Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 370 Haiyuan Ai’s acting skills (combined chapter)

Listening to Dr. A Li's tone, Jiang Xia was a little worried that his next sentence would be "I want to go back early to play with the children!".

...fortunately not.

Dr. A Li just counted his fingers regretfully and said:

"The academy will be held for two more days. After it is over, I plan to visit my old friends in Kyushu. I may not be able to go back until next week... I can only leave the affairs of those children to you first - by the way, I'll call I just wanted to ask, are you free this weekend?"


Jiang Xia decided to respond first and talk later.

At the moment, he really doesn't have any plans for the weekend. If you are lucky enough to receive a commission later, or if something happens to the organization, you can manage your time reasonably based on the specific situation at that time.

Dr. Ali twirled his beard and was quite happy. He actually wanted Jiang Xia to take a few children out to play this weekend.

He is very happy to see Jiang Xia get along happily with a few energetic children, which is good for both parties - presumably the children will have more in common with Jiang Xia than his grandfather:

"It's like this. I met an old classmate at the school. When we were talking about the children, he said that the series of movies directed by his brother was about to end, and the last filming happened to be happening recently.

"You can go visit it on weekends - this is a very rare and out-of-print opportunity, and it will never happen again in the future."

...series of movies, filming visits, out of print?

Several words were arranged and combined in Jiang Xia's mind, quickly awakening the memory in his huge spoiler library.

Jiang Xia asked tentatively: "The series of movies you mentioned..."

“It’s the Gomera series that kids love the most!”

Dr. A Li said in a tone that seemed to have a "dang-dang-dang--" sound effect:

"I have already said hello to Director Mikami. I will send you the address and appointment time later. You can take the children to see it. This may be much more memorable than a movie that can be played repeatedly, and it is also It’s more interesting and you won’t get bored if you watch it with them.”

Jiang Xia really won't feel bored.

Because he remembered that there would be a murder here...

He happily agreed: "Okay."

After talking about business, he quickly hung up the phone.

Jiang Xia looked at the screen that had not yet been extinguished and thought to herself that Dr. Ali was really the best neighbor of a psychic... Of course, so was Kudo-san.

Conan was eavesdropping on Jiang Xia's call with his ears raised, when Jiang Xia suddenly glanced at him.

Then he was confused to find that Jiang Xia's mood seemed to be quite good, at least better than when he sent the children home just now.

"What did the doctor say?" Conan was a little curious.

"I'm going to take the children with me to watch the filming of Gomera on the weekend." Jiang Xia touched Conan's head smoothly and smoothed away the murderous aura that Belmod had accidentally touched there just now, "When I go to school tomorrow , you remember to tell them."

"Oh, okay." Conan nodded in agreement. At the same time, he was even more surprised.

Jiang Xia is also a fan of Gomera?

We are both high school students, and people's preferences are really different... Conan only felt that when he thought of Gomera, he reflexively felt sleepy - he had memorized the entire plot of the drama when he was a child, but now he has unfortunately become smaller, and... How about revisiting it with the Young Detective Team from time to time... hmm? Speaking of which, Jiang Xia's parents were very busy when he was a child and seemed to have no time to take him to the cinema.

When Jiang Xia was a child, he didn't seem to play with friends often. He was usually accompanied by his nanny. The nanny would never have thought of taking someone to watch a movie. Later, even the nanny was gone... Conan thought about it and suddenly felt like Awakening.

Before, he was a little confused as to why Jiang Xia was so proactive in helping Dr. A Li take care of the child.

Now it seems that maybe Jiang Xia is interested in Gomera but is too embarrassed to go to the theater to watch it. This time he found a rare opportunity.

In addition, Jiang Xia often plays with the children of the Youth Detective Group and likes to stay with them. Perhaps it is because he sees his missing childhood in those children?

The more Conan thought about it, the more reasonable it became. He felt that some of Jiang Xia's slightly abrupt actions had reasonable explanations in an instant. He felt as relieved as if he had put the puzzle pieces together correctly and solved the riddle.

At the same time, the enthusiastic Kudo classmate secretly thought that he would create more opportunities for Jiang Xia to get along with the young detective team in the future.

Those three children just had a little misunderstanding about Jiang Xia. After more contact, they would naturally discover that Jiang Xia was actually a good person, and then they began to take the initiative to play with Jiang Xia. Such a virtuous circle...

