Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 379 Business Trip Invitation from Gin (Complete Chapter)

When it comes to "Uzo's mentality", Gin inevitably thinks of Belmode, who he once had high hopes for.

However, judging from Belmod's attitude after landing in Japan, she was not friendly towards Uzo, and even had an inexplicable hostility.

And with the speed at which Belmode consumes members of the organization, if she pretends to help Uzo psychologically, she will actually lead people in the direction of destruction... It is simply impossible to prevent it.

Although recently, Belmod's attitude towards Uzo has improved significantly.

But precisely because her attitude changed so obviously, Gin was instinctively wary of this anomaly, and felt that Belmode might have some ulterior thoughts - after all, from the first time she met Uzo, to Now, it hasn't actually been that long. This sudden change of attitude is very suspicious.

And the last time they met by chance in the old factory, when Belmode mentioned Uzo, although she was calm on the outside, she seemed to have some indescribable persistence on the inside. This woman must have another purpose...but she and Uzo are both valuable assets of the organization. No matter which party is damaged, it is a result Gin does not want to see.

In the end, Gin decided to temporarily distance herself from Uzo to avoid any trouble until she figured out Belmode's strange attitude.

Belmode is useless, but Uzo's current state of eagerness to pursue prey cannot be ignored...

Gin took a sip of coffee, thought for a moment, and gradually came up with an idea.

Based on the comparison of the situation before and after, he felt that Uzo might have been acting abnormally recently because he had killed too few people and the number of deaths in his script could not satisfy the criminal desire in his heart.

And if this is the case, then this problem is not really a problem at all.

——The organization's assassination list is always long. Traitors, undercover agents, and members who need to be silenced after being exposed are like waves of locusts, and it is difficult to kill them all.

If we could really eliminate Uzo's excessive murderous intention by "providing him with criminal materials", it would not only solve the hidden dangers of this criminal genius, but also save valuable manpower for the organization.

In fact, in the various silencing processes in the past, it was inevitable that the executioners would expose themselves and become new assassination targets. The organization would have to allocate more manpower to annihilate this wave of people... over and over again and again and again.

In comparison, the possibility of Uzo revealing his identity is extremely low. If he is really allowed to participate in the silence mission to a limited extent, rounding up is equivalent to saving at least twice the manpower.

Just as he was thinking about it, Gin noticed that Uzo was looking at the information in his hand through the rearview mirror with great interest.

Then the young member pretended to be casual and asked: "You are going to do a task? Do you need help?"

When these words fell into Ginjiu's ears, they automatically turned into: Are you going to kill people? Give me a few.


Gin went through the recent mission list in his mind and found that those few people were not assassination targets with too high a confidentiality level.

Moreover, most of the targets are located in remote locations. If you leave it to Uzo to kill, it will be easy to deal with problems in time. It is a good opportunity to observe Uzo's true state now.

Thinking about this, Ginjiu opened his mailbox and sent an email to Jiang Xia: "This is the target that needs to be dealt with recently. Read it and remember it."

Jiang Xia was slightly startled, then quickly opened her phone and switched back and forth between several tasks in the email, first reading everyone's names.

Then he was slightly surprised to find that there were quite a few names that impressed him - this meant that all the familiar people on the list had the hope of becoming murderous or ghosts.

...It was originally just a casual question like a casual chat, but I didn't expect that I actually got useful tasks, and there were so many of them. He doesn't know how many surprises there are in Gin's mission mailbox...

Jiang Xia glanced at Ginjiu's cell phone with a burning gaze. Then he looked away and continued to check the details of the mission.

The locations of several mission targets are quite scattered, but they can be vaguely arranged in a line.

And they have one very obvious thing in common - they are all drug dealers.

"..." The organization is fighting drug trafficking?

Why do you want to compete with the police of the island country for your job? Jiang Xia fell into deep thought for a moment.

Looking further down, he gradually understood.

This is not because the organization has any py deal with the island country's police. Just a wave of unremarkable silence missions.

——The "partner" that the organization uses to raise funds has been having a problem recently.

