Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 454 Monsters are all liars (more updates with monthly tickets)

While holding the person down, the shikigami in Jiang Xia's seals swarmed out, swallowing up the nearby "Kid" like a white tide, and began to suck away the layer of camouflage magic that wrapped her.

The shikigami briefly blocked Jiang Xia's sight, and he still couldn't see clearly who the person in front of him was.

But when he was holding the person down, he heard a scream from his subordinates, and it was Koizumi Hongzi's voice.

And as the magic power was quickly taken away by the shikigami, Koizumi Anko's face was indeed revealed under the entangled magic power.

...It's really her.

However, I always felt that Koizumi Hongzi's magic power today was slightly different from the last time... While Jiang Xia was absorbing magic power, she couldn't help but suspect that the chef had been changed.

Just now, Koizumi Hongzi was about to look back and take a peek, like a fleeing prey who couldn't help but confirm the distance of the hunter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he was held down by a hand, and his eyes were shrouded in dark shadows.

She closed her eyes subconsciously and was pushed against the wall by inertia, her mind going blank for a moment. When he came back to his senses, his field of vision was already occupied by the dark wings spread out in front of him, and there was nowhere to escape.

Fear, nervousness, fear, heartbeat... all kinds of strong emotions were intertwined, pushing Koizumi Anko's heart rate to the peak in an instant, and her pale cheeks also had a blush - by now, Koizumi Anko could no longer tell the difference. She didn't know what kind of emotion made her heart beat so fast. This feeling of being passive towards others made her heart beat faster, which made her almost doubt that the one who ate the love chocolate that night was not Kiriten Dog but herself.

...Although Koizumi Hongzi was nervous when she was sent out by her aunt as bait, she never expected that things would turn out like this.

——Because Minamoto Kurenai said that the magic circle to be used today is the most powerful imprisonment in all records, and it will definitely be able to trap the Kiriten Dog. Even if she couldn't be trapped for too long, it would at least be longer than the magic circle Koizumi Anko made a few days ago, which was enough for her as a decoy to leave safely.

However, just now, when Koizumi Anko looked back and took a peek, she saw Kiritengu turning a blind eye to the "strongest" magic circle.

She realized belatedly that this so-called "strongest formation" was not as good as the one she had arranged the night before... Was she tricked by that lawless aunt? ?

...Having said that, at this moment, looking at the Kiritengu in front of her, Koizumi Anko was surprised to find that she didn't regret it in her heart.

——After all, it was precisely because of that deceitful aunt that she was able to see this mysterious and heart-racing monster at close range again after so many days.

So close, right in front of her...

Koizumi Hongzi looked up at those dark golden eyes, and suddenly her mind went blank and she gave up.

She grabbed Wutian Dog by the collar, gritted her teeth and asked the question that had made her think about her all the time and toss and turn in the past few days:

"You, you threw me in the sky before, and you chased me here just now, was it because the chocolate worked and you fell in love with me, or were you just trying to trick my magic power?!"

Jiang Xia: "...?"

The wings behind his back moved silently... This witch seemed not as stupid as she looked. He actually thought of the truth so quickly.


Jiang Xia's eyes moved slightly and glanced at the shikigami who had absorbed the energy core and were returning to the seals one after another.

Although the shikigami move slowly, they are numerous. In such a short time, the layer of magic power on Koizumi Anko that allowed her to disguise herself as "Kid" had completely disappeared.

After that, although Koizumi Hongzi was emotional, there was no sign of magic power leaking out... It could be seen that it was not like she was deliberately restraining her magic power, but that it had indeed been drained out, and there was really no extra magic power left. .

In other words, the recovery of magic power does not seem to be as rapid as Jiang Xia expected.

...Then here comes the problem.

——Where did that burst of solid magic power come from?

Jiang Xia thought of the unusual theft notice letter and suddenly made a guess.

He looked at Koizumi Hongzi: "Where are you Kidd?"

...Kid and Conan are almost the same. They are both biological sons of this world. It is normal to have a magical talent.

Based on the previous events, Jiang Xia initially suspected that Koizumi Hongzi used Kidd as a magic battery in some way, and just squeezed Kidd's magic power to cast a spell.

...In this case, it is better for him to deal with the witch, and Kidd directly gives him the magic power, so that there is no middleman to make the difference, and he can get it from both ends.

Koizumi Hongzi is still anxiously waiting for the answer to "love or magic".

At this time, when she heard that Kiritengu didn't answer, but instead asked about his fellow thief, her face suddenly darkened. For a moment, she had the feeling of counting the petals in her mind, one that loved her and one that didn't love her. Finally, the last one reached "I don't love her." Her" sense of sadness.

...The chocolate probably really didn't work. Otherwise, why would Wutian Dog suddenly ask about others at such a heart-pounding time?

Koizumi Hongzi thought of this, and then recalled the scene a few nights ago, when she thought Kiriten Dog had become her prisoner, and proudly ordered Kiriten Dog to catch someone. She couldn't help but feel a sense of shame in her heart, and then turned to anger.

...If you can't get his heart, then at least get the monster himself first!

Koizumi Anko took a deep breath: "If you come back with me, I will let go of your fellow Phantom Thief...?!"

Wutian Gou suddenly pushed her.

Koizumi Hongzi's feet stumbled and she stumbled to the side. A strong wind blew around her, and the foggy dog ​​flapped its wings and rose straight into the sky.

Almost at the same time, a large-caliber sniper rifle grazed the side of Jiang Xia's leg, knocking off a few pieces of clothing and spinning them into the wall of a tower on one side.

A huge deep hole was dug into the solid concrete wall, and several pieces of gravel fell out, falling on Koizumi Hongzi's skirt.

Koizumi Hongzi looked at this scene blankly. After a few seconds, her expression gradually turned to horror. What is her aunt doing? ! This...this is different from the plan we discussed before!

Jiang Xia continued to rise, changing direction once on the way and dodging another bullet that followed.

He glanced down at the collapsed wall below, and then at Koizumi Anko, who was still sitting in a daze. Discovering that the witch who had been nourished and could extract magic power was still alive, she looked away with relief and turned to look in the direction of the bullet.

Neither he nor the ghost felt any murderous intent there, nor did they detect any magic power.

...a worker sniper targeting Kidd?

Or was it the helper brought in by Koizumi Hongzi?

Jiang Xia thought of the bullet that had just gone on a rampage without deliberately avoiding Koizumi Hongzi, and felt that no matter what the situation was, there was little point in taking Koizumi Hongzi away as a hostage.

So he didn't go back to hug anyone, but flew towards the direction where the bullets came from, trying to see who was secretly firing the gun.

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