Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 407 You have a problem

The more Jiang Xia thought about it, the more excited he became. He decided that after returning to Tokyo, when he was free, he would find an opportunity to drive the puppet around Belmode.

Maybe we can pick up Akai Shuichi...

When Ginjiu heard Jiang Xia mention the excuse of "explosion", the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Then he silently picked up the "necklace", lit up the touch screen, and pressed and held it for 10 seconds to bring up the setting interface.

After recording Jiang Xia's fingerprints, Ginjiu threw back the necklace that had changed hands again, along with the remote control he took out of his bag.

Jiang Xia looked down and confirmed in a low voice: "There is no backup remote control."

"Ha." Gin made a cold scoff while holding a cigarette in his mouth. He stared at him with a look that said, "Do you think I love scheming my teammates like you?" and turned to leave.

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment, feeling that according to his cautious character, he should ask one more question: "By the way, the bomb should be removable. It is better to dismantle the bomb first to avoid accidental explosion."

Gin paused.

...This "necklace" was originally only equipped with electric shock equipment, not bombs at all.

Thinking again about Uzo's sincere words, "It's better to defuse the bomb first"... He suspected that Uzo had figured it out and was mocking him.

Gin left a faint "Don't worry, it won't explode", slammed the door and left, and the figure quickly disappeared in the corridor.

Gin finished slamming the door and walked to his cabin.

On the way, his expression became calm again.

Vodka followed him with her bag, feeling very confused and feeling that Brother Gin had calmed down too quickly.

So when he entered Gin's cabin to help put his luggage, he couldn't help but try to make a fuss:

"Brother, he always assumes that we will be on the wanted list. Maybe he has this idea subconsciously. What if he is dissatisfied with you testing him today and deliberately betrays us."

Gin walked to the coffee table and casually crushed the cigarette butt into the ashtray:

"He should have paid more attention to hiding his identity than others. For us, even if his identity is exposed, as long as he keeps a low profile, it will not affect his activities. But for someone like Uzo who has been a public figure, Said that once exposed, it means that he must live underground without seeing the light from now on.

"The higher his popularity is now, the more people will recognize him walking on the street after being exposed. If he wants to attack his target again, once he shows up, the other party will first feel wary and defensive, rather than acting like him. He was so trusting when he was still a simple 'just detective' - in that case, Uzo's favorite technique of demagoguery has little use. For him, this is a very important thing. Horrible things he would try to avoid.”

Vodka: "..." Then why did Uzo agree to go on this series of missions together...

He felt that his elder brother's inference was slightly flawed.

It's a pity that I dare not say it.

In the end, Vodka thought about it and reluctantly figured it out - probably because Uzo didn't want to expose his identity on the one hand, and on the other hand he was greedy for their kill list, so after weighing it, he followed him out, and then this kid only followed the list along the way. We have interactions with each other, but we often avoid contact with them, and only bring them in as an audience when necessary... Oh, this scumbag who throws them away after use.

Gin didn't notice Vodka's complicated look.

He was thinking about another question.

On whether Uzo will sell him...

Gin didn't detect that sign so far.

And it doesn’t seem to fit with Uzo’s aesthetic. Uzzo prefers to stay in the shadows and help. Many of those who died indirectly in his scripts had never even met him. Therefore, Gin felt that someone like him who knew Uzo thoroughly would not be able to arouse his interest in writing a script.

In addition, Gin has long discovered that Uzo's killing method has major flaws.

——Currently, these people who died in murders had poor martial arts values, and lacked vigilance towards the people around them.

Gin thought about it carefully and felt that he didn't fit any of the characteristics.

Moreover, if Uzo really wants to deal with him, the most convenient tool at the moment is the vodka next to him. It's easy to guess Vodka's thoughts. At best, pay more attention to him in the future... Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, there's also bourbon.

Bourbon usually has a lot of contact with Uzo, and more importantly, he doesn’t know that “Uzo” is “Uzo” yet. This kind of person is most likely to become an insect stuck in a spider web...

However, after all, Bourbon was an outsider to the organization that he joined midway. Coupled with Akai Shuichi's past experience, Gin actually maintained the greatest vigilance every time he came into contact with him, so there was no need to worry too much.

...The conclusion is that Vodka, the assistant, is indeed the most dangerous.

Thinking of this, Gin took an extra look at Vodka.

When Vodka gradually became stiff and began to sweat secretly, thinking about what he had done wrong, Gin looked away quietly and began to think about what to do next.

Well, first send a report email to the boss about the sunken yacht; don’t forget to write down those things that Uzo made his own decisions earlier.

In addition, you have to apply for an increase in Uzo's confidentiality level. Although his merits and qualifications are still a little behind, the situation is quite special after all...

Complaints and protections proceed simultaneously and do not conflict.

This is the attitude that a loyal organizational cadre should have towards talents.

——Gin has now discovered that if Uzo was treated as a subordinate who was personally brought into the organization, his blood pressure would inevitably soar, especially since he dared to fool his superiors like he did the police and detectives.

But from another perspective, if you look at Uzo as a colleague like Bermod or Bourbon, you will feel that Uzo is actually quite easy to get along with.

Apart from his tendency to force people to watch dramas involving the death of passers-by, destroy organizational property, interfere with teammates' plans, conceal some intelligence, and often leave the team to act independently... he doesn't seem to have any unforgivable shortcomings.

In addition to the first shortcoming mentioned above, there are also many capable cadres and colleagues in other projects. Compared with them, at least Uzo is willing to find some suitable excuses for those behaviors, which makes Gin much easier when writing mission reports. In addition, Uzo will politely admit his mistakes and show some reflection. Attitude……

Vodka was secretly condemning Uzo in his heart, when he suddenly saw his eldest brother raising his hand and pressing his forehead.

Then I heard Gin's cold command: "Take some emergency antihypertensive medicine with you from now on." Although he probably wouldn't need it, he was prepared. Uzo is not the only cautious person in the organization...

"Okay!" Vodka answered instinctively.

After answering, he thought about the situation behind the question and looked at Gin in confusion.

...I heard that staying up late or being stressed can easily raise your blood pressure.

Did the eldest brother suddenly suffer from acute hypertension?

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