Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 387 Unruly Uzuo (joint chapter)

Jiang Xia did not tell Ginjiu about the matter as soon as he received the commission letter.

Because this letter actually came a little late.

Although the possibility is very small, he doesn't want Gin to notice the specific timeline and sort it out subconsciously, and then feel that Uzuo's "murder plan" sometimes seems hasty - Jiang Xia still wants to continue to bear the burden of "Uzuo" With the identity of "Zuo", I have to pretend to be a useful and good employee to get tasks and suppress the murderous spirit and ghosts of the organization.

But now, when the letter is taken out, it is easier for people to focus on "There is actually a letter of entrustment?" in order to blur the time point into "received before" instead of taking out the specific letter. The day the letter arrived.

Ginjiu took the commission letter from Jiang Xia, glanced at the finely worded words on it, and frowned, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while and made an excuse: "I want to give you a surprise."

"..." Gin didn't say anything, but a vein popped out on the back of his hand, and a wrinkle formed on the letter paper between his fingers.

Although Usa was responsible for yesterday's murder on the train, Keitaro Izumo was the last target to be killed. Moreover, Izumo's boss is very close to Tokyo, and there are sufficient direct personnel there, and there are many more professional people in charge. In order to deal with the aftermath, Gin did not make any plans other than "killing him with one shot".

So after encountering Keitaro Izumo and planning to blow him up with a bomb, Gin suddenly discovered that Usa had a better way to deal with it. Gin did feel a little surprised at that time.

But this time, Takeda's customer list, the drugs in stock, etc. all required Gin to deal with. He had also arranged the relevant manpower and made several detailed plans. Although it also includes parts based on Uzo's temporary performance, if he had known that Uzo had an invitation letter from the Spider Mansion, the plan could have made many better adjustments.

In addition, Takeda Shinichi suddenly asked for detectives. This behavior itself also concealed some intriguing information, which required them to dig out and analyze to prevent things from changing. Therefore, the invitation letter sent by the Takeda family is obviously important advance information.

But Uzo didn't reveal a word, and now he said he had to rush to deal with it...

Gin thought of the layout he had stayed up late to make, and the current situation where he might have to adjust them, and his words suddenly contained a hint of murderous intent: "This is a mission, not a game."

Before Jiang Xia had time to react, the mermaid and Xiaobai hanging on him had already let out a murmur of surprise. The two ghosts pounced on Gin skillfully.

Because the parent ghosts moved very slowly, they were very self-aware and did not move. They just looked on lovingly.

Kiritengu and Miyano Akemi were a little more reserved. By the time they moved to Gin's side, the murderous aura that had just emerged had been suppressed by the two aggressive ghosts.

The joys and sorrows between humans and ghosts are not the same.

Gin had no idea what was going on around him.

After he scolded the young subordinates who were obsessed with layout and ignored coordinating their teammates, he saw Uzo nodding and seemed to be reflecting seriously. Only then did he withdraw his gloomy gaze, and his anger subsided a little.

...Speaking of which, although Uzo's behavior is obviously playful, at least there is nothing wrong with his work attitude. On some things, it is even more positive than vodka.

Moreover, since Uzo has a commission letter in his hand, and he just said that he wants to "go to the Spider Mansion in a hurry," it means that he should already have a complete plan.

Although the logistics department in Tottori Prefecture is not as smooth as those in Tokyo, it is not too difficult to just cooperate with Usa to adjust the finishing work...

After weighing the consequences of Uzo's self-assertion, Gin found that there seemed to be no serious consequences.

My mind gradually calmed down a bit.

... Uzo did not do something right this time, but he is a smart newcomer, and after being reminded, he should take the initiative to adjust the way he behaves... At least he looks very sincere in his reflection now.

Thinking of this, Gin refocused his attention on the assassination mission.

He turned to Jiang Xia and asked simply: "When will Takeda die?"

Jiang Xia recovered from the surprise of "discovering a new way to remove murderous intent".

He thought for a moment: "If everything goes well, it will be after dinner."

As for whether things go smoothly or not, it all depends on Hattori-san’s performance...

Gin nodded. It's just after noon now, and Puppet Peak is some distance away from the station. Wuzuo is going there now, arriving in the afternoon, and it's just the right time for something to happen in the evening.

And by then, he and Vodka should have eliminated the rats in the Tottori branch, and could rush to the Spider Mansion to keep an eye on them and control the situation.

