Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 363 Two-in-one Chapter (End)

Conan looked ugly, pressed his forehead that was still aching, and silently refreshed his understanding of this organization in his heart.

In addition, there is another thing that I have to pay attention to.

"...Has Kenzo Matoyama checked the purple commemorative handkerchief to the police?"

When the handkerchiefs were checked yesterday, the Megure Police Department was looking for gin and vodka as Kudo Shinichi said, and they were not left in the interrogation room. Later, a fire suddenly broke out, and a body appeared in the fire... A series of things were so busy that the Megure Police Department had no time to pay attention to the details.

So when Conan asked about the status of the handkerchief, he first asked his subordinates before calling back.

Then came the news that "Matoyama Kenzo has a handkerchief" that made Conan's pupils tremble slightly.

While making inquiries at the Megure Police Department, Conan saw the morning news, which actually showed Kenzo Masayama pointing a gun at the chandelier.

...In other words, the commemorative handkerchief received by Kenzo Matoyama should have flown out with the gunshot and was not taken back. But he was able to produce a handkerchief when questioned by the police.

…Someone gave him his handkerchief? !

Six figures flashed in Conan's mind - there were seven people present at the time of the crime who had been issued purple handkerchiefs for several years. In addition to Pisk, there are six other people. Among these people, there is probably another organization member hiding.

Just as he was thinking about it, someone knocked twice on the door of the doctor's house, then pushed the door open and entered.

It's Jiangxia.

Conan turned around to see him and nodded habitually to say hello.

Then a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and he was stunned.

Jiang Xia walked in and didn't see the cat. He first saw Conan standing in the living room. He didn't seem to have returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

Conan holds a mobile phone in one hand and a bow-tie voice changer in the other. After looking at each other, I don't know what the child thought of. He turned around unnaturally and walked to another room as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Xia didn't need to say anything, Xiaobai had already drifted over consciously, grabbed the receiver, and listened.

It didn't take long for the clever kid to send back the news - Conan was asking the Memu Police Department about the purple commemorative handkerchief. He also asked tangledly: Did Jiang Xia have a handkerchief on her last night?

...The intuition is quite accurate.

Jiang Xia, who had a spare handkerchief, was not at all false. He waved his hand to Xiao Bai to continue listening and tell him when he came back. At the same time, he intercepted a cat that had somehow escaped from the cage and was trying to sneak away from his feet to the door in a low profile, and picked him up. Rua a few times.

Then he played with someone else's cat and sat on the sofa to wait for dinner.

Hui Yuan Ai heard the commotion and poked her head out of the kitchen to take a look.

After discovering that it was Jiang Xia, and that it was Jiang Xia who looked healthy and natural, with no dark circles under her eyes, she felt relieved and retreated back to the kitchen.

It seems that this mission to assassinate Councilor Tunkou really has little to do with Jiang Xia - even Pisk is dead, but Jiang Xia seems not to be held accountable by the organization... But I still feel that something is unusual. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that the tasks and people Jiang Xia was now in contact with, as well as the information he knew, were not what a peripheral member should get.

Hui Yuan Ai felt the organizational atmosphere in the living room that she had gradually become accustomed to. Thinking of certain possibilities, her back inevitably felt cold. However, she peeked through the crack in the door again and glanced at Jiang Xia, who was sitting on the sofa and concentrating on playing with her cat. His eyes softened a lot unconsciously.

...Maybe I am overthinking it. How can organization cadres have time to take on these cat-catching commissions every day?

Moreover, I heard from Dr. A Li that the person who invited Jiang Xia to the memorial service of Director Shumaki was a client who often visited Jiang Xia's office. In other words, there was actually a legitimate reason for Jiang Xia to appear on that occasion. This is not unexpected, at most it is just a coincidence.

As for the excessive information, Jiang Xia may have deduced it himself... He is indeed very talented in this area.

Hui Yuan Ai comforted herself and stopped her thoughts, not wanting to speculate any more.

After all, after experiencing what happened yesterday, she realized more deeply that with her current ability, even if she really discovered some truth about Jiang Xia, she would be unable to do anything except worry, and even in turn, she would do harm to Jiang Xia. Add to the chaos.

