Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 423: Looking at clues one after another (more updates on anti-theft)

Toru Amuro remembered that a few days ago, there was indeed a letter from Moon Shadow Island in the mailbox of the office.

He usually didn't have time to deal with the orders in the store, and since the recipient was Jiang Xia, he didn't open it and read it. Later, Jiang Xia asked him for leave on a business trip, and the place he was going to was also named. Amuro Toru had some impressions of Moon Shadow Island.

Combined with the news I had seen before, Jiang Xia's destination for this business trip happened to be Yueying Island, where a suspicious explosion with many casualties had just occurred.

——Gin went on a business trip to an unknown place, an explosion caused many casualties, and the explosion took place on Yueying Island. Jiang Xia also went on a business trip at the same time, but rarely solved the case at the destination...

Several key points were lined up in my mind, forming an intermittent line in an instant.

Although there was no evidence, Toru Amuro intuitively thought that among these seemingly coincidental things, there might be some connections that he had not yet discovered.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of asking the employees a few words. Even if the guess is wrong, it won’t delay anything...

With this in mind, Toru Amuro passed by the detective agency and remembered the incident on Moon Shadow Island, and sent a message to Jiang Xia asking him if he had finished his business trip. If you have returned to Tokyo, take the time to visit the detective agency.

——According to Toru Amuro's observation, although Jiang Xia solved two or three cases during his business trip, he did not appear to solve the case at his final destination, Moon Shadow Island.

Combined with Jiang Xia's past experience in solving crimes, this is abnormal.

And if the explosion on the island is really related to Gin, this anomaly will be explained - Jiang Xia may have been unlucky enough to collide with Gin, or even that "Uzo", and then be killed by these unreasonable organizational cadres Interfering with the commission.

...If this is the case, Toru Amuro felt that he might accidentally learn some information about "Usa" from Jiang Xia.

After sending the text message, Jiang Xia didn't reply after a few minutes.

As Tohru Amuro hurried on, he was distracted by his thoughts.

He suddenly thought that Vodka was a member of an established organization after all. Even if he was wary of certain behaviors of Uzo, such as attacking his teammates, Vodka shouldn't still instinctively feel nervous when mentioning Uzo after they were separated.

So, is there some possibility that Vodka reacted so strongly to the "new face" not just because he had heard rumors about Uzo's brutality, but also because of what he actually saw during this business trip?

...Thinking about the worst outcome, Wu Zuo would meet Jiang Xia on the way to Yueying Island. Wu Zuo, who was out of town, didn't know that Jiang Xia was a member of the organization. He was full of malice towards this high school detective who symbolized justice. In addition, Jiang Xia unintentionally interfered with the organization's mission, so Wu Zuo...

After that, vodka and gin also came to join them. Vodka was shocked by those unspeakable bloody scenes, and felt a little sad.

...And this conjecture seems to explain why Vodka's instinctive panic was quickly relieved - Jiang Xia, who was brutally murdered by Uzo, was just a peripheral member. Vodka himself is a precious organizational cadre. When Vodka thought that Uzo's cruelty would not be directed at him, he relaxed with some reliance.

...which is quite reasonable.

Amuro Toru frowned slightly when he thought of this, and looked at his cell phone, which still had not received a reply.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned on the screen and planned to call Jiang Xia to confirm his safety as soon as possible.

However, as soon as I opened the address book, an email suddenly popped up on the page.

From Jiangxia.

——He has returned to Tokyo. He said he was picking up the cat from a friend's house and would come to the office as soon as he got the cat.

Toru Amuro read the letter carefully and felt that from the tone to the content, it was very similar to what Jiang Xia would say.

Then he silently wiped the bloody conjecture from his mind, calmly turned the car around, and prepared to go to the detective agency.

There is too little known information now, so there is nothing wrong with bold assumptions and careful verification. It is difficult for a person who dares not to assume to become an excellent intelligence agent...

…It’s normal to guess wrong and there’s no shame in it.

In short, after some handover and some brainstorming.

This led to the scene in the office now.

In Amuro Detective Agency.

Jiang Xia was sitting on the sofa. Hearing Toru Amuro ask about things on Moon Shadow Island, he raised his head and glanced at him.

Then he showed a little embarrassed look.

He tightened his scarf and considered his words: "On my way to do the commission, I met Gin and Vodka. Then... when I was about to arrive at Moon Shadow Island, there was an explosion.

"Later, I infiltrated the police team and went to the island to have a look. I felt that the matter might be related to the organization, so I gave up the commission and returned."

As Toru Amuro listened, his eyes subconsciously fell on Jiang Xia's hand holding the scarf, feeling that something was wrong.

...By the way, Jiang Xia occasionally wore scarves before, but he usually took them off as soon as he entered the house. Why are you still here after so long today?

Toru Amuro picked up the remote control, turned on the air conditioning heater, and asked casually: "You are wearing so much, aren't you hot?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xia looked down at herself, unbuttoned her coat a little, and left the scarf untouched: "'s cold today."

Toru Amuro: "..." There is a problem.

He nodded calmly, pretending to agree with Jiang Xia's words.

Then he bent down and put the remote control back on the table. When he stood up, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the suspicious scarf.

After Jiang Xia was stunned for a moment, he came to his senses and grabbed Amuro Toru's wrist to "try to stop". At the same time, Amuro Toru had successfully grabbed the scarf and pulled it down hard.

The soft scarf was pulled down a lot, revealing a thick black punk-style necklace with a fancy silver pattern printed on it.

Toru Amuro: "...?"

He suddenly remembered that more than a month ago, he stayed up late on a mission and on his way back from guarding his target, he encountered Jiang Xia riding a motorcycle late at night.

At that time, Toru Amuro happened to be with some police subordinates. Since it was inconvenient for him to come forward, he wanted his subordinates to detain the person and give some ideological education to the underage detective who was speeding and covering the license plate... As a result, three modified cars were sent out. He couldn't catch up with any of them, and was crushed by Jiang Xia on the roof of the car.

...So now, when he saw this unique necklace, the first thing that flashed in Amuro Toru's mind was-Jiang Xia is no longer satisfied with secretly racing cars late at night, but even his clothes are moving closer to the direction of a bad boy. , began an all-round transformation?

...A belated rebellious period?

However, after staring at the necklace in surprise for a while, Toru Amuro gradually felt that this was not the case.

——When he came to the office today, it was not a surprise attack like checking the post, but he had already told Jiang Xia that he would come.

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