Thinking of this, Ginjiu looked at the entrustment letter Jiang Xia handed over again.

He browsed through it carefully this time and found that Takeda Shinichi did not say why he suddenly hired a detective, and his words were mysterious.

... Could it be that he sensed that the trend was not right recently, was worried that the organization would attack him, and wanted to try to save himself?

Among so many detectives, Takeda chose Uzo at a glance... He is really good at picking people.

Gin gave a malicious sneer, and at the same time he couldn't help but think of the scene in the future when a big shot came to Uzo for help when being hunted by the organization... Tsk, the organization should train a group of detectives as soon as possible, this can save a lot of money. The skill of assassination.

But on second thought, it seems that this is not an easy task - Bourbon, who is not weak in ability, has been running a detective agency for so many years, and still has no signs of becoming a famous detective. It can be seen that this kind of thing also requires enough luck... ...or enough talent to commit murder.

Uzzo's success is unrepeatable.

Thinking of this, Gin's little dissatisfaction finally disappeared.

He handed the letter back to Jiang Xia and reminded him of the Takeda family smoothly: "When people like this are desperate, they dare to do anything. The things in his place may not be clean. You should pay more attention to it - the organization's withdrawal center is not something Great place, I don’t want to see you there.”

Jiang Xia nodded. I thought that the organization actually has such a thing as a withdrawal center? Are your facilities too complete?

Immediately I thought of the organizational cadre in the report who was allergic to cigarettes handed over by others and was sent to the ICU because of allergies, and felt that this was indeed necessary - people with allergies have encountered it, so maybe there are more cadres who are not allergic. If you have been exposed to addictive drugs, it is really useful to go to a detoxification center...

The simple exchange ended quickly.

At Jiang Xia's request, Vodka randomly found an intersection, put him down happily, and then quickly started to leave, leaving Jiang Xia with a cloud of car exhaust.

Jiang Xia silently glanced at the back of the vehicle as it left, raised his hand to disperse the dirty air, and felt a grudge against Vodka in his heart.

Next time, I must find a chance to scare out this tall man's murderous aura and find out what it smells like... However, as for vodka, even if he only shows ordinary murderous aura, Jiang Xia will not be surprised when he finds out.

Jiang Xia quickly took a taxi and arrived at the city where Puppet Peak was located.

At a small station in the city, Jiang Xia saw an open truck carrying three people.

A middle-aged man with a square chin and a fat body was leaning against the car. The man held a cigarette in his mouth and glanced back and forth, sizing up the crowds leaving the station.

After seeing Jiang Xia, the middle-aged man was stunned for two seconds. He took out a photo from his pocket and compared it.

Then he put down the photo and waved to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia walked over.

——The person who came to pick him up was not the assassination target Takeda Shinichi this time, but his third brother, Takeda Yuzo. The name has its own sorting.

Puppet Peak is inaccessible and there is no direct public transportation there. In order to show his sincerity in inviting the detective, and because he was worried that the detective would find it too troublesome and would not come, Takeda Shinichi specially arranged for his younger brother to come out to pick him up.

Jiang Xia opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

The two exchanged a few brief words, and Takeda Yuzo stepped on the accelerator and drove all the way to Puppet Peak.

On the way, the mountains undulate and gradually climb higher.

Jiang Xia rested his elbows on the window frame and turned his head to look at the vast stretches of woods. As he got closer and closer to his destination, he gradually began to lose focus.

Spider Mountain is also a place with legends.

And in Jiang Xia's impression: there was a foggy dog ​​in the Shanni Temple with the legend of the foggy tengu, and there was a mermaid ghost in the Mermaid Island with the legend of the mermaid... So now, will there be another spider here?

Wait, speaking of which, spiders are kind of ugly.

If I remember correctly, the uncle who was scheduled to die, Takeda Shinichi, was also very ugly...

But after all, it is still a ghost fetus. If it really falls off, if he neutralizes it when the puppet is generated in the future, it may be able to achieve an average appearance. But if it was really Spider-Man, he would rarely use this kind of vest...

Tsk, after thinking about it, I still feel a little disgusted.

But I also want a ghost fetus...

Jiang Xia was confused for a moment.

But he soon thought about it again.

Why do you think about this in advance? It's like he's wondering whether he should go to Tokyo University or Usaka University in the future - anyway, he can't go to either one. After all, as long as Conan is still around, he can't graduate... In short, it's better to wait until he really loses the ghost before going. Just worry about this kind of thing.

