Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 448 Kidd was brutally captured (updates with monthly ticket)

The ugly servant is not liked by the witches because of his appearance, but he is very practical and reliable in his work.

In the afternoon, Minamoto Kurenai got into the servant's car and came to the castle where Koizumi Koko was staying.

During the previous phone call, she had already heard Koizumi Hongzi briefly talk about what happened before.

Now, Minamoto Kurenai inquired about the details again, especially the incident where Koizumi Anko was lifted up into the sky and thrown down by the Kiritengu. She tried to float but failed.

Then she rationally denied Koizumi Hongzi's speculation: "It has been passed down from generation to generation, and our magic has become perfect. It will not fail, and there will be no creatures that can feed on magic - otherwise, how could he be captured before?" You were stuck for so long.”

"But..." Koizumi Hongzi didn't have time to think about it at the time, but after she came back, the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

She even suspected that Kiriten Dog's weak and tangled look in the magic circle was actually an act of his - perhaps it was simply a measure taken by the cunning monster to deceive her into maintaining the magic circle so as to drain away her magic power.

Minamoto Kurenai interrupted her niece in a gentle tone:

"Mental state has a great influence on magic. You were too nervous and too excited at the time.

"And that night was a full moon. For us, the full moon is actually a double-edged sword - it can indeed bring us strength and increase our magic power, but at the same time it can also bring some magic power that does not belong to us, making the power less powerful. Stable again.

"Magic requires precise operation. Whether it is mixed with impurities or improper amounts, it will affect the final effect... Alas, if I were here, I would prevent you from choosing that day to plan."

After saying that, Minamoto Hongna thought for a while and then corrected in a deep voice:

“No, even if it’s not that day——

"Love chocolate is a forbidden art for us... After this matter is resolved, remember to write a 10,000-word review and submit it to the Magicians Association."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

She had been piling up her homework for the past few days, and now she suddenly had another review, and a vein suddenly popped out of her forehead.

She argued unconvincingly: "Those powerful magics that can easily take away people's lives are not forbidden magic. Why should we ban a piece of chocolate? It will only change the thinking of the user in some way."

Minamoto Hongna shook her head and showed a meaningful smile, her delicate face half-dark under the gloomy light of the castle: "Silly boy, the destructive power of dividing forbidden arts is not aimed at others, but at ourselves - —”

"Powerful magic can hurt others, but it can protect ourselves, so it is not a forbidden magic.

"But love chocolate is different - you should have realized it. Everyone, well... every creature thinks differently and expresses it in various ways. Not everyone will fall in love with you as you expect. After you, I will do my best and bow to you.

"On the contrary, that kind of chocolate may breed a group of crazy people who are crazy about getting close to us.

"Even if they are just weak ordinary people without magic, when they want to achieve something and get something by any means, they may cause huge trouble... In short, similar magic should not be used in the future."

Koizumi Anko nodded hesitantly.

...What Aunt Hong Nai said seems to make sense.

Before Minamoto Kurenai came here, Koizumi Anko was still thinking that Kiritengu might have eaten the magic power inside when eating chocolate, which caused the magic to fail. Kiritengu not only ignored her orders easily, but also She took it to the sky and tossed it around.

But now it seems...

Perhaps it was actually what she thought at the beginning - the love magic did indeed work on Wutian Dog, and she was tragically thrown into the air just because Wutian Dog understood love differently than ordinary people.

...just how "different" is it?

It's not so strange that you want to eat your lover into your stomach...

Koizumi Hongzi shuddered silently when she thought of the legend about Kiriten dogs eating people.

The "love" she wants is to have that monster kneel at her feet and obey her words, instead of disembowelling her and turning her into a snack...

Minamoto Hongna noticed her subtle fear and smiled gracefully:

"Don't worry. I will help you solve this matter - I just happen to be a little curious about that monster."


Koizumi Anko fell into silence.

...I'm afraid, but maybe there is really a suspension bridge effect causing trouble. When I heard that Aunt Kurenai planned to capture the Kiriten Dog, her first reaction was "I want to come here and raise him."

...Forget it, it's too early to think about this now.

Let's wait until we catch that monster. She didn't know why, but she always felt that things might not go so smoothly...

With this thought in mind, Koizumi Anko stood aside and watched anxiously as Minamoto Kurenai raised her wand and started divination.

From Minamoto Kurenai's point of view, since her niece had contact with the monster and was thrown around by it for a period of time, it might be possible to divine the location of the Kiritengu from Koizumi Anko through these connections. .

However, after she finished reciting a long series of spells, what awaited her was a aimless wand that fell to the ground.

——In the best case, this wand can even fly all the way to the target.

However, this time, it didn't even leave any hints about finding the foggy dog.

Minamoto Kurenai frowned at the wand and raised her hand to call it back.

After thinking for a moment, she changed her approach.

"Go find that classmate of yours - I think his name is Kuroba Kaito?"

Minamoto Kurenai rubbed her wand with her long nails dyed bright red, and said in deep thought:

"The fact that you were able to use his handkerchief to attract the Kiriten Dog is definitely not a coincidence. There can be no connection between them - maybe even your classmate is actually a person transformed from a monster."

After school, Kidd planned to go to Terai Hinosuke's place to sit for a while and then go home.

As a result, halfway through, I met Koizumi Hongzi in an alley.

——The witch who had missed classes for a few days had cold eyes and held a strange ball in her hand, which was full of bad intentions.

It seems that the current magic power is not enough for her to maintain the witch form. Koizumi Hongzi was wearing just an ordinary skirt.

As soon as the two sides looked at each other, Koizumi Anko suddenly threw the thing in her hand over without saying a word.

The ball instantly expanded into a large, sticky net and enveloped Kidd.

Kidd was already secretly alert when the witch appeared.

At this time, Koizumi Hongzi suddenly made a change. He immediately pulled the fishing line he had just arranged in advance and pulled himself to the branch next to him.

The fishing line moved him diagonally upward, avoiding the strange big net. Kidd stretched out his hand to support the tree trunk and landed on the ground with a graceful somersault.

...Then he stepped into a magic circle full of magic power.


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