Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 373 This must be Uzo’s conspiracy (joint chapter)

Bermod and Toru Amuro looked at Jiang Xia at the same time, thinking about a reasonable way to interrupt.

But before they could speak or take action, Jiang Xia actually stopped talking.

Then the young member of the organization looked at them without saying a word, as if nothing had happened and he had no intention of continuing the topic, as if the person who blurted out "last time" a few seconds ago was not him at all.

That's just right... Toru Amuro nodded secretly and praised his wit in his heart.

The slightly undulating murderous aura on Belmod's body further calmed down, and he nodded secretly, thinking that Uzo was probably just surprised before he blurted out that topic.

Later, Uzo must have thought that if he told what happened last time in school, Bourbon might notice the Young Detective Team and then Shinichi, so he didn't continue.

However, with Bourbon's keenness, he must have noticed something wrong now, but he just didn't ask any more questions. He would not let go of this suspicion afterwards, and Uzo would probably try his best to make up an excuse... In this case, it would be inconvenient to collude in the confession. Under the circumstances, she will have to keep secret about "approaching Uzo and the children in disguise" in the future.

Jiang Xia looked to the left and then to the right. Judging from their expressions, it felt like they had finished thinking about the two bottles of wine.

Then, like a peripheral member who didn't want to get involved in the dispute between the organization's cadres, he asked innocently: "You guys just talked about it? How should I handle this matter?"

Seeing Jiang Xia take the initiative to change the topic, Amuro Toru couldn't help but look at him appreciatively again.

It would be great if Feng Jian and his group of subordinates could learn a little bit of Jiang Xia's caution and judgment of the situation...

"Let's forget it for today. If you see someone disguised as me again in the future, remember to tell me." After Toru Amuro told Jiang Xia, he turned to Belmod and said with a threatening smile, "You understand."

Belmod responded with the same sneer.

Then, in front of Toru Amuro, she took out a spare bourbon hood and covered her face with it, then turned around and left.

After all, she was still working in the studio today. She had to quit her job first to prevent her from disappearing and losing her credibility... This was also one of the agreements that Bourbon had reached with her just now. Of course, it was just a small agreement that came with a gift.

Jiang Xia silently watched Belmode's actions and vaguely understood why Toru Amuro said "Forget it today."

Then he looked at Toru Amuro next to him and took the initiative to blame him: "She seems to like pretending to be you."

Toru Amuro also looked at Jiang Xia and nodded noncommittally.

Although he suspected that Bermod disguised himself as "Toru Amuro" to fish for law enforcement and test the content of "Bourbon".

But Toru Amuro actually had another guess in his mind.

——Perhaps Belmod didn't think it was that complicated at all. She did this simply because she wanted to approach Jiang Xia with the appearance of "Amuro Toru".

Because if you pretend to be an acquaintance of Jiang Xia, it will be very easy to be exposed based on the insight Jiang Xia showed in solving the case. So I had to choose someone whom Jiang Xia didn't know very well, but who wouldn't seem disobedient if we acted together. Among the few alternatives, if Belmod wants to play the person she is disguising well, she must have a certain understanding of that person.

In this way, "Bourbon", who is also an organizational cadre, obviously became a good candidate.

Toru Amuro always felt that compared to the speculation that "Belmod dressed up as Bourbon to test Bourbon's identity", "Belmode dressed up as Bourbon to get close to Jiang Xia" although the motive seems a bit absurd, But it can better explain Belmod's behavior these two times.

In addition, he remembered that not long after Belmod arrived in Japan, he very efficiently brought Jiang Xia back to her home... Why are you always staring at Jiang Xia?

Toru Amuro glanced at the high school detective next to him who was gradually getting on the right path, and felt a vague sense of danger that the flowers of his motherland were being targeted by evildoers.

...Did Bellmode realize Jiang Xia's talent and want to surpass him to win Jiang Xia into the organization, or was she like those ladies who always go to the office, first had a certain preference, and then wanted to do it for personal gain? Jiang Xia develops into her subordinate or partner?

…it’s not easy to judge the specific truth.

When Jiang Xia asked directly before coming here just now, Belmod didn't give a clear answer.

And in fact, even if she said it, it would be impossible for Toru Amuro to judge Bermod's true thoughts based on it. This poisonous apple always acts and speaks with falsehoods, and its true motives are impossible to infer... Tsk, what a mystic. He lacked a beating from the police.

