Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 368 Suspicious Toru Amuro (Chapter 1)

Jiang Xia walked past Belmode and walked out of the classroom, casually making arrangements: "You come and find the person hiding in this classroom. I'll go to Conan's place to have a look."

Belmode felt Uzo's very natural attitude when he directed "Toru Amuro", and he couldn't help but doubt Bourbon's status in the detective agency.

Although she felt that Uzo's interpersonal status was a bit strange, she didn't want to fall off the horse so quickly, and she didn't know how the mystical Bourbon usually treated his employees, so she had to suppress the strange emotions in her heart and make a "Just "It should be like this" and walked to the podium obediently.

After taking two steps, Belmod suddenly heard the sound of soft footsteps behind him.

Looking back, he saw that Conan's two classmates were not with Jiang Xia, but were following her step by step. The distance was even much closer than when they were following her and Jiang Xia at the same time just now.


Belmode was a little confused. She subconsciously raised her hand and touched her face, wondering whether it was because Bourbon's appearance was more popular with children, so that after only getting along for a short while, her affinity surpassed that of Uzo?

...Obviously Uzo looks more approachable, but the kids are not very discerning. Hmm... maybe it's because I don't see half-bloods often and I'm curious, so I followed her?

Belmod ignored them, withdrew his gaze and continued to walk towards the podium.

On the other side, after Conan finished howling, he stamped his feet for a while, from heavy to light, pretending to have fled away.

Then he picked up Genta and tiptoed to the side.

After a few minutes, I saw a slightly older figure holding a rag in his hand, wiping it down the stairs - there is a price to pay for being scary. The paint on the handrails used as "blood stains" will no longer be there once it dries. Good to rub.

After wiping off the last trace of blood, the academic director breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to wipe away the sweat on his head.

He was about to continue looking for his wig, but when he turned around, he was shocked to see two children standing in front of him.

Conan raised his head in surprise and looked at the academic director's different hairstyle.

In an instant, the director suddenly disappeared, Mr. Ohata's strange expression when questioned, the figure rummaging in the corridor late at night, the mysterious man who ran away when he saw the children and pretended to be a ghost in an attempt to scare them away...

All kinds of phenomena were connected together like pearls pierced by needle and thread. As if an electric current flashed through Conan's mind, he suddenly understood the strange situation tonight.

——The director’s wig must have been lost, so he came to the school at night and secretly looked for the wig alone.

Previously, Bumi went to the dean's house and rang the doorbell but no one opened the door. It was not because the dean was killed by a mysterious man, but because the dean did not want to see the students with his bald head. He happened to live alone and had no family to help receive him.

...Speaking of which, if you are so concerned about being seen bald, why not wear a hat to cover it up?

Conan met the director's embarrassed gaze and was too embarrassed to express his complaints.

He changed the subject with rare thoughtfulness and asked what he was most interested in: "How did you make that mouth on the plaster statue?" Then he thought of the two missing classmates, "Where are Ayumi and Mitsuhiko now? "

"...?" The dean's eyes slowly changed from embarrassment to confusion, and he obviously failed to understand Conan's previous question.

The latter one vaguely understood: "Two students lost?!"

Conan was slightly surprised to see that his reaction didn't seem to be fake.

Previously, Conan had speculated that there was more than one scary little black guy wandering in the teaching building based on the circumstances of Mitsuhiko's disappearance.

Later, after talking to Jiang Xia on the phone, he found that Jiang Xia had also entered the teaching building. Conan thought that if Bumi and Guangyan who were running around did not fall into the hands of the gangsters, they might have been picked up by Jiang Xia. This could effectively prevent the two An accident happened to the lone child... Tsk, although Jiang Xia meant well, it was too scary for the people left behind...

...In short, after Conan saw the academic director coming down the stairs, the "little black" in his mind was automatically replaced by the academic director + Jiang Xia.

But now, the two things that concern him the most, "the mouth on the plaster statue" and "the disappearance of Ayumi Mitsuhiko", were not done by the dean...

The latter can barely be pushed to Jiang Xia, but the former is very confusing.

——According to Conan's speculation, the weirdly grinning mouth on the plaster statue should be some kind of material that expands under certain conditions.

