Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 429 The Correct Way to Remove Your Waistcoat

When she mentioned Kidd, Jiang Xia immediately thought of what she had heard about the Suzuki Museum of Art when she met Mao Lilan on the Beidou Star train a few days ago.

However, considering the season, it will still be some time before the museum opens.

So this time, Kidd did not go to Osaka for an event, but sent a warning letter to Tokyo about a gem called "Red Ghost".

Jiang Xia carefully recalled the key words, but didn't have much impression, so he realized with a little regret that there might be no ghosts to pick up in this incident.

However, no matter what, having an energy core is not a loss. It just so happened that he had nothing to do at night, so he could take the time to go over and check on the situation...

In the evening, Jiang Xia finished giving away the cat, locked the door of the office, and returned home.

The location Kidd predicted was not too far from his home. The puppet constructed by the foggy dog ​​moved very quickly.

Jiang Xia then finished her dinner, washed herself, fell on the bed as usual, and covered herself with the quilt.

Then he skillfully dropped the main body at home, allowing the shikigami and ghosts to pour out of the house.

The metaphysical materials were piled up in hidden corners, condensing into the shape of a foggy dog.

Jiang Xia first rummaged around to find the puppet tool bag that he usually kept, put it in his wide sleeves, and then took off in the night, heading straight for the target.

It happens to be a full moon today.

On the top of the Bincheng Museum, Kidd put away the cable and clung to the outside edge of the window sill of the building like a piece of light dust. He looked up at the huge moon with craters in the sky, feeling vaguely uneasy.

There is a secret room of phantom thieves hidden in Kid's home, which contains various equipment left by his father Kuroba Thief, as well as some teaching recordings.

Today, Kidd suddenly learned through the recording that in addition to magic, there is also unscientific magic in this world.

... His worldview was suddenly shattered, and he originally thought he would be surprised.

But no.

Later, when he saw the white suit in the secret room that symbolized the identity of the Phantom Thief, Kidd was silent for a moment and suddenly understood why he was so indifferent.

——What is magic? He has even seen real monsters, and has even been robbed face to face by Kiriten Dog many times. Now his acceptance of the world view has already broken through the limitations of science...

Kidd quickly put magic behind him and concentrated on preparing today's theft plan.

But now, after arriving at the building where the target gem is located.

I don't know why, Kidd suddenly felt uneasy again.

He looked around at the empty building, thinking that his uneasiness might be due to the police's anomaly - the Zhongsen Police Department did not bring a group of people to block him outside the building with much fanfare today... Could it be that the main trap was set in the exhibition hall? inside?

Kidd held on to the brim of his hat, carefully pried open the window, fell into the building, and followed the quiet corridor to the exhibition hall.

His figure disappeared behind the corner.

Another figure spiraled down from the sky and hovered next to the window that Kidd had pried open.

Jiang Xia observed the foggy dog's vest for a moment, folded its wings, and landed on the window sill.

He looked through the window at the place where Kidd disappeared, and then looked back at the empty night, slightly confused.

——There is a faint black thread spreading from a very far distance, one end is tied to Kidd, and the other end extends far away, with no end in sight.

Jiang Xia stared at the strange black line passing by the window for a while, carefully avoided it, pushed open the window, and fell into the building.

After standing firm, he walked a few steps along the black line in the direction of Kidd. He couldn't help but turn his head and looked at this ethereal line like smoke.

——It really looks like a lengthened murderous aura.

But apart from the appearance, judging from the taste and the energy contained, this is different from murderous aura.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Xia was still curious and tentatively raised his hand to touch it.

...It's a bit cool, feels very soft, and becomes very flexible after being tightened - the feel is also similar to Murderous Aura.

After a moment of pause, Jiang Xia tried to take out a sealed piece of ghost mint, opened it, put it next to the black thread and shook it.

The ethereal black line still flows quietly between Kidd and the unknown target, showing no signs of being absorbed by the ghost mint.

...It seems that it is really not murderous.

So what exactly is this?

Jiang Xia studied it for a while, but couldn't figure it out. So I gave up for the time being and decided to wait until Kidd got the gems and then follow the line to take a look depending on the situation.

...Speaking of which, although there is no detailed information about Kidd in his spoiler memory bank, he vaguely remembers that Kidd has a female classmate who can do magic.

This line may have been created by the witch.

I don't know what her purpose is...but for now, let's focus on grabbing Kidd's energy core. At least this is the harvest that can be seen before the eyes.

Jiang Xia put the ghost mint away again and followed the murderous black line towards where Kidd was.

"Dragon whiskers, fish tears, kappa's eyes, plus Kuroba Kaito's handkerchief... with such simple materials, the last man who refuses to bow under my skirt will disappear completely."

In the eerie castle, Koizumi Anko was wearing a soft robe, her red eyes reflected the palm-sized Kidd doll in front of her, and a piece of heart-shaped chocolate. She said in a lazy tone: "Although the result is satisfactory, this is useless. Difficult obedience is really boring.”

The burly servant, who was over one meter tall, held her wand and stood behind her to respectfully agree: "You are just getting back what you should have. This process is indeed difficult to produce fun."

Koizumi Hongzi raised her chin slightly, barely agreeing with the first half of the servant's words.

She put the magic chocolate next to her and played with the mini Kidd doll in her hand, preparing to wait until the dark clouds dispersed and the magic was at its peak to pull Kidd to the trap she had set.

——Koizumi Anko is the orthodox heir to Red Magic.

A while ago, she had nothing to do with her magic mirror and asked a question: Who is the most beautiful person in the world.

The magic mirror said in a respectful tone: The most beautiful person in the world is Miss Hongzi, and all men will become her captives...except Kaitou Kidd.

Koizumi Anko listened with a smile on her lips, and then smashed the mirror - she was very dissatisfied with the last "except".

Later, Koizumi Anko came to school on Valentine's Day and unexpectedly discovered that among a group of boys who were surrounding her and wanting chocolates, there was one person who was particularly special - Kuroba Kaito.

After Koizumi Hongzi was surprised, she made a simple inference in her mind:

It is known that except Kaitou Kidd, all men in the world will become her prisoners;

And it turns out that Kuroba Kaito can actually say "I don't want her chocolate"...

...There is only one truth, Kuroba Kaito is Kaitou Kidd!

After taking off Kidd's vest, Koizumi Anko decided to eliminate this unique exception.

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