Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 404 Gin: I want to go back to Tokyo

After briefly assuming the gentleman's position, Gin's eyes flashed and he fell into deep thought.

Thinking about it from another angle, although this incident is annoying, Uzo did not know the value of the yacht in advance - to be precise, he probably never considered the "price" factor, and just took all the people and items around him into account. They are all treated equally as props and allowed to be planned. Everything is in the service of death, and there is no distinction between high and low. In Uzzo's eyes, sinking an expensive ship may be no different than throwing away a disposable paper cup.

In addition, in terms of attitude, Uzo's behavior of fooling his boss was indeed excessive, but in fact, those "fools", perhaps as Uzo himself said, were actually some kind of "surprise" designed by him - he felt that the drama of death It was very interesting, so he wanted to bring others over to enjoy it together, but in the process, he forgot to consider other people's interests and free time... In other words, Uzo may not have meant to insult his boss subjectively; he pretended to be innocent afterwards , just to make the "audience" he selected relax their vigilance so that they can continue to welcome the next "surprise".

...Finally, judging from the results, Uzo's behavior today did not actually have an irreparable negative impact on the organization. Compared with his future potential, a yacht worth more than 600 million is not worth mentioning. If it is because of this The decision to send him to the electric chair was more like venting personal grudges than "doing good for the organization".

Thinking of this, Gin gradually became wary of his own mentality.

——This shouldn’t be the case. As a cadre of the organization, he should definitely stand on the standpoint of the organization and consider it, rather than focusing on how much time he spent raising funds.

Uzo’s matter should be reported truthfully to that adult first, and let him decide whether wages should be deducted or other punitive measures should be adopted...

Just as he was thinking about it, Vodka's alert voice came from beside him:

"Brother, the captain's daughter has a bad attitude towards him, her eyes are strange, and her words sometimes get stuck - Uzo must have given her a hint in some way, and she realized that the situation has changed, so she is nervous!"

Gin came back to his senses and looked at the computer screen.

The image above is a little shaken, and it was captured by the camera on Jiang Xia's body.

Just now, while Ginjiu was concentrating on thinking, Jiang Xia had already arrived at the dock and started talking to the people on the Haiyuan.

With the help of the micro camera on the necklace, you can see a young woman wearing a dark blue headscarf, clothes of the same color, and a cheerful smile.

The woman's eyes were indeed as Vodka said, a little evasive, and her face was slightly reddened abnormally, as if she was excited, but she tried her best to suppress this abnormality, and she did look slightly awkward:

"It's okay, um... we, we implement a full reservation system, but that is just to prevent some guests from coming and waiting in line when the boat is full. If this delays the guests' time, we will feel bad - in fact, if there are vacancies , you can board it without making a reservation, so you can just get on the boat without any worries.”

It looks like the ship is about to sail.

Gin remembered the departure time of the Haiyuan ship that he had seen in the hotel's brochure. He turned on the screen, stood up and turned to Vodka: "Take your luggage and go take the ship."

Vodka instinctively stuffed his computer back into his bag, picked up his luggage, and followed Gin.

Then he remembered and asked, "Take a boat ride?"

...Shouldn't we rush over and kill all the suspicious people, and then take Uzo back for interrogation? Especially the captain's daughter. She might be the childhood sweetheart of some official intelligence officer, and she volunteered to meet Uzuo of the same age.

"...That's a normal reaction."

Gin recalled what he had just seen through the screen and ignored this slow-thinking boy.

From Gin's point of view, vodka actually has many advantages, one of which is that when you encounter something you don't understand, you should ask it once at most. If Gin didn't want to explain, Vodka wouldn't break the casserole again and ask for answers, so he would be quiet.

After hearing the "normal reaction", Vodka was still confused, but he didn't ask any more.

The surrounding suddenly became much cleaner.

Gin walked towards the dock in silence.

If the organization sends a new ship, it won't be able to set off until at least the day after tomorrow.

During the two days he was on business trip, many accidents happened in Tokyo - due to management negligence, the newly-built research branch lost two cans of potassium cyanide. Now the entire research institute is afraid to drink water and eat. Intelligence The team is allocating manpower to interrogate them one by one; in addition, the cadre responsible for connecting with Inoue Real Estate was unfortunately involved in a car accident and died on the spot. The important information in the bag was also burned due to the vehicle explosion, and the transaction was temporarily stalled; also, a The peripheral member who was about to get the code name was fascinated by Belmode. When he chased her, he came into the sight of the FBI and was rounded up by Shuichi Akai. Then when they met on a narrow road, the person was scared by Shuichi Akai and committed suicide... Gin thought of these things. , I just want to fly back to Tokyo in the next second, there is no time to wait for the boat the day after tomorrow.

Taking a tourist boat does involve certain risks, but the risk is by no means as great as Gin said just now - he is not going to be harmed to such an extent. He would say that before. A small part of him was really worried about the risk, and the other part was taking the opportunity to attack Uzo and seek an explanation for the refitted ship that was innocently sunk.

...But now, after re-examining Uzo's behavior, Gin's anger towards him is no longer so strong.

And since "boarding the Umihara" is Uzo's plan... with Uzo's caution and meticulousness of carefully observing every thread and needle so that they can be used to their best advantage in the murderous drama, he must investigate in advance. Having experienced the situation on the boat, it’s not a big problem.

When Gin and Vodka rushed to the "Haiyuan", Jiang Xia had successfully paid for their tickets and boarded the ship.

There were six guest rooms on the ship. Jiang Xia randomly picked an empty one, put down his luggage, and went to walk around on the deck.

"Haiyuan" is a fixed entertainment item here, and the current "Haiyuan" looks very new, as if it was just bought not long ago.

Jiang Xia circled the boat for a short half time and finally stopped on the deck on the sea side. The more he looked at it, the more familiar the boat looked.

After thinking carefully for a moment, he remembered - wasn't this the same boat that the door-to-door salesman had sold before when he was at the detective agency?

...If I had known better then, I would have opened a vest and bought it. The money collected from the Maple Leaf Gold Coins at that time was still thrown into the account unused, and part of it was more than enough to buy a boat.

But then he thought about it, and the Haiyuan and the ship that passed him might just have the same model, not necessarily the same one.

And theoretically speaking, if he really buys it, the yacht where the case occurred will be another yacht. The fate is really wonderful... Jiang Xia fell into deep thought for a moment.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind.

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