To set up this mechanism, the mastermind behind the scenes needs to be able to enter the teaching building in advance and guess that someone will enter the art classroom.

But Jiang Xia entered the teaching building tonight entirely because the children had adjusted the duty time without authorization, so Jiang Xia came in to look for someone... This was a sudden and unexpected incident.

In addition, Jiang Xia didn't know about the recent strange legends about the art classroom in Didan Primary School. He had no time and could not make these preparations, not to mention Jiang Xia had no motive at all.

In other words... there is a third person in the teaching building? !

I thought I had solved the mystery, but at this moment, another "Little Hei" with a vague face suddenly appeared.

Conan's scalp felt slightly numb for a moment.

However, after getting rid of the previous assumption of "there were two people", more details began to emerge in his mind one by one - thinking about it carefully, those campus legends did not match the behavior of the dean who was looking for a wig.

For example, there is a legend about "a muscular mannequin running late at night." When the director is looking for a wig, there is really no need to carry the model around.

Even if this can be regarded as a trick he adopted to scare away the students, the plaster statues in the art classroom are difficult to explain: judging from the legend, they have been moved more than once, and if you are looking for something, you only need to flip it once. No need to look back and forth.

...I don't know if Jiang Xia has discovered the existence of the "third person", and must tell him as soon as possible.

Speaking of Jiang Xia... didn't he plan to be the oriole behind? Now that the directors have come out, Jiang Xia still hasn't shown up. Could it be that he went to catch another person? He had already discovered that "Xiao Hei" was two people? !

Just as he was thinking about it, a few small footsteps came from deep in the corridor.

Several people of varying heights stepped out of the shadows.

Conan quickly looked around, caught sight of the two children, and felt relieved - Ayumi and Mitsuhiko were indeed fine.

And the two adults walking next to them...

Conan saw the person clearly and was slightly startled: "Mr. Kobayashi?" And... "Mr. Amuro?!"

"Toru Amuro" heard this and looked at him, showed him a friendly smile, and touched his head as he passed by.

Conan stiffened.

...Why does Toru Amuro seem more enthusiastic than usual today?

In the past, although Mr. Amuro was relatively friendly, he always looked at him with a strange and slightly scrutinizing look from time to time, especially when they were sitting in the car together... But today, Toru Amuro had no similar look at all, and It gives people a gentle feeling inexplicably.

Conan looked at him carefully, secretly wondering in his heart, and continued to look behind the four of them: "Why isn't brother Jiang Xia here?"

"I just went to see the puppets in the tool room."

Jiang Xia's voice came from the other side.

Soon, others followed and looked at the dean of academic affairs with a slightly disappointed look.

The dean of academic affairs touched the top of his head inexplicably and shrank back to a darker place behind him, so that his head would not be so conspicuous and reflective.

After feeling the safety brought by the darkness, he originally wanted to use the dignity of a director to question these naughty children and the two adults who appeared out of nowhere in the school late at night.

But when he thought about what he had done today, the academic director's confidence suddenly shrank like a deflated rubber ball. In the end, he had no choice but to hide in the shadows and pretend he didn't exist.

Conan looked at the director, then at Jiang Xia and "Amuro Toru", and finally at Teacher Xiaolin, habitually entering the four-choice mode.

Teacher Xiaolin's current attitude was very different from her usual serious look. Combined with the plaster statue in the art classroom, Conan vaguely understood.

He first looked at Jiang Xia and confirmed: "Were Ayumi and Mitsuhiko where you were just now?"

Jiang Xia looked at the two children who were shocked when they were cueed, and stood at attention, not daring to speak. Thinking that Conan would be able to find out the truth by asking them later, it was better to admit it directly.

So he spoke calmly and casually gave a reason for his behavior: "It's a bit dangerous to let children run around alone."

Conan nodded in understanding. This is the same as his previous speculation.

So now, there is only one unresolved problem...

Conan turned to Teacher Xiaolin, who was trying to hide himself in the corner: "The plaster statues and the muscle mannequins in the health room were all moved to the classroom by you to practice for the upcoming parent-teacher conference."

Kobayashi Chengzi covered her red and slightly hot face and nodded shamefully.