If Takeda Shinichi kicks his legs and only loses one shikigami, wouldn't it be a waste of brain cells used to struggle.

After calming down, Jiang Xia continued to enjoy the scenery.

But soon, his mind shifted from the scenery to the road ahead, and his eyes lit up.

——There are three people standing on the roadside, two men and one woman.

One of the dark-skinned high school boys pushing the motorcycle was Hattori Heiji, whom Jiang Xia had been waiting for for a long time.

Next to Hattori is his childhood sweetheart, Toyama Kazuha.

The other one was a strange foreigner with blond hair.

The three of them seemed to be worried about something.

Jiang Xia glanced at them, sat up straight, and said to Takeda Yuzo who was driving next to him: "Stop for a moment."

Hattori Heiji came to this deep mountain because he received an anonymous commission letter a while ago. The letter usually contained money, so he had no choice but to come over and pay it back.

When Toyama Kazuha heard that he was coming to Tottori, he immediately happily said that he would come with him, and vowed that she was familiar with the way to Tottori, and it was up to her to find the way.

Hattori Heiji believed her lies.

Then the two people plunged into the deep mountain.

Then, I got lost from the morning until now.

On the way, while the two people were looking for the way haggardly and thinking about whether to sleep on the spot, they met an enthusiastic foreigner-Rob Taylor.

Rob Taylor is a photographer.

Three years ago, he came to this area to take pictures of the scenery, but unfortunately he was crushed by collapsed earth and rocks.

Later, it was Takeda Shinichi's daughter, Takeda Misa, who picked him up and took care of him until his injury improved.

Rob said he came back today to visit his benefactor.

When Hattori Heiji heard this, he smiled happily and wanted to hug this leg that knows the way tightly and rush to Takeda's house before dark.

However, before he could speak, Rob took the initiative to speak.

The foreigner said with a smile: "If you want to go to Takeda's house, I will go with you. It just so happens that I don't know the way very well."


After looking at each other in silence for a second.

Hattori Heiji put away his enthusiastic smile, stopped talking to this strange passerby, and began to discuss with Toyama and Ye how to sleep in the mountains.

Yuan Shan and Ye don't want to sleep in such a deep mountain where there are bugs and maybe snakes everywhere. She recalled the scene at that time, and her face turned red and white.

At this time, a truck passed by and stopped next to them.

The three lost brothers and sisters suddenly became happy.

Hattori Heiji quickly walked to the car and tried to discuss with the driver: "We want to go to the Takeda family in Puppet Peak, can we..."

He was about to ask if he could help give directions or simply help transport them there.

However, midway through his words, Hattori Heiji noticed a strong presence in his eyes.

He raised his head with feeling, passed the unfamiliar driver, and saw Jiang Xia sitting in the passenger seat.


Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Xia ignored the complicated expression of the Osaka detective and smiled at Hattori Heiji and the surprised Toyama and Ye behind him: "What a coincidence, you are also going to Takeda's house?"

Hattori Heiji briefly lost his expression.

After a moment, he said dryly: "No, I actually came to see the scenery."

With that said, he turned around and wanted to leave.

But he was grabbed by Yuan Shan and Ye.

"Yes, we have been looking for the Takeda family for a long time." Toyama and Ye already had a good impression of Jiang Xia, and meeting Jiang Xia now means that she does not have to sleep in a place full of bugs and snakes. The look he looked at Jiang Xia was suddenly several times more friendly than usual.

Before Hattori Heiji could react, she took the initiative to explain: "Actually, Heiji received a commission. The client sent the advance payment together, but there was no return address written on the envelope. We can only come and take a look. By the way, Pay back the money.”

"..." Jiang Xia silently glanced at Hattori Heiji, thinking that this kind of money summoning technique is really useful, and he will try it next time. If it succeeds, you won’t have to worry about abducting someone with a constitution in the future...

Seeing that Hattori Heiji seemed to want to run away, Jiang Xia didn't give him a chance to speak.

He turned to Takeda Yuzo and asked proactively: "Can you give them a ride along the way?"

Takeda Yuzo has a sad and uncaring face, but he is actually quite easy to talk to.

He nodded when he heard this, and lay on the window sill and glanced at Hattori Heiji's big motorcycle on the roadside. Then he found a bundle of ropes from the car and helped Hattori Heiji move the motorcycle into the car and fix it in the frame.

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