Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 412 Pay attention to safety

After completing the blacklisting operation, Jiang Xia breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the air on the island was fresher.

By the way, I just picked up a few shikigami, and I haven't had time to sign them yet...

Thinking of this incident, Jiang Xia stretched out his hand towards the foggy dog ​​flying around him on the way to the dock.

The foggy dog ​​immediately understood. It hovered over Jiang Xia's hand and handed over a stack of neatly folded leg-picking shikigami - these were the ghosts on the legs of the seven ghost bosses on the "Haiyuan" and the boss himself. There are eight shikigami in total.

Shikigami and ghost fetuses can only be collected into the seals in the heart after signing a contract. Before signing, they can only be thrown out to roam.

After the murder just happened, Sayuri Umihara didn't know whether it was fear or wanting to watch her idol solve the case up close, so she followed him step by step, only leaving for a short while later when she was looking for a scarf and making soup; except for her, the murderer Kazuyuki Kawai Feeling guilty as a thief, he kept looking at this area with his peripheral vision, and he was more dedicated than monitoring.

Jiang Xia had no choice but to let Wutian Gou hold the ghost first, and then sign the contract when he was free.

There happens to be no one around now...

He took the stack of shikigami, pricked his fingers, and pressed them one by one like stamps.

Pressing and pressing, Jiang Xia stared at these shikigami, which were more numerous than the three people on Yueying Island, and fell into deep thought.

This time, if there was no organization, he would still go to Spider Mansion and Moon Shadow Island because he received two invitations.

But since tomorrow is the night of the full moon, and there was a Youth Detective Group on the mountain yesterday, if he had not rushed to meet up with the two teammates of the organization, Jiang Xia thought about it and found that there was a high probability that he would stay on the mountain and fight against the Death God of the Youth Detective Group. Aura.

As for the Young Detective Team... This morning, Jiang Xia curiously sent a message to Haihara Ai and learned that the children had not encountered other cases.

...In other words, if he hadn't come to see the unlucky Gin, the eight ghosts in his hands might have passed him by - once the seven ghost boss was electrocuted, the ghosts on his legs would The shikigami will soon fall off and get lost. As for the murderer with a ghost on his leg, he will leave the ship as a victim after the "accidental electric shock accident", destroy the evidence, and return to daily life.

Now, over at Yueying Island, if the target was not blown away by Gin, then according to the original world line, Jiang Xia could pick up three more shikigami.

Overall, this time following Gin and the others, there were eight more shikigami and three fewer shikigami.

...a net profit of five.

Coupled with the murderous aura of the gin picked up along the way...

Jiang Xia did addition and subtraction in his mind for a while.

A minute later, Momo took out his phone and removed his two colleagues from the blacklist.

Then I replied to the email I didn’t intend to reply, and added a thoughtful and friendly greeting:

[good. Please be safe on your way back~]

By the way, send a copy to Vodka.

Jiang Xia now gradually feels that these two teammates may also have a little death aura.

It's just that the Gin and Vodka operations are usually together, and I don't know who caused the incident. In short, treat them equally first, and everyone will be affected by rain and dew...

Thousands of meters away.

Gin and Vodka had just stewed the target in a pot with an explosion. At this time, they had quietly detoured back to the main island from Moon Shadow Island.

Instead of returning to the dock, they abandoned the boat in the forest and went ashore. Then before the police had time to react, they rented a boat from the island to go to land.

As soon as they sat down, their mobile phones vibrated at the same time, and there was a message.

Vodka took out his phone and pressed it to check.

In the pale text message background, the dark printed text is coldly displayed:

[good. Please be safe on your way back~]


Vodka was first confused about who would send him an email in such a strange tone, and even added a tilde. The friendliness level was beyond the limit, and he looked weird.

Glancing up and seeing the sender's email address clearly, Vodka's eyes froze.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly moved down, and he refocused on the words "On the way back" and "Pay attention to safety".

Looking at it again this time, the image of Uzo watching him quietly and then slowly showing a deep smile suddenly appeared in his mind.


...This is a naked threat!

No, thinking about the worst, this might actually be some kind of preview!

Vodka's fingers were stiff, and goosebumps silently appeared on his back.

He stood up quickly and quickly scanned the ship's motor, under the seats, and other places where bombs might be hidden. At the same time, he took the most effective way to solve the problem and shouted: "Brother!"

Opposite him, Gin's angular face was illuminated by the dim light from the screen.

He also saw the same news.

Gin snorted coldly and put the phone away again: "Why are you panicking? He was just being polite."

"Is that so..." Vodka saw Brother Gin's calm look and sat down hesitantly.

But it still feels like there are crises everywhere.

——Think about not long ago, Uzo even sank the organization's ship worth more than 600 million in order to invite them to watch an insignificant drama.

And now, they have blown up the protagonist of the script that Uzo has been planning for a long time... Although it was really exciting at the time, especially when he thought that Uzo rushed there with great expectations, only to find that no one was there when he arrived. Vodka even wanted to secretly set up a camera to record and collect Uzo's possible expressions at that time.

But after I feel good, I look back and think about it...

Does that kid really not know how to take revenge?

No, you can't mess up your position. Big Brother said it’s okay, so it shouldn’t be a big problem...

Just as he was thinking about it, Vodka felt the ship sway.

He came back to his senses, raised his head in confusion, and saw that Gin had picked up his briefcase and stepped onto the shore. At this time, he was standing on the dock, looking calmly at the other boats.


"Change another ship." Gin bit his cigarette butt and said in a vague voice, "Be prepared."


...So the problem is still really big!

Vodka also hurriedly picked up his luggage and prepared to disembark.

The moment he stepped ashore, all the nerves in Vodka's body tensed up - in many TV dramas he had watched, at this moment when he was about to escape, he was most likely to be blasted into the sky by a bomb hidden somewhere. In my impression, at this time, there is usually a close-up of one foot stepping onto the shore, or a close-up of the last foot leaving the boat...

With a straight face, Vodka stepped onto the concrete pier with his feet.

The boat beneath me was calm and nothing happened.

He glanced down, shifted his weight and stepped ashore. At the same time, when his toes left the ship, he couldn't help but close his eyes.


...There was still no explosion. There was only the crisp sound of the water as the ship floated slightly up.

Vodka breathed a silent sigh of relief. He hurried away from the ship as if escaping from a minefield and followed Gin. He felt like he had escaped.

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