Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 360 I have to find a lucky detective to take the blame (two chapters in one)

As expected, Conan was not crushed by the bag containing Haihara Ai.

He hesitated for a moment, faced the oppressive gaze of the anonymous lady, nodded in pretend agreement, trotted away with Haihara Ai, and took advantage of the chaos to leave.

After successfully sneaking out of the hotel and finding the doctor's little Beetle on the roadside covered with snow and broken ice, Conan put his bag in the back seat and unzipped it under Dr. Agasa's puzzled gaze.

After releasing Haibara Ai inside, Conan turned around again and planned to get out of the car and return to Aido City Hotel.

Although Anonymous just said that anyone who returns to the hotel before dawn will be killed, Conan is completely unable to control the idea of ​​"going back to get involved" - what if he can catch one or two members of the black organization before Anonymous kills them? If the organization members are handed over to the police, the police will be able to obtain a large amount of information about the black organization. Rounding it all off is that Kudo Shinichi took the antidote and returned to the peak of his life...

However, before the beautiful thoughts dissipated, Conan had just pushed the car door halfway and felt a sudden chill on his legs.

At the same time, there was a little pins and needles pain.

...Wait, it seems like "like" needs to be removed.

Conan turned around in shock and saw that Haiyuan Ai looked a little apologetic, but his movements were extremely firm and he was holding a tube of unknown injection, and the needle sank into his body.

The medicine in the special injection is filled quickly.

Conan only had time to utter out a short and stunned word "You...!" before he fell down on his seat.

The last thought that flashed through his mind was: This needle looks familiar, Xiao Bai disguised as Hui Yuan Ai? ! Yes, some time ago, Anonymous did seem to have a member who could disguise himself, and that person even disguised himself as an English teacher and took him away from Jiangxia... What exactly does this mysterious organization want to do tonight? !

Before the series of questions in his mind could produce results, Conan reluctantly fell into a deep sleep.

Dr. A Li's reaction was a little slower.

When he twisted his slightly plump body and turned back from the driver's seat, Conan behind him had already closed his eyes and was fast asleep.

Haiyuan Ai put down the empty needle and climbed over to close the rear door that Conan had just pushed open.

Then she turned her blue eyes slightly, looked at Dr. Ali, and said in a natural tone: "Go home, let's not continue to get involved in this matter."

"Oh, okay..." Dr. Ali started the fire in a daze, and subconsciously followed the instructions.

Unlike Conan, the old man is very good at taking opinions. When encountering matters related to the case, he will often follow Conan's instructions. Now that Conan is dead, he subconsciously followed what Haibara Ai said.

After driving a few meters, Dr. Ali gradually realized that being able to leave seemed to mean that the death crisis had been resolved.

He immediately turned his attention elsewhere.

Recalling the injection in Haiyuan Ai's hand just now, Dr. Ali said with surprise and surprise: "Isn't that the medicine I was responsible for developing? Some time ago, Jiang Xia asked someone to help me promote it on the TV station, and then it became It has been sold as a self-defense product, and the advertising effect is really good, and my research funds have become a lot richer."

Upon hearing this, Hui Yuan Ai silently glanced at the needle in his hand and threw away the empty shell.

Conan may not take the anonymous threat to heart.

But Haibara Ai recalled the scene just now, and clearly remembered the way the anonymous lady said, "Pisk won't survive tonight" - her expression and tone were as if she was about to crush an insect, and with a A light joy emanating from the bottom of his heart... Since such a person would say something like "I will kill you if you enter the hotel before dawn", then this kind of warning must be serious.

Thinking of this, Haiyuan Ai nodded invisibly. Yes, this should be the truth. Anonymous does give people the impression that it is gentler than the black organization, but after all, it is a secretive organization that can fight against the black organization, and even crush the black organization in some aspects... Wait, now she seems to be the same One of them? Although only a peripheral member...

Hui Yuan Ai thought about it, then slowly pulled the pillow in the car and hugged her, burying herself in the oversized clothes and pillow. Everything feels like a dream tonight.

He was captured by a black organization, rescued by Anonymous, and then suddenly changed to another organization... By the way, it seems that all official members of Anonymous must have tattoos. Can they choose the location by themselves? Or does the leader of the organization designate the seal?