Toru Amuro kept accounts for the organization on a daily basis. Then put these questions aside for the time being and wait for further observation.

He looked at Jiang Xia who had not left yet: "Go back to the studio first."

Toru Amuro just asked Bermod to quit his part-time job as a lighting assistant, leave here immediately, and stop disguising Bourbon from now on.

Although Belmod just agreed, members of such a cunning organization really don't have much credibility at all, so Toru Amuro planned to go over and keep an eye on the process. After Belmode left, he would leave here and continue his work.

Jiangxia and Toru Amuro walked through the corridor together, opened the door to the stairwell, and stepped onto the steps.

Just as he was about to go up to the studio on the top floor, he suddenly heard a vague scream through the heavy walls.

The two of them were either really or not startled at the same time, and quickly ran upstairs - for detectives, screams with similar emotions are not unfamiliar, which probably means that a murder has occurred nearby!

However, he rushed to the top floor before he could.

Just as he climbed two or three steps, he saw a burning figure suddenly fall out of the window at the corner of the stairs.

The shadow was huge, even larger than a normal person. It passed from top to bottom, leaving a fleeting image in the eyes of the two witnessing detectives.

Amuro's eyes narrowed slightly, and she recognized that it was the burning "Gomera".

He ran to the corner of the stairs and opened the window. As the air inside and outside began to circulate, several children's panicked screams could be faintly heard from above.

Jiang Xia also followed to the window.

He glanced down and whispered, "It's empty."

Toru Amuro nodded, apparently making the same judgment.

Judging from the state and trajectory of "Gomera" falling in the air, its mass seems to be lighter than when it contains people, so it should not be people who fall, but the monster suit.

...Why should you light it and throw it away? Isn’t this crew very short of funds? Toru Amuro frowned slightly.

"Go up and have a look."

The two people left the corridor window and headed to the top floor studio.

Ten minutes later.

The Mu Mu Police Department led a group of police cars and hurriedly arrived.

On the ground in front of the Dabao Cinema building, there was an empty Gomera shell with half a burnt side. In addition, a blood-stained and twisted kitchen knife fell next to it. The blood stains on the knife were already scorched black. From the faint blood spots spattered on the surrounding ground and a small piece of smashed cement pavement, one can imagine it and Gomei. The situation when the props and costumes fell together.

The burning props and costumes had already been extinguished by fire extinguishers.

At this time, in addition to the police, there were also a circle of staff and nearby residents who came to watch the excitement.

Jiangxia stood in the crowd with Toru Amuro and "Toru Amuro" and listened to the witness Conan Asamegure Police Department describe what he saw.

"Mr. Kamei was stabbed to death in the studio on the top floor!" Conan resisted the sight of "Brothers Amuro" falling on him and tried to describe it from the beginning in a child-like tone of surprise:

"Mr. Matsui was stabbed in the leg by a gangster when he helped us get props from the warehouse. We chased him in the direction where the gangster left, and saw through the window a man in a Gomera monster suit who stabbed him to death in the studio. He killed Producer Kamei and then fled from the other side with a knife.

"When the gangster committed the crime, he accidentally kicked over the paint bucket next to him, stepped on the paint, and left footprints. We followed the footprints and chased out. First we met Sister Tomomi who was knocked down by the gangster 'Gomera', and then we Chase all the way to the rooftop.

"But there was no Gomera on the rooftop. We heard a strange noise, ran to the edge of the rooftop, looked down, and saw 'Gomera' was on fire and fell downstairs... I originally thought the gangster committed suicide by jumping off the building. But when I ran downstairs, I found that the props and costumes were empty..."

The immature voice of a child always lacks some credibility, but the cause and effect are quite clear, and two adults besides the deceased were involved in the process.

The Memu Police Department nodded, and while waiting for the forensics department to find evidence, they were preparing to follow the procedure to question other witnesses and investigate suspects.

Before going upstairs, his eyes subconsciously turned around among the staff of the Gomera crew.

Then he saw two "Amuro Toru" at a glance. He stopped immediately, was stunned for a moment, and raised his hand to rub his eyes.

After discovering that the ghosting was not caused by excessive overtime, the Megure Police Department subconsciously looked at Jiang Xia between the two "Amuro Toru".