Out of the above mental journey.

The next day, when Conan went to school, he did not directly tell the three children that he was going to watch a movie with Jiang Xia on the weekend. He only said that he did not need to go to the movie with Jiang Xia tonight.

Then when the children were happily high-fiving, I took the opportunity to ask them to go out and play together on the weekend.

The time of the appointment happened to be the time when Jiang Xia and Jiang Xia had made an appointment to watch Gomera filming together.

After all, weekends are different from usual times, and there are really many excuses to make. Jiang Xia also looks like she really wants to go to the filming with the children... Only in this way can the children be invited out in the safest way.

...Well, this can't be regarded as kidnapping, because Jiang Xia is indeed not a terrible violent person, and has even saved these naughty children several times. Jiang Xia was just a little more decisive when facing criminals, which caused the children to misunderstand him.

Going out together on weekends may be a good opportunity to bridge the gap.

The three real kids in the Teen Detective Team are completely unaware of the dirty thoughts of adults.

On the side, Haihara Ai, who was flipping through the elementary school Chinese textbook out of boredom, turned her head and glanced this way.

Then she discovered that Conan had an inexplicable sense of being sneaky and evasive.

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly became alert and asked in a low voice with disgust: "What do you want to do again?"

Conan hesitated for a moment, and took advantage of the fact that the three children were happy and didn't pay attention, and told Haibara Ai the cause and effect.

Then I got a gratifying comment: "You can come up with good ideas occasionally."

Seeing that someone understood him, Conan's conscience suddenly stopped hurting.

That's right, how can you call the way you deal with it sinister...

On the weekend, three innocent children who knew nothing came to the park early, waiting to meet Conan. They had agreed to play together before.

A little after the appointed time, Conan's figure appeared at the door.

Ayumi's sharp-eyed prejudice quickly jumped off the bench and cleared her throat, intending to reprimand Conan for being late.

But before he could say anything, he suddenly saw two other figures appearing at the entrance of the park, seemingly following Conan.

One of them is a cute classmate they are familiar with, Haibara Ai.

And the other...

Brother Jiang Xia? !

The three children were all stunned.

A moment later, while Jiang Xia was looking around the park, they hooked Conan's shoulders, dragged the traitor over, and whispered angrily: "Didn't you say you don't have to watch a movie with Brother Jiang Xia? Why did you lure him in?" come over!"

Conan laughed guiltily: "That..."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Xia's questioning voice suddenly came from above. The high school students' shadows, lengthened by the sun, fell on them, as if casting a thick and deep shadow.

The three children froze, slowly let go of Conan, turned their heads little by little, and looked at Jiang Xia.

An eerie atmosphere of silence spread.

After a few seconds, Mitsuhiko finally reacted and was the first to speak: "We are saying that the weather is very good today, suitable for watching movies, haha, ha..."

Jiang Xia nodded slightly: "But I won't go to the movies today."

"..." The expressions of the three children ranged from confused to surprised, "Really?!"


"Then Brother Jiang Xia fucks again..."

"Today we are going to visit the filming process of the movie together." Jiang Xia interrupted their farewell message ruthlessly, pretending not to notice the child's attitude and said, "It is your favorite Gomera series."


Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta stared at each other in confusion for a moment, lost in thought.

Visiting the filming of the Gomera monster movie... Doesn't that mean they can see Gomera, which is taller than a skyscraper? !

...Want to go!

...But I don’t want to go with brother Jiang Xia. Because in that case, you have to be careful to behave like a good child, and many creative actions will not be possible.


The three of them secretly raised their eyes and looked at Jiang Xia, who was watching them gently. Then they looked at the place where Jiang Xia usually kept his stick. They realized with frustration that it seemed that it was not their turn to choose whether to go or not.

——The Mihua Market is only so big. If you refuse to hang out with Brother Jiang Xia now, what if you suddenly meet at the crime scene one day? When Brother Jiang Xia beats the criminal, he will remember their refusal and join him. A stick...

"Wow, I'm so surprised to be able to visit Gomera."

The desire to survive made the three children make slightly exaggerated echoes.

Then, they thought about it carefully and felt that there were not many opportunities to see Gomera. Since they couldn't resist, they might as well have fun...

Half an hour later.

