she has the kind of character that likes to save people, if we use Uzo as a hostage, wouldn't we be able to lure her out directly?" - He put the gun on Uzo's head and shouted to everyone around him, "Shirley, don't come out yet." Let’s beat him to death” and the like. Well, it's best to wait until Shirley comes out and the gun can go off...

Gin frowned subconsciously, feeling that this was too simple and crude.

But then, it seemed to make sense.

Although Shirley is cold on the surface, she is actually kind and indecisive, and often has a disgusting simplicity that is not like the people in the organization at all.

Others would scoff at such an obvious trap, but she might actually jump.

However, based on Shirley's limited following experience, as long as she dared to go to the scene, it wouldn't take long for her to be discovered. There isn't much need for this trap... Let's just think of it as an alternative if the capture fails.

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