...But fortunately, now, she is no longer the scientist who can only secretly study the antidote alone - she has now passed the test that even Kudo failed to pass, and has initially joined the Anonymous Organization.

Maybe she can slowly become stronger through this mysterious organization, and then do what she wants to do...

Thinking of this, Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but think of the anonymous lady's cool look when she beat someone. She took advantage of the fact that there was no one in the kitchen and clenched her fist hard, and suddenly she felt that her whole body was full of energy - Anonymous would definitely give her the power she wanted.

Not far away, Jiang Xia suddenly sneezed.

After the beating, he felt carefully and thought he didn't have any signs of a cold, so he glanced at the long cat in his hand and asked, "Are you molting?"

The cat also glanced at him, bared its teeth and yawned. It was hugged by him sadly, as if it didn't want to talk to him and just wanted to go home and sleep.

Being so lazy and running away from home every day is not easy being a cat... Jiang Xia stretched out her hand and rubbed the cat's head sympathetically.

After Conan made a secret phone call to the Memu Police Department, when he looked at Jiang Xia again, his expression had returned to normal.

According to information provided by the Mumu Police Department, Jiang Xia took out a purple commemorative handkerchief when questioned by the police.

In other words, he was not the one who provided Pisk with the handkerchief, and Jiang Xia was not Pisk's accomplice.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, not surprised by the answer.

He didn't know why he suddenly suspected Jiang Xia. Now that he thought about it, it should be just a necessary step to eliminate the truth when encountering problems - detectives should be equally suspicious of everyone before coming to the truth. people.

Conan nodded secretly, perfectly rounding off his sudden intuitive guess.

In addition, the Megure Police Department said that there were two people who lost their handkerchiefs at that time... While Conan was eating without knowing the taste, he began to quickly go through the information about the two celebrities who lost their handkerchiefs in his mind, intending to find a "cover" from them. Members of the organization that have passed Pisk”. In addition, there seemed to be a few people who left the venue first after getting the purple handkerchiefs. They may have given the handkerchiefs to Pisk before leaving.

Jiang Xia briefly observed Conan's expression and found that there was no exaggerated acting skills on it, and he was not observing him, so he knew that Conan had indeed dispelled his suspicion.

Haihara Ai seemed to be distracted while cooking today, and the food was very salty.

She obviously ate it herself. Halfway through, she silently put down her chopsticks, brewed some tea, and put it in the hands of several people.

Jiang Xia had just picked up a cup and before she could cool it down, she suddenly heard a noise at the door.

Immediately afterwards, footsteps and chatter came closer and closer, and the door was pushed open from the outside - the young detective team arrived at the doctor's house.

The restaurant is some distance from the main door. The three children from the Youth Detective Team did not find Jiang Xia.

Today is a working day. They come to Conan to go to school together. More importantly, they remind Dr. A Li:

"Remember to invite us to watch Gomera's movie, as promised before!"

Dr. A Li was startled, and then touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

...He really forgot.

Haiyuan Ai saw Jiang Xia glance towards the door and seemed to be interested in the children's topic, so she explained in a low voice:

"A while ago, the children helped the doctor solve the puzzle on the postcard and met his first love. The doctor promised to treat them to a movie as a thank you, but..."

"But I forgot that there was a society at that time. I have to go to Kyushu on a business trip this week, and I will leave in the afternoon..." Dr. Ali said guiltily, "How about next time?"

The three children were extremely disappointed and pouted, ready to condemn the untrustworthy adults.

At this moment, a voice came from the side:

"Why don't I go with them? I happen to be fine recently."

This familiar voice made the young detective team freeze.

The next second, the three heads swung in unison and looked at the source of the sound. When they saw that it was indeed Jiang Xia, the faces of the three naughty children began to turn pale.

...With Jiang Xia, it’s better not to watch.

Although Conan and Haibara Ai have repeatedly said that Jiang Xia will not hit children, the three children are not stupid, and sometimes they are even very perceptive - they can see that Conan and Haibara Ai's eyes are wandering every time they say such things. , his tone was not very sure, it was obvious that he did not know whether Jiang Xia would beat naughty children like those bad guys... The children who had witnessed Jiang Xia beating people countless times did not want to be with him.

