Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 400 Vodka’s counterattack opportunity (Chapter 1)

Jiang Xia's eyes turned doubtful.

Why send a package of snacks specially?

Gin doesn't look like the kind of considerate teammate who would bring breakfast to his colleagues... Could it be that he was dissatisfied with his lack of organization and discipline as he was not happy with his work, so he poisoned the food?

Jiang Xia raised her head and met Ginjiu's calm gaze, failing to understand the leader's thoughts.

After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and took out a piece.

In fact, there is no need to guess at all. Just give it a try and you will know the purpose of Gin's snacks - anyway, the stomach wall can be separated with puppet clay, and the poison will not poison him.

When he finished eating, he poured it on the ground. If Gin acts very calm, it means that the snack is indeed poisoned; and if Gin looks surprised, and at worst gets up as if nothing happened, it means that he stayed up all night for two consecutive nights and is a little hypoglycemic...

Jiang Xia began to wonder if it was really poisonous, how to tell whether it was a highly toxic drug or an ordinary anesthetic.

But before he could put the snack he took out into his mouth, Gin raised his hand to stop him.

"Potassium cyanide is added to it." Ginjimori sneered, "The person responsible for cleaning up found this from Takeda Shinichi - judging from the gift card next to it, it is a 'gift' he specially prepared for you. "

Jiang Xia: "..."

He loosened his grip and silently threw the snack back.

...Okay, no need to stress it anymore, he won't put everything in his mouth like the senior cadre who is allergic to drugs. It doesn’t need to be reminded everywhere like vodka.

Gin thought of last night, when he was observing the Takeda family from the watchtower opposite the Takeda family, and saw Usa eating the food cooked by that family with confidence, and reminded him in a cold voice:

"Not all criminals will kneel down and cry bitterly when they feel threatened. There are also jackals who dare to turn back and bite their predators. The darkness in the human heart is a double-edged sword. If you want to use it as a weapon, you must Bear the corresponding backlash.”

After saying that, he tapped the gift box in his hand: "Remember this experience and don't make similar mistakes again."

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, feeling that Ginjiu spoke very artistically today.

However, when I thought of the leader's impromptu singing while waiting for Shirley on the snowy roof, I felt that this seemed very normal... Gin seemed to have a little bit of a literary streak. If he hadn't gone to work for the organization, he might have become a trendy modern poet...

Gin doesn't have the ability to read minds.

Seeing that Jiang Xia was thoughtful and seemed to be thinking about his words seriously, he nodded secretly, took out the wet wipes and wiped the hands that had touched the gift box, then threw the snack box and the wet wipes to the vodka: "Dispose of it."

Saying that, Gin took one last look at the snack box. Thinking about it as well.

——He had thought that Takeda Shinichi would at most try to control Uzo with drugs, but unexpectedly, this man directly killed him.

...Detective seems to be a more dangerous profession than imagined. Maybe it is actually necessary to get a gun permit for Uzo?

However, when he recalled the intensive cases along the way and the incident in which Uzo personally drove someone to try to lure someone off a cliff not long ago, Gin dismissed the idea that had just occurred to him.

Let’s forget it first.

Allowing Uzo to legally hold a gun may lead to a mess that is more difficult to deal with.

At least for now, the people who want to kill him are just doing petty tricks like Takeda Shinichi. As long as you are careful, it can be avoided.

In comparison, the risk of giving Uzo a gun is too great. This is really not a good method...

While Jiang Xia and Ginjiu were thinking about their own things, Vodka, holding a snack box on the side, was also lost in thought.

...Uzo actually planned to eat it just now.

...Are you so careless about entrance stuff?

Thinking about it this way, it seems true - Uzo used to enjoy his elder brother's sushi at the sushi restaurant. In addition, I heard that Belmode also successfully got people drunk and took them away... Hey, in this case, Uzo actually It's not that hard to deal with - just bring some snacks that don't contain anesthesia.

People with weaknesses are not terrible!

Vodka went out in a good mood with a snack containing potassium cyanide, feeling that he had grasped the hope of self-defense.

Gin and Vodka didn't stay in Jiang Xia's room for too long, and quickly went to their own room - they would pass by the front desk when they went upstairs. In order to avoid others being suspicious, they opened a two-bedroom suite, which was also convenient for resting. .

The scheduled departure time is 6pm.