Because the organization is large and has many personnel, the organization's supervision will inevitably be insufficient in the corners. And because they pay too much attention to confidentiality, there are always some bold and honest partners who do not know the details of the organization, and naively regard it as a good backer or even a fat sheep, and use the organization's network and interpersonal network to do things to enrich their own pockets. thing.

Generally speaking, as long as it does not delay the organization's business, the organization will not hold them accountable.

And once those people are on the verge of being exposed, or are bold enough to cross the line, another string of names will appear on the organization's assassination list.

Such as now.

This time, the "line" formed by the targets of silence has a similar problem:

When a certain talent was engaged in a small-scale physical business war, he secretly used the drugs in his hands to control some business partners. Among them was a cadre sent by the organization to conduct a private visit incognito.

A careless organizational cadre smoked a spiked cigarette that was handed to him, and unfortunately became allergic to it. He was carried into the ICU by his colleagues on the same day, and these things came into the organization's sight.

After investigation, the organization found that the other party's small actions had been going on for a long time. Even some peripheral members have had some unclear interactions with them.

Considering that the line has become less and less valuable recently, the organization simply put all the key figures in the line on the kill list and purged them in batches - they are very skilled at this kind of thing.

"We'll leave next week. We'll go to Tottori County first, and then take a boat to Tsukikage Island from there." Gin briefly summarized the business trip, "If you want to go, remember to reserve about a week."

"No problem." Jiang Xia replied neatly.

Although we are going on a long trip this time, if there are another cases in Tokyo, it will be difficult to manage time properly across such a long distance, but in three or four days, we can encounter so many cases, which is very efficient. There is no reason not to go. .

...Wait, by the way, if Conan wasn't here, would he still be able to successfully pick up the ghost?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia fell into deep thought for a moment.

He decided that after returning home, he would find an opportunity to investigate Conan's itinerary next week and try his best to gain the aura of death without exposing himself.

However, to be honest, regardless of whether Conan goes or not, Jiang Xia will definitely go to this mission.

——There are occasional discrepancies between this world and what he knows. Therefore, you cannot completely trust your own memory.

For example, now that Gin has received the task of silencing them, no matter whether the siled targets have been exposed to Conan's radiation or not, when Gin passes by one by one next week, they will all die.

...So Jiang Xia must follow him, so that at best he can pick up some of Gin's murderous aura.

As for how to maintain Uzo's image...the targets of silence attracted a lot of hatred and were hated by many people.

Try to tease, maybe even if Conan is not around, the murder will still happen as scheduled.

Even if it doesn't work, then there is still Xiaobai.

——With the help of the energy core produced by Kidd, Xiaobai's "forced confession" skill has been improved a bit compared to before.

If no passing murderer kills the target, Jiang Xia plans to use Xiaobai's skills to force the target to confess his love to Gin.

With Gin's temper, in this situation, facing someone who is already on the silence list, the probability of him hitting the opponent's Tianling Gai with one shot is very high. In this way, once a person is completely dead, there will naturally be no need for "Uzo" to appear.

After entering the city and waiting for the vodka and gin to leave, Jiang Xia drove his vest to return the car.

Then he reviewed today's assassination list and returned home in a good mood.

The next day, Jiang Xia went to the detective agency to receive several ladies who had been waiting for a long time and returned a few cats.

Then he looked at his mailbox.

It was just a routine check, but unexpectedly this time, a good thing fell out of the stacked colorful flyers.

——A letter of some weight.

After seeing off the guests, Jiang Xia opened the letter and looked at it, finding a thick, smaller envelope inside.

There is also a piece of paper folded in half. You can see a little wrinkled scar on the back of the paper, like the traces left by glue.

Take out the letter paper and unfold it. You will see that there are several lines of sentences made up of single words. The pieces of paper were cut from various places:

[The next full moon night, the shadows on Yueying Island will begin to disappear, please come and investigate]

The signature is "Aso Keiji" which is also collaged with single characters.

Moon Shadow Island...

Jiang Xia rubbed the envelope and was deeply impressed by this case.

——He remembered that many people had died on Yueying Island, and there were still grievances from generation to generation. It was really a rare geomantic treasure.

