Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 391 The Man in Black on Remote Standby ×2 (Complete Chapter)

Takeda Misa became increasingly depressed, and it was not until she later picked up the cheerful Robert who was disabled and strong-willed that her soul regained sustenance.

Unexpectedly, after Rob recovered from his injury and left, he suddenly left her a note asking her to "die."

Misa Takeda was heartbroken, but thinking of all the previous interactions, she felt that Robert was not such a heartless person.

She was depressed for a few days, and suddenly remembered that when Rob first came, his father had a very bad attitude towards him. It was not until later, when Rob said that he would repay the family, that Takeda Shinichi's attitude improved... Could it be that his father treated Rob Not satisfied with the remuneration, he had a conflict with Rob, and even directly blackmailed Rob with it, causing Rob to think that taking care of his "Misha" was also part of the blackmail?

This kind of "misunderstanding" is better than going bad for no reason. Misa grabbed a glimmer of hope and ran to ask in confusion. Because she was so eager to get a certain answer, her tone was sharper than usual, and she couldn't help but turned into a question.

Takeda Shinichi had just finished taking the drug that day, and he was already extremely excited. Suddenly, he was questioned by Takeda Misa, the wife's "evidence" of fooling him, and he became angry for a moment. When he came back to his senses, the person had been strangled to death by him.

After Takeda Shinichi woke up, he hoisted Takeda Misa into the puppet warehouse late at night.

The puppet warehouse was not abandoned at that time, so he found an excuse to go on a business trip and sent everyone else away. Several days later, when Takeda Yuzo, who was sent by him, went to pick up things from the puppet warehouse, he discovered the horrific corpse hanging from the beam. At this time, the body was almost rotten, and Misa Takeda had experienced depression before. In the end, the incident was ended as a "suicide".

A few days later, Mrs. Kinuyo felt that she was also responsible for her daughter's "suicide", so she hanged herself in the warehouse.

...sounds weird.

Jiang Xia did the math with her fingers and felt that from Misa Takeda's point of view, besides herself, the blame for death could mainly be placed on Rob and Shinichi Takeda.

If Misa's request is to kill Takeda Shinichi, this situation would be easy to handle. After all, Takeda Shinichi will indeed be taken away soon...

And if it was Rob, then he would have to change the wording and adjust the wording from "kill him" to "let him accept a certain punishment." After all, Rob had already killed a person and was indeed about to enter the game.

Jiang Xia thought of this, looked at the new ghost, and asked in a bewitching tone like a villain: "Who do you want to punish?"

Hearing this, Xingui raised her translucent Q-shaped hand and silently fiddled with the gauze hat hanging from her head, lowering her eyes as if thinking.

She really hated Takeda Shinichi in her heart, but when she thought about it, Takeda suddenly discovered that her child was born to someone else by her partner... Although she thought she was innocent, she also felt that Takeda Shinichi's anger was too much. Not out of nowhere.

So although Takeda Misa wants revenge, her obsession is not that deep. After thinking about it, she still cares more about Robert's words "go to hell" - in addition to the motivation exerted by hatred, this is more curiosity and curiosity about a character. Why would someone who was cheerful and always friendly to her suddenly say such outrageous things?

The new ghost thought for a moment, held up the bamboo hat on her head, and solemnly asked Jiang Xia to sell herself.

- She wanted to know why Rob wanted her to "die."

That night, Misa Takeda had suspected that Shinichi Takeda was causing trouble. But after inquiring at the cost of her life, she found that judging from Takeda Shinichi's reaction, this money-grubbing father did not find an excuse to blackmail Rob as she thought.

So for Takeda Misa, Robert's transformation is still a mystery that makes her scratch her head.

Jiang Xia listened silently, but he didn't expect the conditions to be so simple.

But thinking about it carefully, for him, these conditions are actually not too different - except for "killing Rob", the others are equivalent to friendly gifts from Hattori-san.

He then nodded, stretched out his finger, and touched the small Q-shaped palm raised by the new ghost.

A faint stream of light flashed where they touched, which meant that the agreement was reached. After fulfilling her wish, Jiang Xia can sign a contract with her and take the ghost back to her home.

Afterwards, Jiang Xia glanced at this new ghost who was easy to dismiss, and was a little curious about the purpose and follow-up of her request:

"What if at the end of the investigation, we find that Rob's transformation had no reason and he just wanted to play with you?"

