Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 402 Why did you get on the boat with your left foot first? More updates to the leader【

Chapter 402 Why did you get on the boat with your left foot first? More updates to the leader [Liuyun Flute]

Jiang Xia thought about the meaning of what Ginjiu said just now, and asked tentatively: "Do you suspect that I am customizing a 'script' for you?"

...actually not. Moreover, the script mainly depends on Conan's performance. Conan's death power seems to be limited and will not directly kill Gin.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia said softly like a loyal subordinate: "You are the one who guided me into the organization. I will not do such a thing."

Gin glanced at him.

It seems quite sincere, this may be true...

However, thinking about what Uzo had done along the way, Gin still had only a sneer on his face: "Your promise has no credibility."

"..." Jiang Xia returned to the topic as if nothing had happened, "Those targets on Yueying Island..."

Ginjiu took out something like a wide black necklace from his briefcase and handed it to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia was startled.

He took the "necklace" and looked at it carefully. He found that there were several circular metal pieces at equal intervals on the inside, and some fancy decorative patterns on the outside. Near the middle was a very hidden, very hidden piece of metal that was very difficult to see if you didn't look carefully. Hard-to-find pinhole cameras.

The "necklace" is about five millimeters thick overall, which is a bit bulky for jewelry. But this... just can be used to lay circuits inside.

Coupled with those metal pieces with a strong sense of technology, if you ignore the decorative dark silver stripes on the outside, it really looks like some kind of human experimental device in the laboratory of a crazy doctor.

With the addition of outer stripes, it suddenly becomes a fancy, trendy jewelry. It may be very popular among the delinquents or the young intellectuals...

When Jiang Xia looked back and forth at the necklace, silently commenting on the taste of the organization and equipment department.

Gin pointed his gun at the "necklace":

"Put it on and get on that boat."

Jiang Xia paused briefly.

After a moment he came back to his senses: "What is this?"

"Cameras, bugs... and enough gunpowder to blow your neck off." A cruel sneer appeared on Gin's lips, "We will stare at you through the window and the screen. If you, or are with you on the way to board the ship, If there is any abnormality in the person you come into contact with..."

He did not continue speaking, but raised his hand in front of his neck to make a cutting motion.

Jiang Xia: "..."

In fact, just now, he secretly switched the perspective to the ghost, and used the ghost to observe this strange "necklace" through the model.

——The "necklace" contains no explosives. From the circuit point of view, it can only discharge.

For Jiang Xia, if he wants to avoid this negative effect, he just needs to use puppet clay to separate it...

However, since the leader said it was a bomb, let’s pretend there is really a bomb inside.

In this case, it seems that he should be dissatisfied with being suspected. This is the reaction that an organizational talent should have.

Jiang Xia recalled what Toru Amuro looked like when he was on the phone with Gin, put away his innocent reflection, and showed a provocative smile:

"You are too cautious. If you are so afraid of being written into the script by me, why not just wait here for the organization's ship, and I will take that ship first."

He wasn't worried that Gin would accept the suggestion.

Because according to the ghosts placed on Ginjiu, the organization's ship will not arrive until the day after tomorrow - by that time, Jiang Xia has already finished messing with the ghosts on the "Haiyuan" and went to Yueying Island to wait, and Ginjiu cannot Go to the island first and kill everyone on Yueying Island who can become a shikigami.

Gin had been provoked by bourbon and the like for a long time, but now seeing Uzo almost being provocative, his mentality was calmer than before.

He said casually: "When I understand your identity, I will naturally choose a suitable way to get to the island."

Then he pointed at the "bomb necklace" in Uzo's hand again and urged silently - for a person who likes to manipulate others and is used to having everything under control, this "arranged" experience itself is a very weighty one. punishment.

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, creating a dignified atmosphere, and then raised his hand to put it on.

The buckles at both ends of the "necklace" closed behind his neck and clicked to lock it securely.

It seemed to be equipped with a fingerprint lock. Jiang Xia touched it casually and immediately felt the necklace shaking close to her skin, and made two slight error sounds of "bu-bu-".

Although there wasn't much movement, the room was quite quiet and Gin heard it.

He put away the gun and sneered coldly: "You'd better not make those useless attempts - after three attempts, the built-in micro-bomb will detonate automatically. Now there are two more."

"..." Hearing Ginjiu mention the non-existent "bomb" again, Jiang Xia paused slightly and moved the tip of his shoe slightly invisibly.

After a moment, he casually pulled up his collar and covered most of the fancy necklace that didn't match his clothes, leaving only the part with the camera exposed.

Then, carrying a small amount of luggage, he prepared to go to the Haiyuan, which he had been thinking about a lot, and the Mr. Seven Ghosts.

The moment she walked out of the hotel and distanced herself from the gin and vodka, Jiang Xia quietly put a layer of puppet clay between the necklace and her neck, and spent some murderous energy to adjust them to a skin color that was exactly the same as her own skin.

The necklace will definitely not explode, after all, there is no explosive at all. As for those electric currents, they probably won’t be fatal—

Unless the situation is urgent, even if Gin wants to kill a member who has a code name, a track record, no actual evidence of rebellion, and has not been exposed to an official organization, he still needs the boss's approval in advance, just like he killed Pisk Same then.

Even a well-connected person like Belmode cannot kill members with code names at will... those who are cheated to death secretly do not count.

...However, just because it won't explode, doesn't mean the necklace won't suddenly shock people.

Although Ginjiu's worry about "there is an ambush on the ship" just now has some truth, Jiang Xia always felt that Ginjiu encountered too many cases along the way, stayed up too late, and his mentality was a bit broken, so he was just looking for trouble. To find balance by persecuting innocent subordinates - after all, with Jiang Xia Tongzhi's standard background and experience, there is no reason why he would be suddenly suspected of colluding with external forces.

When I was next to Gin just now, I could let my parents hug me, strengthen my friendly aura, and improve my safety factor.

And now once they go far away, other safety measures such as "pad the puppet with clay" must be taken to prevent Gin from suddenly activating the electrotherapy switch for reasons such as "leaving the boat with his left foot first".

While Jiang Xia secretly condemned the unscrupulous leadership of the black organization, she walked expectantly towards the Haiyuan.

In his original room, Vodka unfolded his laptop and called up the scene captured by the camera carried by Jiang Xia.

During the process, Gin noticed that Vodka's expression was a little strange.

He asked coldly: "What's wrong?"

Vodka didn't want to say it, but he didn't dare to hide it.

In the end, I had to whisper: "I'm thinking about the switch that was triggered three times by trial and error. If someone else accidentally touches it..."

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