Gin took a short rest in the room, and then went to the dock in advance, intending to check whether there was any monitoring equipment. Although the peripheral members responsible for guarding must have tested it, he still felt uneasy and decided to come in person.

Finally, we arrived at the pier to take a look.

The boat is on the shore.

...I heard that it suddenly sank early this morning. A group of cranes came just now to drag it up.

"——There has been no problem before. Unexpectedly, it suddenly tilted and started to sink early this morning. We originally wanted to transfer other ships to send you there, but the person in charge just responded and said that other ships are still in use and we will be there as soon as possible. It won’t arrive until the day after tomorrow.”

When the person in charge of watching the ship said this, he skillfully bowed 90° and bowed his head deeply: "I'm very sorry!"

Gin: "..."

The perfectly planned trip was suddenly delayed, and the expensive ship suddenly sank into the sea. He reached out and grasped the handle of the gun in his pocket, and several veins appeared on the back of his hand.

However, after scanning the surrounding maintenance personnel, dock workers, and scattered onlookers with his peripheral vision, Gin did not take out the gun in the end.

He stared at the yacht paralyzed on the shore and was silent for a moment: "When was the last inspection?"

The person who continued to bow humbly said: "Yesterday afternoon."

Gin loosened his grip on the gun, took out the cigarette case, lit a cigarette, and took a slow drag.

A ship cannot sink suddenly and quietly. From this point of view, the accident that caused the shipwreck should have occurred at night or early in the morning.

It happened to be late at night when Uzo came here.

...Uzo tampered with the ship?

The series of associations and speculations came a little abruptly, but they seemed logical.

As soon as it appeared, Gin's cold eyes narrowed slightly.

At this time, on the road from the hotel to the pier, two middle-aged men carrying huge travel bags approached side by side, talking and laughing.

The two looked at the boat placed on the shore with excitement, but did not approach it. Instead, they boarded the "Haiyuan" next door, which was in normal condition.

Among them, the man with brown hair stretched out his hand and shook hands with the captain who was standing at the bow of the ship to greet them: "I am Kazuyuki Kawai, who made an appointment before."

He gestured to the side again: "This is Mr. Yamazaki Tsuneo, I have also registered together before."

There are not many tourists during this season. The captain easily matched the two people with the guests on the reservation list and warmly welcomed them in.

More than ten meters away, a pair of cold and sharp eyes silently stared in this direction.

After a moment, Gin whispered to Vodka, "Check them out."

Vodka nodded, quickly took out the notebook he carried with him from his bag, typed in the password, and entered the organization's database to search.

The files contained in the database are very complicated. Not only big shots, but also slightly respectable people have registered. I even heard that people from the intelligence team were bored and compiled a list of the breeds of pets kept by big shots... In short, enter After hearing the name just now, relevant information quickly popped up on Vodka's screen.

Vodka glanced at it and turned the computer to Gin: "Brother."

Gin's eyes fell on the files of those two people.

I saw Kawai Kazuyuki first. Since Kawai is not a very important person and has no interaction with the organization, his information update is still at the level of a year ago. It showed that he was the manager of a utility store and had a criminal record of drunken brawls.

Another person, Yamazaki Tsuneo, seems to have been marked as "useful" by the organization, and his information has been updated to this day.

——From the archives, Yamazaki Tsuneo is the president of a financial company. On the surface, he is an honest and law-abiding businessman, but behind his back he has been making illegal loans and annexing many small companies using this method.

In addition, when lending money, Yamazaki Tsuneo often asked the borrower to take out a high-value insurance policy with Yamazaki Tsuneo as the beneficiary in the name of guarantee.

The organization's information shows that over the years, at least six borrowers who were unable to repay their loans "accidentally died" a year after bankruptcy, which brought Yamazaki Tsuneo a large amount of compensation.

Gin was silent for a moment and gradually thought of something.

He took out his mobile phone and checked the status of Kajing Public Works Office, and found that the financial situation of this small company was not optimistic.

——In other words, the two people who just boarded the Shanghai original ship, one is the president of a small company who is in urgent need of a loan, and the other is an unscrupulous financier who often lends money to the president of small companies.

Thinking about Uzo's habits again... he probably knew what was going on.

Vodka was holding the computer for Gin while he was reading the text on the screen.

Halfway through the scene, I suddenly saw the eldest brother turning around silently, his windbreaker drawing an arc full of murderous intent in the air.