Yesterday, the assassination list given by Gin actually included the residents of Shadow Island for a few months. Calculating the time, next full moon night would be about the time when he, Gin, and others would go to the island... It was obvious that this island was destined for him.

Of course the same goes for the ghosts and murderous spirits above.

In addition, for Jiang Xia, the significance of this letter is of course not just the so-called "fate".

——It is also a good excuse to go to Moon Shadow Island.

Yueying Island is not close to tourist attractions, the island's economy is not developed, and its presence is very low.

Jiang Xia originally thought that his sudden arrival on the island would sound strange and abrupt, so he planned to cover up his whereabouts as much as possible, even having a mask and sunglasses ready.

Unexpectedly, the reason for visiting him was actually given to him now.

As long as there is a reason to go to Tsukikage Island, it is of course very reasonable to pass by the Spider Mansion in Tottori Prefecture.

...Today is also a day to eliminate suspicion in advance, everything goes well.

Jiang Xia straightened out her thoughts and carefully collected this precious letter.

At the same time, he gradually remembered something.

——He remembered that in the original world line, when Mouri Kogoro received the commission from Moon Shadow Island, there was no cash in the letter, but it was transferred later.

But now...

While he was thinking, he picked up the thick little envelope next to him.

When he unfolded it and looked at it, he saw a pile of 10,000 yen banknotes stacked inside. After a rough scan, there were almost 50 of them.

He actually sent the cash directly with the letter... Could it be that the client this time has also heard about Hattori Heiji's deeds, knows the high school detectives well, and knows that they will be summoned by cash that cannot be returned?

——Do not write a specific shipping address on the authorization letter. Then after the detective receives the money, whether it is to avoid "taking money without doing anything" or to pay back the money, he has to go and have a look.

Other high school detectives might be troubled by this situation, and some of them would be grumpy and curse.

But for Jiang Xia, he had more reasons to go out.

...This is a very considerate client.

Jiang Xia also repackaged the money, and finally threw the other flyers into the garbage bag.

While waiting for the last customer to arrive, Jiang Xia walked outside the detective office, breathing in the not-so-fresh air, scrolling through her phone for a while, and saw a piece of news.

The news was released early this morning.

Someone noticed the broken guardrail on the mountain road in the suburbs. Later, charred sports cars and charred bodies in the cars were also discovered one after another.

By the time the news was released, the car and the body in it had been fished out from the bottom of the cliff.

In case reports in this world, photos of murder scenes are not taboo.

For example, in this report, there were close-ups of the vehicle and the charred corpse inside.

Jiang Xia glanced at the crooked half of the license plate on the photo and zoomed in on the body.

Then I discovered that even if Kitagawa Takeshi is dead, his stubborn cheekbones and triangular chin are still so sharp and prominent... Although the client's paintings are ugly, she is actually quite good at capturing the essence.

In this way, if she is still paying attention to the news in this area, she should be able to see and recognize the enemy she wants to kill.

After looking at the photo, Jiang Xia looked at the text again.

It was mentioned above that there were traces of gunfire at the scene, which was also the direct cause of death of the deceased. In addition, there are not many clues at the moment, so the police currently suspect that the deceased was seeking revenge or being targeted by an illegal organization, and are investigating in this direction.

After reading it, Jiang Xia returned to the interface with confidence, deleted the browsing history, and returned to the detective agency.

——The body was shot to death before falling off the cliff.

All of this obviously has nothing to do with him being a legal detective without a gun.

In the evening, after Jiang Xia closed her business, she locked the door of her office and followed the address on the entrustment registration form to the block where Noriko Okaya, the client of Plant Flesh Flavor, was located.

Okatani Noriko was probably worried that the detective would not be able to find her if they had clues about her enemy, so she did not deliberately conceal her address, but got it right down to the house number.

Jiang Xia soon arrived near Okaya Noriko's house.

But instead of entering the building, he let the ghost float over to check the situation.

The foggy dog ​​stood on the edge of the window and quietly poked its head.

He saw Noriko Okaya lying on the table, holding a photo frame and crying.

Judging from the number of toilet paper balls thrown nearby, this process has been going on for a long time.

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