The little eyes seem to be able to speak:

Brother Jiangxia, what’s going on?

The Mumu Police Department vaguely remembered that this blond mixed-race man who suddenly appeared more numerous was the boss of the detective agency where Jiang Xia worked.

Jiang Xia glanced at Toru Amuro and found that he didn't seem to have any intention of catching Belmode on the spot, so he didn't expose it either.

He pointed out the genuine Toru Amuro in the delivery uniform to the confused Megure Police Department, and briefly introduced: "This seems to be the boss's younger brother."

——Belmod appeared in the studio much earlier than Toru Amuro, who delivered the food. The staff here have already acquiesced that she is "Toru Amuro".

So now, the late-arriving genuine Amuro Toru can only be called "Amuro Akira" for the time being.

...Fortunately, the Megure Police Department will not remember to check the identity certificate for a while. If the Megure Police Department suddenly becomes smart, the bourbon-faced Bermod will definitely be in some trouble.

However, Jiang Xia looked at the police car next to him that had not turned off, and the section of road here that was very suitable for speeding and escaping, and felt that it was not a big problem.

Of course, if Belmode really ran away, he and Toru Amuro would definitely be asked about the relevant matters afterwards, but this is still not a big problem - at that time, the blame will only be placed on the escaped disguiser, saying that the two It's fine if you're being threatened.

After listening to Jiang Xia's explanation, the Memu Police Department looked even more confused: When did Boss Amuro suddenly have a younger brother, or was it a twin? Never heard of it...

Belmod noticed the mood of the Megure Police Department, came closer, and said with a simple smile on Amuro Toru's face: "My brother has been in the country before, and recently he heard me say that life in the city is more interesting, so he wanted to come over and have a look. "

"Oh, so that's it." Mu Mu nodded suddenly.

Since the twins did not live in the same place, it was no wonder that he had only seen one of them in Tokyo for so long.

Having said that, it always feels weird to talk about "going to the city to experience a different kind of life" with such an international face... But after all, this is a family matter for citizens...

The Megure Police Department nodded to "Aki Amuro" and left a message, "Welcome to Tokyo, I wish you a good time." Then they continued upstairs to question the other two witnesses who had seen the gangster "Gomera" .

Belmod turned around and looked at the positions of several police cars on the street, then raised his head to confirm the layout of the outside of the building, followed closely next to the Memu Police Department, and entered the building.

Behind the two of them, Jiang Xia glanced at Toru Amuro, who was smiling but with veins on the back of his hand, and patted his boss's shoulder sympathetically.

It is indeed not a pleasant experience to have someone disguised as yourself and add a strange personality...

Amuro Toru's face was gloomy, and she kept keeping accounts to Belmode in her mind.

But soon, he thought again:

Although Belmod is disgusting, the identity she proposes as twins is quite interesting.

It would be better to ask a colleague to get a fake certificate like "Aki Akira Anshi" some other time - there is no dispute over responsibilities between adult brothers. If there is such a "brother", it may come in handy in many situations where the blame needs to be pushed.

Toru Amuro entered Dabao Cinema thoughtfully.

Jiang Xia looked at his back and felt that the boss had some strange thoughts, but there was no evidence.

We can only follow the building first and return to the crime scene on the top floor.

Those of them who appeared nearby before and after the incident have not yet been ruled out as suspects and cannot leave directly.

In the studio, the personnel of the forensic department were busy around the body of the Kamei producer.

Next to them, several police officers were asking the staff about the situation before and after the incident.

Jiang Xia was also asked quickly. The person who came to ask him happened to be Officer Sato again.

He thought for a while and told Sato that he saw the burning "Gomera" falling from the building. He was with "Aki Amuro" at the time.

Belmode, who was a few meters away, suddenly became alert when he heard these words.

When she was downstairs just now, she discovered: Based on Conan's description, from the time Kamei was attacked to the time when the gangsters escaped, the "Amuro Toru" she dressed up just happened to leave Eka Kazuma and Toru Amuro. Of course He also left all the staff and was walking alone in the corridor.

...In other words, she "just happened to" lack eyewitnesses.

Originally, Belmod only felt that he was a little unlucky.

But at this time, after overhearing Jiang Xia's voice, her thoughts unconsciously turned to Jiang Xia.

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