...I always feel that most people will not voluntarily carve tattoos on their faces. The anonymous lady must have been oppressed by the unscrupulous boss... If after a while, I change from a peripheral member to a full member, will I also have to see the terrible behind-the-scenes person? Black hands?

Haiyuan Ai touched the corners of his eyes with some fear.

Cupido City Hotel.

After Haihara Ai and Conan left, Jiang Xia dispersed the anonymous puppets and asked Miyano Akemi to follow Haihara Ai to see the situation, while her own consciousness returned to her original body.

The words "I'll kill you all when I come back" just now were actually not meant for Conan, but mainly for Haiyuan Ai.

Conan will not be frightened by such words at all. On the contrary, if he hears that someone is about to die, he may even rush in to try to save people and carry out his familiar death-seeking actions... But Haibara Ai will definitely not pretend not to hear. .

Thinking of the tube of anesthetic given to Haiyuan Ai, Jiang Xia felt that if everything goes well, Conan should be lying down by now.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Miyano Akemi reported back the news.

——Haihara Ai conscientiously completed the first task she received from the Anonymous Organization. She inserted a tube of anesthetic into Conan and persuaded Dr. Agasa to leave.

In other words, tonight, Kudo-san, who has a lot to do, will not cause trouble again.

In this case, maybe you can watch the process of unboxing Pisk and take a closer look at the murderous aura on Gin.

In the room temporarily commandeered by the police, Jiang Xia looked away from the window and looked at the situation in the room.

The scene where Gin and Vodka walked into the Abedo Hotel just now was seen by Conan, who immediately called the Megure Police Department in Kudo Shinichi's voice and asked him to stop the two men in black.

Although the Megure Police Department was confused, from Kudo Shinichi's tone, he realized that the matter seemed to be very serious, and personally led a few capable subordinates to stop it.

As a result, not only were they unable to find Gin, but the situation in the inquiry room began to get out of control because of the scattered manpower. In the end, the police officers' delay reached the limit and they could only take a step back: those with purple commemorative handkerchiefs could leave first.

Pisk's heart sank slightly when he heard that the handkerchief was to be checked.

He faced the approaching police officer and reached into his pocket with a calm expression, intending to fumble around and then say he had lost it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his fingertips penetrated, he touched smooth satin.

The unfamiliar feeling made Pisk startled.

After he paused for a moment, he slowly took out his hand, and there was a purple handkerchief in his hand.

Pisk stared at it, his expression changing slightly.

...His handkerchief was obviously covering the muzzle of the gun, but it was blown away later. How did this handkerchief get into the pocket? !

The police officer didn't notice the ugly expression on his face beneath the layers of wrinkles. He briefly checked the handkerchief and after confirming that it was a souvenir handkerchief, he let Pisk go out.

Pisk entered the corridor but did not leave immediately.

He turned around and glanced at everyone in the room with doubtful eyes.

——Celebrities gather together, even if they are in the embarrassing situation of being regarded as suspects, they cannot abandon social etiquette.

Therefore, just now, several of these people had shaken hands with him, talked to him, and passed by him... In short, as long as the skills were high enough, they would have the opportunity to put the handkerchief into his pocket.

By the way, speaking of personal opportunities...

A scene suddenly flashed through Pisk's mind:

After Jiang Xia beat him before, in order to eliminate evidence, when he forcibly pulled him up from the ground and patted the footprints on his clothes, he had touched his clothes, and of course there were many opportunities to touch his pockets.

Could it be...

A flash of lightning flashed through Pisk's mind, and he suddenly looked through the door to Jiang Xia in the room.

But he happened to see the police officer say a few words next to Jiang Xia, and then Jiang Xia took out a purple commemorative handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the police for inspection.

Pisk silently withdrew his gaze.

...thinking too much.

A commemorative handkerchief will suddenly appear in his pocket. It should be that the unknown accomplice put his own handkerchief on him to cover him.

Since Jiang Xia's handkerchief is still there, it means Jiang Xia is not that accomplice.

After coming to this conclusion, Pisk felt a little complicated. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was very reasonable - although he did not know the identity of the hidden member, the other party knew him. And there is no reason for his colleagues to step on him and hit him even though they know his identity...