The new ghost was stunned.

It seemed to follow this possibility and soon, its whole ghost started to tremble slightly. For an instant, a flash of bright red appeared in her supposedly colorless eyes, which quickly condensed into a few eye-like blood spots. The clothes on her back also squirmed and cracked, and eight spider legs with pointed tops popped out.

The long and sharp spider legs were waving in the air, and Miss Spider let out a hoarse and angry roar. Then the spider legs suddenly reached down, grabbed the edge of the sink, and assumed a jumping posture before jumping, which looked like He wanted to immediately go to Rob's side, catch him and ask for an explanation.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He reacted quickly and raised his hand. The moment the spider ghost flew away, he slapped it back and held it down.

Then he silently looked at the angry spider legs that were grabbing his wrists and the humanoid body that had not changed much from the new ghost, and fell into deep thought.

...How should I put it? A little surprised, but better than he thought.

At least the human form with some spider legs looks more impressive than a simple spider.

...And this also explains why she moves gracefully and slowly, but when she escapes, she is so fast that it would take a long time for both the mermaid and the fog tengu to catch her.

Jiang Xia pinched one of the spider legs and shook it like a handshake: "Don't get excited. Just put your claws away first - I just said 'if'."

After nearly a minute, the spider ghost's legs let go of his hand and slowly retracted from behind.

In the blink of an eye, the alien creature with eight legs on its back transformed back into its elegant appearance wearing a kimono and a white gauze hat.

Now that a temporary contract has been signed, even if the spider ghost runs away again, it will be easy to catch next time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia let go of her hand and stopped pressing it.

Miss Spider didn't run anymore. She silently got up and turned 180°.

Then he turned his back to Jiang Xia and raised his hand, as if secretly wiping away tears.

...It does seem like a ghost who is often depressed, sometimes a little manic, and autistic, and not easy to care for.

However, no matter what, it is better than the big spider.

After solving the problem of looking for the ghost, Jiang Xia touched the new ghost's head and turned back to the restaurant.

Although Spider Ghost wanted to find out the truth, he actually already knew it.

But this ghost has stayed in the Takeda family for so long. After learning the truth, it will inevitably be triggered by the scene. It is likely that it will continue to scream or maintain the appearance of an angry spider with many legs.

At present, Takeda Shinichi's incident is not over yet, and Jiang Xia cannot leave immediately. He decided to wait until everything was resolved and when he was about to leave Puppet Peak, he would tell the ghost the truth and then leave this sad place immediately. This is good for the ghost and good for him...

When Jiang Xia returned to the restaurant, Takeda Shinichi raised his head from the table and glanced at him.

Takeda Shinichi felt that the detective had been away for a long time, so he guiltyly suspected that Jiang Xia had discovered something. He just made excuses to leave and went to confirm it alone.


Takeda Shinichi reached through his pocket and touched the phone cord he had hidden there.

——There is only one phone and one car at home, so communication and access are limited. Even if Jiang Xia discovers something, it is impossible to call the police over him.

Thinking of this, Takeda Shinichi felt at ease again.

He nodded towards Jiang Xia, showed a hypocritical and polite smile, lowered his head and continued eating.

After eating for a while, Takeda Shinichi left the table first.

"It's getting late. I have another puppet that I'm anxious to finish work on. I have to go to work first." As he said that, he looked at Jiang Xia again. "I'll leave you with the investigation."

Jiang Xia nodded. Together with Miss Spider who was sitting on his small table, he watched Takeda Shinichi go out.

Rob was also full of food.

He deliberately did not look at Takeda Shinichi who was leaving, but turned to Takeda Yuzo who was happily drinking wine at the side:

"Can I borrow the car keys? I want to pay my respects to Misa at the grave."

The Takeda family only had one car, and Rob came by taxi and did not have his own vehicle.

"Okay." Takeda Yuzo generously took out the key and handed it to him. He then thought of the current weather, "But it's getting late now. If you're not in a hurry, why not go tomorrow?"

Rob shook his head and raised his camera naturally. He was a photographer: "The sky here is clear and the moon and stars are beautiful. This is the perfect time to go."

"The moon and stars?"

After Yuan Shan and Ye came here, they couldn't connect to the Internet or use their mobile phones. I was feeling bored at this time.

As soon as she heard this, she immediately became energetic: "Can I come with you?"