A group of people in various moods came to an old-style building.

The building is more than five stories high, and the walls are slightly mottled, with many traces of wind and sun remaining. A conspicuous circular "Dabao" icon hangs on the top - this is the filming location of Gomera, Dabao Cinema. .

The three children looked up at this ordinary building, with the same doubt in their eyes of different sizes.

——Gomera really lives here?

The place is too small for it. I'm afraid it can't be forced into it without breaking a few bones... Wait, is Brother Jiang Xia's friend abusing Gomera? !

This, is this the legendary thing about birds of a feather flocking together... The children's pupils were shaking.

Hui Yuan Ai followed Jiang Xia and looked at them doubtfully.

She thought that the children were like A Zhai who was visiting the Holy Land, and were shocked by the birthplace of the idol, so she reminded them gently: "It's time to go, you can't see Gomera if you stay outside."

"...!"...Xiao Ai actually really wants to visit the poor trapped Gomera... She has always been closer to brother Jiang Xia, and it seems that she has been contaminated by the terrible adult.

The three weak and helpless children looked at each other and could only walk towards the building silently, thinking about whether to risk being beaten with sticks to save the miserable Gomera from brother Jiang Xia and his friends.

Jiang Xia also noticed something strange about the children, but didn't pay much attention to it.

All these children follow Conan, and they are particularly good at thinking. As long as they are willing to follow Conan to watch the filming of the movie, then let them go...

Pushing open the main door of the building, what was revealed was a very ordinary hall, and there was no "Gomera curled up and stuffed into a small building."

The three children looked around suspiciously, followed Jiang Xia cautiously, stepped into the stairwell, and climbed up the steps.

We soon reached the top floor.

Several people stood in front of the stairwell door. Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at his phone, comparing the floors.

According to the address sent by Dr. A Li, the movie shooting location should be on this floor.

He was about to reach out and push the door open.

But at this moment, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly stretched out his hand and firmly pressed the back of Jiang Xia's hand on the doorknob, stopping him from opening the door, as if there was some extremely terrifying monster hidden behind the door.

Jiang Xia was startled and looked down at her.

At the same time, he suddenly discovered that the ghosts were a little more active than before. They were no longer scorched by the scorching sun, but they all raised their heads and looked at the floor where the shooting was located through the door, a little greedier. He even started to wipe the corners of his mouth reservedly.

... Are there members of the organization in the studio?

And from this point of view, he should still be a member of the organization with murderous intent.

Speaking of which, Haiyuan Ai's radar is actually better than the ghost's. Is she too strong or the ghost is too weak? ...Jiang Xia was deep in thought while touching Hui Yuan Ai's head sympathetically.

Then he asked as if he didn't know anything: "What's wrong?"

From the corner of her eye, Haiyuan Ai caught sight of three children who knew nothing about the organization, as well as Conan, who overreacted to the organization and could not directly tell Jiang Xia what she had discovered. After all, she remembered that in Conan's eyes, Jiang Xia still didn't know about the organization. If told directly, Jiang Xia might be forced to abandon his horse.

She then turned pale and raised her hands to cover her stomach: "I shouldn't have eaten that bowl of ice cream in the morning...I, I'll go to the convenience store downstairs to buy some hot tea."

With that said, she trotted downstairs.

After running down two floors and getting away from the organization's aura, Haihara Ai felt a little more relaxed.

Then I had some doubts.

Why are there organizational members in a place like this?

... Could this have anything to do with Jiang Xia?

...No, it shouldn't be. Coming here was Dr. A Li's suggestion, not Jiang Xia's impromptu idea. After Dr. A Li asked Jiang Xia to take the children out to play, he actually called her and asked her to take care of them. Jiang Xia and several children, so Huihara Ai knows this very well.

In short, judging from Jiang Xia's reaction just now, for him, meeting members of the organization by chance was probably just an accident.

...Anyway, Jiang Xia was definitely not setting her up on purpose, because there was no need for it at all.

Hui Yuan Ai whispered, took out her cell phone, and sent an email to Jiang Xia:

[I just noticed their aura, I'm going back first, please be careful]

She can't stay here.

Otherwise, if Shirley's identity is discovered, it will be a disaster that affects everyone.

I don’t know if the update will be late tomorrow.

Anyway, let me put a note here first...

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