Conan paused, then continued to speculate in an uncertain tone:

"Because recently two strange legends in the school - the 'moving plaster statue' and the 'running mannequin' have begun to spread. Teacher Xiaolin is worried that people will think that this is actually someone preparing for the upcoming parent-teacher meeting, and then She guessed that it was her who had just worked at Didan Elementary School for a short time, so she decided to completely shape the rumors into two weird legends to distinguish them from what she was really doing.

"The most popular legend is the 'moving plaster statue in the art student classroom', so Mr. Kobayashi put a material on it that changes shape according to temperature or light..."

As he spoke, Conan's voice gradually became lower.

——From the moment he switched to the topic "It was Mr. Kobayashi who put the materials on the plaster statue", Kobayashi Sumiko's eyes began to become confused. Although she didn't make a sound, "I'm not, I don't have what you're talking about" was clearly written all over her face.

"..." Not her?

Who did that?

Conan also became confused.

Then, after a series of intuitive reasoning that even he himself did not respond to, Conan instinctively turned his head and looked at Jiang Xia.

…When it comes to the magical material on the plaster statue’s forehead, it’s hard not to think of Dr. Agasa.

Dr. Ali also likes to share some interesting props with others. At present, when the doctor has a unique new product, who is most likely to show it first, then apart from Haihara Ai who is closest to the doctor, it must be Jiang Xia.

Conan's suspicious eyes fell on Jiang Xia.

Make bold assumptions and verify carefully: Perhaps the doctor suddenly remembered that "Xinyi didn't like to hear him explain strange new inventions" and was worried about it, so he gave the strange expanding material to Jiang Xia and asked him to Jiang Xia "looking for an opportunity to scare Conan"?

...The Doctor does like to play pranks sometimes. And if he really spoke, Jiang Xia would not refuse - this reasoning has a certain theoretical basis.

However, when Conan looked at Jiang Xia, he saw that Jiang Xia's eyes were even more confused than Teacher Xiao Lin's.

Soon, Jiang Xia seemed to think of something, and asked Conan with a hint of less obvious curiosity: "So you screamed in the art classroom just now because you were frightened by the 'deformation material'? What did it become?"

"...It wasn't a scream, it was just a shout." Conan corrected this shamelessly.

He briefly described the "mouth."

Then Jiang Xia was also excluded.

Since Jiang Xia didn't admit it, it probably wasn't him.

Because there is no need to hide it: according to Dr. A Li's character, if he really gave Jiang Xia that kind of expansion material, the doctor would definitely come to Conan with a smile later and ask him how he felt about being scared. Jiang Xia must also know this, so he doesn't have to lie about it at all.

After crossing out "Jiang Xia" from the list of suspects, Conan looked at a few children who were secretly glancing at Jiang Xia and still dared not speak out, and decisively crossed out these three classmates - they did not have such acting skills and courage. .

Then all that's left is...

Conan raised his head little by little and moved his gaze upward.

His eyes fell on "Toru Amuro" who was watching him with interest.

"Toru Amuro" met Conan's suspicious gaze and raised his eyebrows in slight surprise.

After he understood, he didn't explain, he just smiled meaningfully at Conan.

Jiang Xia looked on: "..."

...You can do whatever you want by wearing someone else's skin.

Conan was also stunned by "Toru Amuro's" reaction: Could this be... a provocative smile after a successful prank?

...However, theoretically speaking, Mr. Amuro, like Jiang Xia, is an outsider. It is unlikely that he would do such a thing, and he has no motive.

Conan thought rationally for a while and felt that evidence must be used to do things. He could not identify the mastermind with just a smile - maybe Mr. Amuro just smiled politely when they looked at each other and had no other meaning.

Conan then secretly planned: When Dr. Ali comes back from his business trip, he will first move the plaster statue over and let the doctor check the traces on it. Maybe he can figure out what the terrible "mouth" is based on the remaining materials. .

While the reason for the conspiracy is being discovered, the focus of suspicion still has to be on the academic director and Sumiko Kobayashi.

Although the confusion of both faculty members seemed genuine.

But Conan thought, there are many kinds of people in the world - maybe there is a drama queen hidden among these two honest people.

Must be screened carefully.

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