Rob wanted her to prove his alibi: "Of course."

Jiang Xia glanced at the two of them, then turned to Hattori Heiji: "You can go too."

Hattori Heiji suddenly became alert.

Jiang Xia solved the case so much faster than him, and now he wants to leave him alone to investigate the case... Could it be that there is some major secret hidden here that Jiang Xia can't solve for a while, so it takes time?

What's the secret? This is too tempting...

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji's eyes brightened slightly and he firmly refused: "I don't."


Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, stood up, patted the hem of his clothes, and caught up with Robert, Yuan Shan and Ye who were about to go out:

"Wait, I'm going too."

...The murderer's psychological quality is getting worse and worse now. Just now he felt that Rob was a little guarded against him. Although it was unlikely, Jiang Xia was really worried that if Robert left like this, he would abscond with the two shikigami on his legs in fear of crime and never come back.

Although Toyama and Ye are good at practicing Aikido, she doesn't have much defense against Rob. Rob also carries a stun device. If he really wants to run away, he will launch a sneak attack. Toyama and Ye will be alone. Not easy to stop.

I originally thought that if Hattori Heiji also went, he could keep an eye on people. But since he won't go... then forget it.

Jiang Xia remembered that according to Robert's plan, the moment they drove out in the truck was the time when Takeda Shinichi died.

Next, the people who stayed had to help clear the table, be in a daze, discover the body, break open the sealed door, look for clues everywhere, and so on.

Since Hattori Heiji wants to take the initiative to take over these troublesome matters, then leave it to him.

And Hattori Heiji can also be asked to solve the case.

Jiang Xia finally received a long-awaited invitation letter from a distant place. He always felt that if the sender suddenly died as soon as he came to the door, the impact would not be good if this incident was reported, and it would be easy to discourage some superstitious people from giving him Motivation to send letters.

Although this case was flashy and exciting, which made him famous, he really doesn't need too much fame now.

Hattori Heiji sat at the dining table, looking at the backs of the three people disappearing outside the door one after another, and was slightly startled.

...I always feel like something is not quite right. Moreover, Jiang Xia left too decisively.

After thinking for a moment, Hattori Heiji felt that he understood.

——According to what Takeda Yoko said at the dinner table just now, the fish for dinner today is bought per head.

But there were only two fish missing, and today three people suddenly visited: him, He Ye, and Rob Taylor.

The quantity doesn't match.

This means that today, the Takeda family actually has another scheduled guest.

Although there is no way to be sure that the person is Rob, after this calculation, Rob is indeed suspicious... If this is the case, it is a bit dangerous for He Ye to go with Rob to see the stars alone. No wonder Jiang Xia feels that someone needs to go with He Ye .

Speaking of which, look at the stars…

What's so good about the stars?

Hattori Heiji poked the rice in the bowl unhappily, and then began to think about the Takeda family case from the beginning, hoping to come up with some ideas.

It was rare that Jiang Xia was not around. He must find the murderer of Akio Negishi and solve the case before Jiang Xia came back from watching the stars.

Hattori Heiji was sorting out the clues he had just discovered in his mind, and he was very motivated.

Yuan Shan and Ye asked about the place to watch the stars and learned that it was nearly an hour away by car, so they ran to the bathroom first.

When she left, Jiang Xia stood under the eaves, looking up at the stars at a 45° angle, pretending to appreciate the scenery in the mountains.

Seeing this, Rob secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly came to the truck and pretended to be familiar with the vehicle, but in fact he sorted out his killing equipment.

——A few days ago, Rob hung Akio Negishi in the storage room. After taking away a puppet containing drugs, he then arranged a mobile hanging device on the second floor of the puppet warehouse.

Just now, Takeda Shinichi left first because Robb made an anonymous call to him in advance, using the stolen drug puppet, and asked to meet in the warehouse on the second floor tonight.

Rob stood next to the truck, looking up in the direction of the warehouse through the dim lights in the yard.

Takeda Shinichi was inside at this time.

In addition, there was a strong fishing line, invisible in the night, extending from the second-floor warehouse window and connected to the truck.

Everything is ready, all it takes is a kick on the accelerator.

Rob took a deep breath. When Jiang Xia, Yuan Shan and Ye walked towards the car, he took out the hidden air gun across the truck and shot a few BB bullets towards the warehouse window.

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