But Dr. Ali obviously forgot about this. When he heard Jiang Xia's suggestion, his eyes lit up: "Okay, it just so happens that the age difference between you is smaller. You should have more common topics than being together with me, hahaha."

The young detective team raised their little hands tremblingly, trying to interrupt the topic with a weak protest: "No..."

"Isn't it bad? Why?" Jiang Xia stood up and approached, saying in a joking tone, "If you avoid me, I will be very sad."


The three children looked at his approaching figure, subconsciously crowded together, and quickly arranged a series of equations in their minds.

Sad = in a bad mood =…

In their minds, they pictured the swinging stick, the library director's screams that echoed through several floors late at night, and then recalled the embarrassment of the gun-wielding psychiatrist being kicked and rolling in the street, and the pain in the old villa. The bandit who cried out to Poyin was worse off than dead...

Hey, wait, the last one doesn’t seem to be done by Brother Jiang Xia.

...but that's not the point. The point is that they are afraid of him anyway. They always feel that if they reject Jiang Xia, maybe one day they will be beaten by Jiang Xia with a sack on the way home from school. After all, although they have a clear conscience, judging from the comments of adults, they seem to be nothing. Worry-free good boy...

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, who was most polluted by adult society, was the first to wave the white flag.

He forced a smile and said inconsistently: "How could that be? I like watching movies with brother Jiang Xia the most. Haha, ha..."

Ayumi Yoshida and Genta Kojima nodded in agreement as if they were pecking at rice.

Jiang Xia smiled lightly, reached out and touched the heads of the three children, and said gently: "Then it's settled, I'll pick you up after school."

Conan: "..."

For a moment, I didn't know whether to sympathize with Jiang Xia, who was rejected by the naughty children, or with the naughty children, who no longer wanted to play with Jiang Xia and could only nod in agreement.

Having said that, Jiang Xia seems to like children, although the children don't like him very much... But after getting along for a long time, the Youth Detective Team will one day believe that Jiang Xia is a good person who doesn't hit children... Well, he probably won't, As long as they don't break the law... Conan thought uncertainly.

After bidding farewell to the happy Dr. A Li and the lovely children with wilted heads, Jiang Xia skipped class as usual and went to the detective agency.

There was still no invitation to pick up ghosts that he wanted in the mailbox.

After that, Jiang Xia spent another day distributing the cats, but failed to receive the commission of finding ghosts.

It was a fruitless day...but Jiang Xia felt very calm because the day was not over yet.

——Fortunately, he found the Young Detective Team at Dr. Ali’s house early in the morning. These children who often attract murder cases will definitely not disappoint him.

Soon it was time for elementary school to end.

Jiang Xia closed the door of the office, got on the motorcycle, and drove to Didan Elementary School with great anticipation.

He also carried a map with the locations of all nearby movie theaters. When the time comes, let the children who are very inspired by the case choose whatever they want.

By the way, before watching the movie, you can also treat them to a meal. In my impression, there are many murders that occurred in restaurants...

Not long after, Jiang Xia arrived at the gate of Didan Primary School.

He parked the car opposite the school gate, leaned on the car, and looked at the bright and magnificent teaching building in the school.

Class B, first grade.

Conan was about to leave after school as usual. As soon as he put his schoolbag on his back, he was firmly pushed back to the chair by three pairs of hands:

"Don't leave! It's rare that we have adjusted our duty to today, and we have agreed to release brother Jiang Xia's pigeons together!"

"..." Conan sometimes feels that he cannot understand the child's thinking, "You are afraid that he will get angry and hit others. But if you lose him, won't it only make him angrier?"

"Duty duty is a force majeure. As long as we don't say that we have been on duty, brother Jiang Xia will not know." Mitsuhiko thinks it is ok, "And as long as we find an excuse to escape today, we can push the time to watch movies to Dr. Ali When we have time, we won’t need Brother Jiang Xia to take us there!"

Next to him, Hui Yuan Ai looked at his watch and yawned: "Then you guys come on and clean up, I have to go back first."

There is still an experiment that has not been completed, and I have no time to accompany the children to hide from Jiangxia... Why hide from Jiangxia? He's not a bad person... Well, even if he did bad things, it must have been because of the organization's mission.

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