Ginjiu strode towards the hotel and went straight to Jiang Xia's room.

He always felt that the ship of the organization would sink, and it had something to do with Uzo. Uzzo had a motive, time, and no alibi.

Although there is no evidence...but what evidence does Uzo need for what he did?

——This young elite member is professional at erasing evidence and avoiding being caught.

If you tell him the evidence, you will lose!

in the room.

Jiang Xia is packing her bags, preparing to board the ship for a pleasant trip to Yueying Island to pick up at least double-digit shikigami.

At this time, the door behind me was pushed open with a click.

Before he could turn around, a series of footsteps approached, followed by a chill in his heart as he was pressed heavily against some kind of hard metal.

Jiang Xia: "..."

This familiar touch.

...The leader became suspicious again on a daily basis.

Jiang Xia slowly turned around: "?"

Gin glanced at his innocent and confused expression. This time he was not deceived, but solemnly said with great certainty: "You did it."

The younger members looked even more confused: "What?"

Vodka, who followed him, was a little confused at first, but now after hearing Gin's words and what happened on the pier just now, he suddenly came to his senses.

He originally wanted to slap his hand on the table to create an atmosphere for this interrogation.

However, this hotel has tatami mats and a very low coffee table.

Vodka secretly made a gesture, feeling that bending down to take pictures would be very uninspiring, so he regretfully gave up the idea.

He straightened his back and spoke coldly:

"It's a boat.

"——You arrived here late last night, and the ship sank in the early morning. Calculating the time, you have many opportunities to move on the ship..."

Jiang Xia, who was pointed at a gun, suddenly glanced at him and said in a quiet voice: "You must provide evidence when you speak."


Vodka's expression remained unchanged, he pretended to be pacing, and moved quietly, moving behind Gin.

In this way, Jiang Xia couldn't see him immediately with Ginjiu separating him.

Just then, Vodka's cold voice sounded again, and he stubbornly continued what he had just unfinished:

"...You have enough time to do things on the boat, so you have a reason to switch to the commercial yacht next to you to admire the case promoted by you!"

...My guess is pretty correct, except for the last sentence.

Vodka added another note to Jiang Xia's list of grudges.

He held a grudge while denying: "I didn't..."

Gin put his finger on the trigger and said coldly: "I'm not here to see you acting."

"It's the truth." Jiang Xia said calmly, "I have no motive - if I really want to take the boat next door like Vodka said, then I just need to say 'I want to go separately with you'. Why bother to break it?" Where’s the boat?”

"Motive?" Gin sneered coldly, "Without a large enough audience, your performance will be very uninspiring - and directly telling us that a case will happen on the ship next to us, it is far better to pretend that there is an accident and let us It would be more interesting to take the initiative to take that boat and then be surprised to find out that you encountered a murder... right?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Not at all!

He is only interested in ghosts. As for "drama", "audience", etc... these should be Gin's own hobbies, but they were inexplicably forced on "Uzo".

Having said that, Ginjiu's tone is so determined now. If he denies it at this time, Jiang Xia is really afraid that Ginjiu will feel embarrassed, and then become angry and never bring him out to join the case again... It is very risky to undermine the leadership. , caution must be exercised.

And now it seems that Gin has already determined that the shipwreck is related to "Uzo" - think about the time near the amusement park, after Gin determined that "APTX4869, which has not yet passed human trials, is a perfect killing agent", He poured it into Kudo Shinichi with confidence; and in the wine cellar of the Aido City Hotel, Gin decided that "according to Shirley's character, she would not dare to walk through the door but would escape through the chimney." I felt relieved and no longer guarded the door, but ran to squat on the roof...

In short, this leader seems to be a bit paranoid, and it seems difficult to reverse what he believes.

Jiang Xia sighed inwardly, feeling a little helpless. It seemed that he had to take the blame for the puppet who destroyed the ship...

He still didn't admit it, but he didn't refute it. After hesitating for a moment, he skillfully lowered his eyes, as if reflecting.

As soon as he lowered his gaze, he saw the busy Miss Spider - although this elegant new ghost was sitting next to Gin's legs and did not move, the eight sharp steel spear-like legs behind her moved very quickly. Like curling yarn, he quickly rolled up the overflowing murderous aura into a fluffy murderous aura ball.

Amway’s joyful survival novel

Happy and passionate, farming war, ocean apocalypse, raft survival

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