Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 417 Who should the organization or the police choose?

Jiang Xia drove a dummy and walked into the car rental agency with a fake ID.

Twenty minutes later, a truck was successfully driven away using the puppet.

He drove the car to a hidden place and hid the main body in the car first to prevent the main body and the puppet from being too far apart later and consuming a lot of murderous energy.

Then he returned to the driver's seat, withdrew money to buy a set of tools and piled them in the car.

After getting ready, the truck set off and drove all the way to Dusk Villa.

The vehicle passes through dense forests and old bridges.

Finally, through the branches and leaves that blocked the view, an old castle could be seen standing in the forest.

Jiang Xia looked at the tall castle from a distance, raised his hand to hold his bamboo hat, and a glimmer of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

When approaching the annex, Jiang Xia walked around the area first.

He was currently driving a puppet constructed by Miss Spider. Eight hooks protruded from the back, and the movement was light and silent, and the speed was very fast. It was more convenient than a truck in such a mountain with complex terrain.

After circling around, no one was found.

He then followed the wall to the door, reached in with his claws to pry open the door, and drove the truck in arrogantly.

On the way, Jiang Xia sensed it carefully and asked the ghosts to help find it.

But no traces of ghost fetuses or shikigami were found.

Although there seems to have been a massacre here more than forty years ago, the shikigami usually clings to his own body or the legs of the murderer. Now that the body has been taken away and disposed of, the murderer has left long ago. It seems that none of the shikigami can stay.

Moreover, according to the results of the investigation next to the annex just now, there are no ghosts here...

After failing to find the ghost, Jiang Xia had to regretfully return her sights to Huang Jin.

Most of the day later, it was dusk at the foot of the villa.

Jiang Xia carefully placed the last piece of gold dug out on the truck, looked at the fully loaded truck, and nodded secretly with satisfaction.

He didn't dig too much, he just pried a batch of gold from the humble corner room.

Although this precious metal is very heavy, Jiangxia now has many shikigami.

As the number of shikigami increases, the quality of the puppet clay gradually improves, and the puppet's strength also continues to increase. Nowadays, the power of the puppets has long exceeded the scope of ordinary humans. He easily carried it back and forth with the puppet, and soon piled all the pried gold onto the car.

After digging, Jiang Xia did not forget to clean up the dusty shell of the castle and restore it to its original state.

Finally, we drove away in a low-key manner before the sun went down.

I have to say that although money is useless, the act of mining itself gives people a sense of accomplishment.

Jiang Xia planned to launder this batch of gold from the boss's hometown into money, and then he would randomly create a puppet that could disguise himself as a human and try to buy the Dusk Villa.

If you are stressed out in the future, or are robbed of gin again, come over and dig in to cultivate your body and mind.

As far as Jiang Xia knows, the current owner of the Golden Villa, Dashang Zhushan, is now in poverty. A few years ago, Dashang Zhushan heard about the treasure and invested all his wealth in buying the Dusk Villa. , on the matter of finding treasure.

Dashang Zhushan is also a famous detective.

He originally thought that based on his reasoning ability, as long as he bought the annex, he would be able to capture the treasure... Who knows that there is a huge gap between ideal and reality. He has been searching for many years, but still has no clues, and the pressure on him is increasing.

Up to now, Dashang Zhushan has even come up with the idea of ​​"finding a few detectives and locking them in an annex. If they can't solve the mystery, kill them one by one, and use their lives to let them unleash their potential"... He is so poor To this extent, if someone is willing to bid for the castle at this time, Zhushan, the great leader, may agree to change hands and get a bunch of good-quality murderous aura.

If you don't want to, then you have to explore other uses.

——Instead of buying a villa, instead, after Zhu Shan, the superior, wanted to kill someone but was killed, he would first pick up the ghost he dropped, and then use some tricks to block the mechanism so that the gold in the castle could not be exposed for the time being.

After that, tell the gentleman the news about the Twilight Annex, or reveal it to Toru Amuro as appropriate, or do both at the same time, with each side changing their friendliness a little to make it easier for them to rub off on them in the future.

With so many detectives in the castle, there will still be murders. Even if Jiang Xia doesn't notify Toru Amuro, it's normal for the police to go to the Dusk Annex. Don't worry about the adult suspecting him of selling both sides of the story.

As for Tohru Amuro... The Twilight Annex was once the boss's property, and the organization's eyes and ears were all over the island country. It was no surprise that they knew everything. After the Twilight Annex case was exposed to the outside world, the boss suddenly had an idea and sent someone to find him. Here, the same is normal...

After the news of the sale is over, you can watch the show and open a market to see who will end up with this pile of gold.

After playing the miner game, Jiang Xia used a puppet to drive a fully loaded truck into the black market, found an institution he often visited that had a chain relationship with Tokyo, and dropped the gold and accounts.

After that, he threw the real body in a hidden place, returned the car, dispersed the puppets, and returned to the real body.

Then rushed back to Tokyo overnight.

At noon the next day, Jiang Xia returned to Mihua Town.

When he arrived near his home, he got out of the taxi, stepped on the snow, and turned into the street where his home was located.

Push open the courtyard door and walk to the door of your home.

Just as he was about to take the key to open the door, he suddenly heard a soft click from the next door.

Turning around, he saw that the door of Dr. A Li's house was pushed open, and two little heads poked out of the room - the wall between Jiang Xia and Dr. A Li's house. Unfortunately, when Dr. A Li was doing experiments last night, A gap was opened.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Jiang Xia through the gap, and then quickly glanced around.

Seeing that Jiang Xia looked healthy and had no problems, and there were no suspicious black Porsches around, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

——A few days ago, when I met Jiang Xia by chance in Tottori Prefecture and was reminded by Jiang Xia to wear more hats, cover up, and not to stay up late to avoid losing her hair..., Haihara Ai had a bad premonition and knew that there might be an organization nearby. member.

When she returned home yesterday, she was approached by Conan, who was absent-minded. The two had a brief exchange. Only then did Haibara Ai find out that Conan actually met Eka and Gin at the same time on the train to Tottori Prefecture.

...In other words, she probably passed by Gin without knowing it.

Hui Yuan Ai was frightened for a while.

At the same time, she discovered that this also meant that Jiang Xia was acting together with Gin Jiu again.

Although he knew Jiang Xia was a member of the organization, it was normal to stay with Ginjiu and others.

But after Haiyuan Ai returned home, she felt very uneasy when she thought of the terrible gin and looked at Jiang Xia's unlit house next door.

Therefore, yesterday and today, she spent less time in the laboratory. From time to time she would walk around the living room holding fashion magazines, and occasionally go to the kitchen and look into Jiang Xia's home.

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