That's fine, he's not a colleague, so that he can be silenced later.

After confirming through the handkerchief that the organization accomplice hiding in the dark was not Jiang Xia, Pisk snorted and stopped staying.

He hurried down the corridor to the wine cellar.

Although if you continue to look at the door, you may be able to discover the true identity of your paddling teammate.

But right now, that's clearly not the point.

The key point is to confirm Shirley's current condition as soon as possible and transport the person out of the hotel - he left in a hurry just now and thought he could get back before Shirley woke up, so he didn't tie him up. Now I just hope that Shirley will not commit suicide due to panic. In that case, the organization will undoubtedly lose a lot of information, and he will also lose a lot of merit... Pisk secretly prayed.

As for his teammates, when they go back and finish writing the mission report, that person's paddling behavior will naturally be punished.

He walked hurriedly through the corridor, his thoughts cluttered.

He didn't notice that not long after he left, a figure followed quietly behind him.

Jiang Xia controlled the pace and stared at Pisk's back expectantly.

Jiang Xia had also passed the police handkerchief inspection and successfully left the room. Several police officers in the room were not familiar with him, and no one paid attention to the direction in which he left.

——As early as when she was preparing to attend the memorial service, Jiang Xia had planned to get another purple handkerchief.

First of all, Pisk must be protected. Otherwise, if Pisk is suspected, detained, and falls into the hands of the police, the blind box cannot be opened. After all, it is impossible for the police to kill a cunning and unresisting old man on the spot.

In addition, Jiang Xia also wants to continue to tease the red side and does not want to expose Wu Zuo's identity immediately. In order to avoid being targeted by some active thinking people, he also had to have a handkerchief of his own.

So before, when Jiang Xia drove the puppet to look for body armor to prevent Gin from shooting in the fireplace on a whim, she didn't forget to put on Xiao Bai's puppet and take her parents ghost to the front desk to hand out handkerchiefs. The aunts played for a while.

On the way, he quietly took away a remaining purple handkerchief while no one was paying attention.

Give one piece to Pisk, and you will have one piece left.

Plan pass√

Pisk quickly walked down the steps and entered the corridor where the wine cellar was located.

When he saw the ajar door of the wine cellar from a distance, his heart skipped a beat and he felt a chill.

After striding closer and seeing clearly the bullet hole in the lock of the wine cellar door, Pisk frowned again and fell into deep thought.

...This simple and crude way of opening the door reminded him of Gin.

However, we cannot rule out the possibility that after Shirley escaped from the organization, she got mixed up with an aggressive new companion who had a gun and was too lazy to pick the lock. This bullet hole may have been made by the person who rescued her.

The former is fine, but if it's the latter...

With a slightly solemn expression, Pisk pulled out his gun and loaded it, then carefully opened the door and walked into the wine cellar to check.

Just after taking two steps, the door behind him suddenly creaked.

Pisk turned his head sharply, just in time to see Gin approaching him. At the same time, Gin lifted a gun with a silencer and pressed it against Pisk's eyebrows, sending a terrifying cold air to his face. "cold" in the physical sense.

——There were sporadic wet stains on Gin's black windbreaker, and there were some unmelted snowflakes accumulated on his shoulders and the brim of his hat. He looked like he had been frozen in the cold wind and heavy snow for a long time.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was like frozen ice, and the cold aura rushed towards his face with murderous intent. Gin did not mention Shirley's matter, but asked coldly: "Why didn't you kill that reporter immediately and deal with it?" Film?"

"..." Pisk was froze by the cold muzzle between his eyebrows, "Reporter? Film?...What do you mean?"

Gin remembered that he had been waiting on the rooftop for a long time and did not see Shirley climb up. Instead, he received an email with implicit reprimand from the boss, and his murderous intention became stronger in an instant.

A malicious smile appeared on his lips: "Haven't you heard yet? It is said that the headline of tomorrow morning's newspaper will be a photo of you raising a gun to the ceiling at the memorial hall of Director Shumaki."

Pisk was stunned.

Thoughts spewed out, and in the flash of lightning, his heart palpitated, and he suddenly remembered the cluster of flashing lights that lit up in the dark banquet hall before he shot the chandelier.

He suddenly realized the problem.

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