Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 434 You are so slow

The magician would not target the identity of "Kaitou Kid" for the stolen treasure, and "Kuroba Kaito" is just an ordinary high school student, let alone make enemies with others.

In this case...

Kidd suddenly had a new conjecture, and his expression gradually became serious: "For those who study mysteries, monsters should be very precious materials, even raw materials... Maybe someone discovered the foggy dog ​​when I appeared before. Will appear around me, so you want to find the foggy dog ​​through me?"

After all, Kidd thought, in his entire life, he has only seen one monster, Kiritengu, and Kiritengu himself rarely appears in human society... Compared to "Phantom Thief Kidd" who seems to be only interested in worldly possessions, "The target of those mysterious magicians is more likely to be Wutian Dog.

" faster!" Kidd was mercilessly squeezing the old man who was over 60 years old, while taking out a piece of equipment like a mechanical cannon from the prop box, playing with it attentively, preparing to use technology to attack the possible unscrupulous gangsters. Magician.

Shinagawa District, nearly 100 meters above the city.

Crows gathered in crowds, and the ancient throne floated among them.

Koizumi Anko holds the cursed doll in her hand and sits on the throne. The gold jewelry with complex patterns on her body shone in the moonlight, and her posture was elegant and proud, like a queen who had everything under control.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is confusion in her eyes as she looks at the cursed doll, as if she has encountered some incomprehensible problems.

...According to Koizumi Anko's script, Kidd should have been dragged in front of her now and is struggling to beg for relief.

However, in practice, Koizumi Hongzi was surprised to find that her dragging progress was extremely slow.

Just now, she even increased her magic power several times, intending to speed up. However, for some reason, the magic power was lost and the progress of dragging became even slower. It gave people the feeling of grinding and wanting more.

... Something went wrong with the magic power?

...She has regressed?

Today is the full moon, so it stands to reason that the operation of magic should be smoother than she expected.

But now...

Koizumi Hongzi frowned slightly, thinking over and over again, but still couldn't come to a conclusion.

Therefore, after trying it several times, although she didn't understand the principle, she did not dare to input magic power rashly to accelerate the speed. She had to carefully maintain the most basic magic power output, be patient, and wait for the target to appear in front of her.

Time passes extremely slowly.

Koizumi Anko went from showing off her aura and dominating the city to secretly slumping down on the throne, and finally she was so sleepy that she covered her lips and yawned several times.

Just when she was counting the crows under her feet in boredom and began to secretly regret laying the trap so far away, a figure finally appeared in the distant night sky.

Koizumi Hongzi saw it with sharp eyes and became energetic.

She calmly straightened her collapsed back and assumed a queenly posture again.

Then he lowered his eyes and secretly looked at the city below.

Directly below her, at the intersection nearly a hundred meters in the air, there was a sophisticated and concealed magic circle.

That was Koizumi Hongzi’s core arrangement today.

——Those who step into it will be burned by a large amount of magic power and experience the severe pain of burning flames. The body will not be hurt, but the mind will feel like being pressed against a red-hot iron and rubbed repeatedly.

Koizumi Anko planned to pull the target ten meters away, then relax her control and let the target actively approach her in order to seek relief, and finally step into the magic circle... It didn't have any special meaning, mainly because she liked that kind of prey. The feeling of walking into a hunting net yourself.

Just as he was thinking about it, the prey in front of him was already approaching.

Koizumi Hongzi raised her chin arrogantly and looked at the person floating in front of her: "You're here, Ji..."


The person in front of her was not the white-robed thief she had imagined, but a strange man she had never seen before. The man was dressed in a simple and mythical kimono, with huge but not heavy wings waving behind his back. His eyes were also different from ordinary people. Not only was the color a rare dark gold, but upon closer inspection, they actually had vertical pupils.

Is this...a monster?

And judging from the shape, the pair of crow-like black wings look a bit like the legendary Tengu...

Koizumi Anko's words "Kid" got stuck in her throat, and she was confused for a moment.

She looked at Jiang Xia who was flying closer, then lowered her head subconsciously and looked at the mini Kidd doll in her hand: ...With Kuroba Kaito's handkerchief positioned, he shouldn't be pulling the wrong person.

Koizumi Anko's eyes calmly moved back and forth between the doll and the Kiritengu. She still maintained a mysterious and charming smile on her face, and her heart began to rattle with her customary reasoning.

...According to her previous divination, it was known that Kid = Kuroba Kaito. This is the conclusion reached before, and it should be correct.

In addition, when Rakid came over, she used the handkerchief she got from Kuroba Kaito during the day to locate it.

In other words, the monster in front of him who looks like a tengu is also equal to Kuroba Kaito.

So Kiritengu = Kuroba Kaito = Kidd?

Thinking of this, Koizumi Hongzi's eyes moved, and she suddenly made a bold guess.

...Could it be that the real bodies of Kaito Kuroba and Kidd are actually monsters? Kidd can usually disappear in front of many policemen as soon as he turns around, because he can instantly change from a striking white phantom thief to a black-toned monster. Tengu, and then successfully escaped into the night?

Koizumi Anko touched her small chin and felt a flash of lightning flash across her mind, feeling like "that's it" in her heart.

Jiang Xia flew in the direction of the magic power and saw a large gathering of crows in front of her. In the center of the crowd of crows stood a throne, on which sat a beautiful girl dressed in strange clothes.

...This should be the source of that energy core, Koizumi Anko.

Jiang Xia looked at her carefully and felt that although Koizumi Hongzi's expression did not change, after seeing him, her eyes seemed blank for a moment, and then she fell into thinking...

In short, she only looked a little confused, but she didn't react like she was surprised or annoyed that she had pulled the wrong person.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia glanced at the ethereal black thread that he had tied with countless knots and tied to his wrist, and was still struggling unwillingly.

When it was connected to Kidd just now, the interface was very smooth.

Unlike now, it looks unnatural no matter how you look at it.

However, as the person who created it, Koizumi Anko never glanced at this black line from beginning to end. Compared with this, her eyes stayed more on the wings and eyes of the foggy dog ​​puppet.

Since the black line was struggling so hard, Koizumi Anko's behavior didn't seem like she was deliberately ignoring it, but more like she really couldn't see the illusory black line.

...can make it, but can't see it?

Jiang Xia's heart moved. He remembered something and secretly poked the mermaid on his hand.

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